Gemini is a mutable, or adaptable Air sign. Air represents our thoughts, ideas and ways of communicating. Mutable signs are flexible, quick and actually thrive on change! Mutable signs see that there are infinite varying perspectives, and this can sometimes lead to indecision and a restless, seeking nature. So don’t be surprised if impatience is something arising within you around this lunation. Gemini energy can also have us overthinking every small detail while being distracted by all the shiny things. Do your best to stay aware of how your fast-paced thoughts are influencing your emotions with this new Moon. During the Gemini New Moon we are guided to change our thoughts, and welcome in new, supportive perspectives and beliefs.
Read MoreThe Sagittarius full Moon reminds us to not sweat the small stuff and to keep the bigger picture in mind. This is a welcome sentiment while the Sun is still in Gemini, because while Gemini is also curious and bold, Gemini’s energy can influence us to overthink every detail, and doubt ourselves too. The Sagittatius full Moon wants us to dream bigger in our own lives, through celebrating how far we’ve already come.
Read MoreThe energies of Taurus also make this particular new Moon a powerful time for manifestation and setting new intentions. Taurus is all about making our desires physical and tangible
Read MoreAlong with being in our bodies, and truly feeling our feels, this full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio wants us to release anything -habits, thoughts, beliefs, situations and even people - that’s causing us unnecessary stress, drama and disconnection from our authenticity.
Forgiveness is one of the most powerful forms of energetic and emotional release there is.
Read MoreWe’re back in Eclipse season and back with another new Moon in Aries. following last month’s new Moon also in Aries (on March 21st). This makes this particlar new Moon a rare event and a pretty big deal.
These repeating new Moons point to a focus on Aries themes. Themes around courage, confidence and taking action, along with themes around balancing our inner flame by avoiding impassioned anger, impulsivity and too much egoism .
Read MoreDuring this lunation there is some push and pull between the Sun in fiery Aries, with a focus more on “me”, and the Moon in peace loving Libra, with a focus more on “we”. The Sun in Aries has prioritizing ourselves, while this Libra full Moon has us proiritizing others.
Read MoreThankfully this new Moon in Aries is inviting all of us, messy emotions, complexities, wounds and all, to believe in ourselves and our dreams for a brighter future!
Read MoreVirgo, the most adaptable of the Earth signs, is grounded, practical, organized and service-oriented. Virgo also rules health and stress, so this full Moon will likely bring attention to the daily routines and patterns that are impacting our health and stress levels on the personal and collective levels.
Read MorePisces is the most mystical sign of the Zodiac, ruling the realms of our dreams, imagination and intuition. Nurturing and accepting, Pisces also influences us to discover how to accept, nurture and fully love ourselves. Pisces can also be avoidant - prefering to escape into fantasy or hidden places deep inside.
Read MoreLike the lion they’re represented by, Leo is courageous, powerful, passionate and not scared of being seen. A natural leader, Leo is also determined & discerning, intuitively knowing when to exert energy and when to conserve it. Ruled by the heart, Leo is also known for following their heart’s desires in order to live life shining their brightest. This Leo full Moon is an action orientated lunation - enhancing our willingness to show up and shine bright. This is a great Moon for making Moon water and charging crystals, and for treating yourself too!
Read More“Be aware of your thoughts,” Aquarius reminds us. Are they affirming or denying you? Do they inspire and motivate? Or are they criticizing and demeaning you? And can you remember the power you hold to cultivate thoughts that empower you and keep you growing?
Aquarius calls attention to the influence our thoughts hold on all we see, feel, comprehend and co-create, for ourselves, our community and the greater world at large.
Read MoreThe Cancer full Moon illuminates our feelings, our memories, our dreams and our frustrations, so that we enter this new phase feeling connected to our authentic motivations, while also recognizing that self-love is our safe space.
Read MoreYou may want to set your intentions before New Years this year, because this new Moon in Capricorn is a powerful one for harnessing and manifesting your dreams!
Capricorn is the Boss sign of the Zodiac. Grounded yet driven, Capricorn is motivated by success, autonomy and discipline. Capricorn is also pragmatic and fair, often investing deeply in issues around social justice and equity…
Read MoreUse the Gemini Full Moon’s influence to help let go of any old energies from 2022 that are no longer serving , such as dissapointment, frustration, impatience, etc…
Read MoreWhat lights you up from the inside out and how can you share that light with the world? - Leo asks of us. Energetic boundaries can help us stay centered in our light so that we can shine it into the dark without getting lost in it ourselves. If you want to enhance your energetic boundaries, look no further than wonderfully supportive Yarrow
Read MoreOn a personal level, Full Moons often influence more intense emotions, helping us process and release emotions that want to be moved though us. This Capricorn full Moon may have you particularly emotionally focused on your sense of success and achievement especially related to your career and accomplishments. If you are feeling that yearning in your heart, to be someplace where you are not yet, please remember how far you've already come.
An energy practice for releasing mind-made emotions and connecting with embodied authentic emotions.
Read MoreCreating magical moon water with the energies of the Leo Full Moon.
Read MoreCreating a luxurious body scrub using the magic of honey, sea salt and dried botanicals to increase self-love and prepare for new beginnings.
Read MoreMore about Mint and creating cooling Mint recipes this summer!
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