Full Moon in Libra
balancing me with we
Libra Full Moon
April 5th, 2023
9:34 Pm (pst)
Hey there friends,
If you’re finding yourself focusing on your relationships right now, and how you’re showing up within them… congratulations, you’re aligned with the energies of the Libra Full Moon.
During this lunation, there is some push and pull between the Sun in fiery Aries, with a focus more on “me,” and the Moon in peace loving Libra, with a focus more on “we.” The Sun in Aries has prioritizing ourselves, while this Libra full Moon has us prioritizing others.
Libra, represented by the scales, is all about balance, fairness, justice, peace and caring about others. As an Air sign, Libra also has a large influence over our mindset and thought patterns.
This Libra full Moon, may find us dealing with balancing our own needs with the needs of someone important to us. We may find ourselves grappling between our desires for independence and partnership all at once. With Libra’s influence of kindness and fairness, there’s a good chance this full Moon can illuminate for us a solution that benefits both desires.
The Libra full Moon also illuminates how our relationships are impacting us, along with our role within our relationships. Epiphanies around our independence, interdependence, and codependence are available around this lunation, highlighting our true need and desire for others, along with the wounds that relationships can create.
This relationship oriented full Moon, is a wonderful time for releasing heaviness and drama from our relationships. One way to do this is to focus on forgiveness. Forgiving those that have caused us harm, and forgiving ourselves too, for the harm we may have caused. When we forgive we actually free ourselves from chords of resentment, blame and shame.
Another way to release old, dense energies caused by relationships, is through some energetic cord cutting, which I share in the Ritual at the bottom of the page.
To use the illuminating energies of this full Moon for your relational health, check out the journal prompts below.
journal prompts for
libra fullmoon
Take inventory of some of the most important relationships in your life, then reflect on the following questions:
Which relationships make you feel most connected, supported and supportive too?
Which relationships make you feel the most disconnected, or like you’re shrinking yourself?
Which relationships would benefit from your forgiveness?
Which relationships would benefit from your forgiving yourself?
Are there any relationships that you would benefit from releasing right now?
What do you need to release within you to feel more present and connected in your significant relationships?
Speaking of relationships, there are some interesting relationships between this Libra Full Moon and the planet of luck, success and generosity, Jupiter, along with the comet Chiron, who represents the wounded healer, both of whom are active during this lunation.
With Chiron’s influence, this full Moon helps to illuminate how our inner wounds might be playing out in our relationships. How are we showing up in our relationships? Are we relating more from our wounded sides, or from our more loving and connected side? Are we gracing our relationships with our true presence?
Chiron also shares with us the message of our own wholeness, wounds and all. He reminds us that our presence welcomes all of us, and doesn’t require some form of pure healing (which doesn’t even really exist), for us to show up authentically in our relationships. In fact it is through accepting and even embracing our own wounds that we actually grow into our most authentic selves, which is what I believe healing is all about.
With Jupiter’s successful influence as well, this full Moon a great time to do some healing work around your relationships, and your presence within them, including your relationship to yourself.
This Libra full Moon is also a wonderful time to look back at the intentions we set with the Aries new Moon two weeks ago. Is there anything that needs to be released in order for those intentions to take form?
This is our last full Moon before the start of Eclipse season, and another new Moon in Aries (which will be on April 19-20). Themes from those intentions we set back with the Aries new Moon will arise again, and this time the Universe might make some big moves for you (hello, Eclipse season). So use this illuminating and releasing powers of this full Moon to let go of any mindsets or relationship issues that are slowing down or stalling your intentions.
As the last full Moon before Eclipse season, this is an opportune lunation for working your Moon magic, whether that be through making Moon Water, or banishing/releasing candles (you can find this ritual in my book - Everyday Plant Magic). Personally, I don’t craft manifestation or Moon magic during Eclipse season, preferring to allow the Universe to take the lead and go with the flow during this energetic portal.
(See below for a full Moon cord cutting release ritual)
Whatever may be illuminated and released regarding our relationships during this Libra full Moon, please always remember that all it truly takes to go from a focus solely on ME, to a broader focus on WE, is a slight shift of our vision and perspective.
with infinite love & appreciation,
Release ritual for the libra Full moon:cutting relational cords
Identify a relationship that requires some cord cutting. This doesn’t (necessarily) mean cutting the person out of your life - it means cutting away certain energetic cords within that relationship that are no longer benefiting you.
Within the relationship you’ve identified, take note of what aspects within that relationship need to be cut?
It is emotional codependence? Judgement? Proving energy? Wanting energy? Envy? Disappointment? Disinterest? etc.
Once you’ve identified what you want to release, check out my short video on energetic cord cutting HERE, to release these energies from your solar plexus chakra.
For those who prefer to watch videos on the Moon energy, as opposed to read about it, please check out my Libra Full Moon Youtube video by clicking the button below. In this video I share how to cut energetic cords from the Solar Plexus chakra by demonstrating on myself!
do you want to help?
I’m not going to lie, it’s a disheartening time when it comes to the rights of people and the planet.
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
To speak out against the ill-advised approval of the Willow Project - allowing for oil & gas drilling in an Arctic Nature Reserve - please visit the Stop Willow Project.
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!