Full Moon In Virgo
grounded in our spiritual wellness
Virgo Full Moon
March 7th, 2023
4:40 am (pst)
Hey there friends,
Do you have any practices that calm your nervous system?
If so, great, because right now is an opportune time to double down on, or cultivate, these stress reducing practices, as we head into the most energetically charged month of the year, March.
Read below for more on the Astrology of March and for a nervous system calming Somatic Full Moon Ritual. Also you can join me on Instagram Live, on Tuesday March 7th, for more on this full Moon and the Astrology of March with astrologer Kristalyn Vetovich.
Thankfully, the full Moon in Virgo is helping us out by reminding us to rely on our emotional (and spiritual) tools. This Virgo full Moon illuminates our need for spiritual and stress-reducing practices. The Moon reminds us that we need these practices to hold steady our focus in creating the world of our dreams, both personally and collectively.
Virgo, the most adaptable of the Earth signs, is grounded, practical, organized and service-oriented. Virgo also rules health and stress, so this full Moon will likely bring attention to the daily routines and patterns that are impacting our health and stress levels on the personal and collective levels. I believe this lunation will even further illuminate for us how the health of Earth and humanity are inextricably connected, especially as we continue to see and feel the impacts from human-caused environmental damage. With the influence of Pisces, this Virgo full Moon also reminds us that our spiritual and physical health are inextricably connected, as well.
If Virgo is our day-to-day life and sense of order, Pisces is our dream world, our sense of magic, mysticism and connection to all things spiritual. Virgo represents how we care for our physical health, while Pisces reminds us to care for our spiritual health too. So this full Moon is a beautiful time to ask ourselves what habits, patterns and practices are helping us maintain a sense of safety and love within, and which ones might be keeping us from achieving that inner resourcing. By illuminating the practices that do truly calm and center us, we can graciously begin to remove the un-beneficial practices and replace them with self-care and self-love practices that anchor and uplift us in chaotic times.
During this full Moon, we may feel as if we’re being pulled in two directions. On one hand there’s our physical life, needs and responsibilities, you know like taxes. On the other hand there’s our spiritual consciousness and our desire to live more magically (ugh, taxes?!). Yet as human’s living on this physical Earth, our challenge is always to merge these two sides, the practical and impractical, mundane and inspiring, “real” and mystical. Thankfully the energies of this full Moon are great for getting projects done, meaning it’s actually a really magical time to do your taxes! This Virgo Moon is also inspiring organizing and long term planning especially when related to your spiritual connection and deepest dreams.
So to sum it up, this is a wonderful Moon for completing projects, especially those ones that are just hanging over your head making you feel stressed! She also inspires us to look at what’s causing us stress, double down on our self-care practices that actually calm the nervous system and identify ways to create healthier habits and routines. This Virgo full Moon, like the last New Moon in Pisces, also reminds us to integrate our spiritual life into our physical life.
All of which will be important as we head into March.
So I am not an Astrologer, by any means, but I do love learning about Astrology, and because I love working with the energies of the Moon, I’m especially interested in any big transits on or near the new and full moons.
And thankfully we have a really big and exciting transit happening on the same day as this Virgo full Moon and that is that the planet of “adulting”, challenges, boundaries and restrictions, Saturn, is moving into Pisces, where he will stay for the next two and a half years. For the last three years Saturn has been in Aquarius, and I think it’s safe to say there has been a big focus these last three years on restrictions and challenges. Now with Saturn moving into the emotional, deep and intuitive sign of Pisces, we can expect to feel a BIG shift in energy, both personally and collectively.
With the move into Pisces, they’ll be a more collective shift into connecting with and understanding our deepest selves (subconscious) and prioritizing emotional intelligence and nervous system regulation. For a somatic nervous system regulating practice, see the ritual below!
It is likely to be a time of spiritual reevaluation for many. The shadow side of Saturn in Pisces is that we can allow our boundaries to soften too much and fall prey to “group think” especially when swept up in an emotional connection, or escapism too. So checking in with your own inner discernment and critical thinking skills is always a good idea! Saturn will remain in Pisces until February of 2026.
There are some other big transits happening in March causing such a big transformation of energy. If you want to learn more these transits, check out my upcoming Instagram Live with Astrologer & Author Kristalyn Vetovich on Tuesday 3.7.23 at 11:30 am (pst).
with infinite appreciation,
journal prompts:
virgo full moon
What are some practices, habits and rituals that really calm my nervous system and help me restore a sense of calm presence within me?
List them out:
What are some practices, habits and rituals that are creating a sense of unsafety and stress within me?
List them out:
What are some ways I can replace my calming practices for the stressful ones?
List out the way.
What areas of my life need more magic? More expansive and joyful energy?
What areas of my life need more structure and grounding?
How can I combine the structure with the magic ?
Virgo Full Moon Ritual
Finding your inner balance is all about becoming friends with your own nervous system, friends! Our nervous system is literally our bodies control center. It governs our behaviors and our actions and many may be familiar with our nervous system responses like fight or flight, freeze or fawn. (But that’s for another post.)
Over the last few months I’ve been in this group coaching program called Soma School, put on my friend and Somatic Healer/Coach, Veronica from Waking Womb.
This program was illuminating and so expansive as it helped me connect more deeply with the wisdom, safety and messages from my own body. The ritual I share below is a somatic practice that Veronica taught to us called “Orienting”. Don’t be fooled by it’s simplicity, the feelings of deep anchoring into subtle pleasure this practice creates, are more powerful than my words can share!
What You Need:
a quiet and comfortable place to be, where you won’t be interrupted for about 15-20 minutes.
Your Beingness/Presence
What you Do:
Start by finding nice place to be. Sit, lay down or stand, whatever feels best to you.
Start off by orienting to your sense of sight. Without moving much, look around you. What do you see that is bringing you a sense of appreciation or joy? What around you is calling your visual interest? Can you find something to look at that makes you feel good?
Next orient to your sense of hearing. What do you hear around you? What can you hear really close to you? What can you hear that is further away? Can you orient to a sound that is bringing you a felt sense of pleasure?
Next to touch. Can you feel your body being held by the chair, bed, floor, Earth? Can you feel the sensation of your clothes on your skin, or your hand stroking another object? Can you focus in on a felt sense of pleasure just from being fully present in your body?
Focus on one of these sensations that brings the most pleasure to you - sight, sound or touch. Breathe into this focus, breathe into a felt sense of pleasure within you. Stay with this feeling. Where do you feel the pleasure in your body? Is there a temperature or a texture or color to this feeling? Does this pleasure want you to move in any kind of way?
Slowly bring in a little sense of stress, or upset within you. Where in your body do you feel this dis-pleasure? Is there a texture, color, temperature to that feeling of dis-pleasure?
Ask that energy of displeasure, how it wants to be moved, what it needs, and wait to see what kind of response you receive. If possible move your body in that way, if not possible where you are, take note of that movement so you can complete it later.
Now orient back to the feeling of pleasure and security within you, either through sight, sound or sensation. Notice how you can hold the knowledge of the dis-pleasure, yet still find safety and pleasure within your body.
Thank your body for holding you with infinite unconditional love, thank yourself for taking the time to conduct this ritual, thank the Moon for her influence and add any other gratitudes that feel resonant for you.
I hope you a found this practice and ritual as liberating as I did when Veronica taught it to me! You can learn more about Veronica and her Somatic healing sessions at waking-womb.com.
Are you enjoying these rituals? Please share in the comments below!
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we the people hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Here are some great places to get involved with or support:
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
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