New Moon in Aries & Spring Equinox
a fire that helps things grow
Aries New Moon
March 21st, 2023
10:23 am (pst)
Hey there friends,
You know that saying about March? The one that says that if March comes in like a lion (wintery and stormy), it will go out a like a lamb (gentle and Spring like).
But is the opposite also true? If the energies of March come in like a lamb, will they go out like a lion?
Because that is certainly what the Astrology is sharing and what the energies are currently feeling like too.
There is a lot going on here on Earth and up in the Cosmos right now, and we’ve probably been feeling all kinds of ways as we navigate the waves of shifting energies we’ve been experiencing throughout March.
Thankfully this new Moon in Aries is inviting all of us, messy emotions, complexities, wounds and all, to believe in ourselves and our dreams for a brighter future!
It’s go time, according to the Zodiac calendar and Nature too! While most of the world observes the new year on January 1st, it’s the Equinox* and the start of Aries season, that marks the beginning of the new year according to the Zodiac.
So if you didn’t feel any motivation for new years intentions or goals in January, you may find your inner fire lit now!
Aries, as the first Fire sign in the Zodiac, represents a fire that illuminates and helps things grow.
Aries season begins around the potently magical time of an Equinox* - the day when there is almost exactly the same amount of sunlight and darkness on each side of the Earth. *(Spring Equinox for us on the Northern Hemisphere, and Autumn Equinox for those on the Southern Hemisphere)
The Spring Equinox here on the Northern Hemisphere also represents a time of rebirth, as life begins to emerge once again from the cold slumber of winter. This year that all happens on March 20th, one day before the Moon joins the Sun in Aries.
As the cardinal Fire sign, Aries is a visionary and an instigator.
Combined with the energies of the Equinox, this Aries new Moon reminds us that both the darkness and heaviness of the soil, and the light and brightness of the Sun, are necessary ingredients for growth & creation.
This light and dark energy, both equally valuable and needed for creation, is the Yin and Yang spoken of in Taoism.
Most seeds need darkness to germinate while seedlings need light to grow. Equinoxes are always powerful reminders of the truth that darkness and light are both integral for life’s growth, and that it is a human misconception that equates darkness as “bad” and lightness as “good”.
Just like a seed turning into a plant, it is as much a part of the human experience to spend time buried in the darkness as it is to be basking in the light.
When/if we experience those denser/darker energies it doesn’t make us any less whole or any less deserving of love, purpose or living the life of our dreams.
In fact the Moon is always reminding us of her wholeness and our wholeness too. Despite how she may appear to us here on Earth, the Moon is always whole as she orbits around us. It it only our perception of her that changes as Earth and Moon dance together around the Sun.
The new Moon in Aries has firestarter energy, energy motivating us to boldly go after our dreams, even if we don’t yet know how to attain them or if we’re capable in the first place!
As the first sign of the Zodiac this new Moon is even more indicative of the new beginnings available to us. The new beginnings felt even more tangibly now, as we also feel the birthing of Spring around us.
Believe it or not, this is our first of two Aries new Moon’s in a row!
This Aries new Moon is also the last new Moon we have before the start of Eclipse season (yup, that’s coming back next month with the Aries new Moon Eclipse on April 19th - 20th).
This makes this particular new Moon an even more powerful lunation for planting seeds and working our manifestation magic! This new Moon invites us to play our hand and show up for ourselves and our dreams. While the next Aries new Moon in Eclipse season is the Universe playing their hand, giving us a chance to reflect on what we’re setting into motion right now.
(This is a great new Moon for manifestation magic rituals, like the ones I share in my book - Everyday Plant Magic- and in my social media, like: botanical candles and manifestation spell jars.)
“Despite the realities of the world around you, there is nothing truly to fear,” the Aries new Moon reminds us. “Ignite your flame and move forward now with courage and faith that the world of your dreams is possible.”
Aries and Fire energy is fast moving and spontaneous, maybe even a little implusive and reactionary at times. So remember your calming and centering practices, take deep breaths, ground into Earth and focus on creating calm within you, before reacting and especially before conducting any Moon rituals. (Check out the Full Moon Nervous System Calming Ritual from the last Moon letter for a practical way to find your inner calm.)
journal prompts & manifestation ritual:
Aries new moon
Take some time to “script out” your dream life.
How would your home look and feel? What about your relationships? What’s your ideal career life? What do you do for fun? How do you feel about and treat yourself? etc.
Now review what your wrote and get clear on the feelings you want to feel in each area of this dream life you just described.
Script your dream life again but this time keep it short and sweet and focus only on your feelings.
For example, if your original script said something like “I am earning enough wealth to support my family, give and play generously and still have loads in the bank” you can change it to something more like: “I am free, playful, generous, receptive, magnetic and abundant AF!”
There is a ton happening Astrologically around this Aries new Moon (and all of March really), but I’m just going to focus on one major transit we’re already feeling, Pluto’s brief jaunt into Aquarius!
On March 23rd (just two days after the Aries new Moon) Pluto will leave the sign of Capricorn, where he’s been since 2008, to spend a little bit of time in Aquarius. This is actually just a preview event, because Pluto will only stay in Aquarius for a few months before returning to Capricorn again. Pluto will bounce around a bit until November 2024, when Pluto again moves into Aquarius but this time to stay for like two decades (hmmmm… I wonder what else of importance might be happening in November of 2024 here in the USA…)
In Astrology, Pluto is known as the “Lord of the Underworld” because he rules the realms of death and rebirth, and the shadowy aspects of our unconscious. On a personal level, Pluto relates to our relationships with power, sex, money and death. Pluto represents transformation and reinvention.
Since 2008, Pluto has been in the work and systems-loving sign of Capricorn. In that period of time, we’ve seen two major financial crashes, hyper political polarization, rise of social media and social justice issues and a freaking worldwide pandemic! I’d say our systems have definitely been attempting to “die” and been reborn, yet we keep coming back to the solutions born from the same old thought patterns that brought us into many of these messes to begin with.
Yet, with Pluto moving into Aquarius, even for just a brief visit before the big move in 2024, we are reminded that new solutions, new opportunities and new ways of living are totally available to us! Unlike Earthy Capricorn, airy Aquarius isn’t tethered by reality, but instead remains open to innovative solutions with the greatest collective good in mind. And oh my goodness, is that so needed on the planet right now.
To work with the energies of this big deal Pluto transit ask yourself:
*Since 2008, how have I transformed?
*What parts/aspects of me died over these last 14 years, and what was reborn in their place?
*What is the world I dream of living in? What does it value? How do I feel as a member of this transformed society?
*How can I share my essence and my gifts in a way that will help that new world come into existence?
We’re living through highly charged and transformative times friends, so if you’ve been feeling any kind of heaviness, sadness, anger or utter confusion, please know you’re not alone and you’re not a burden either.
Spring Equinox and Aries New Moon are here to remind you that you are a powerful & magical, co-creator, and that all of you is welcomed, valued, needed and loved. Pluto’s little journey into Aquarius also reminds us that we have the power to change, transform and be reborn, time and time again.
Despite any difficulties we may be experiencing as we live through these times of change, please know that I am so happy, excited and honored to be here with you now.
with infinite love & appreciation,
do you want to help?
I’m not going to lie, these last few weeks have been very disheartening when it comes to the rights of people and the planet.
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
To speak out against the ill-advised approval of the Willow Project - allowing for oil & gas drilling in an Arctic Nature Reserve - please visit the Stop Willow Project.
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
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