New Moon & (partial) Solar Eclipse in Aries
release to renew
New Moon Eclipse in Aries
April 19-20
9:12 Pm (pst)/ 12:12 AM (EST)
Hi friends,
Well we’re here again!
We’re back in Eclipse season and back with another new Moon in Aries, following last month’s new Moon also in Aries (on March 21st). This makes this particular new Moon a rare event and a pretty big deal.
These repeating new Moons point to a focus on Aries themes. Themes around courage, confidence and taking action, along with themes around balancing our inner flame by avoiding impassioned anger, impulsivity and too much egoism .
Aries is the cardinal Fire sign, which means the fiery energy of Aries is best suited for instigating new ideas, fresh starts, and catalyzing new change. As mentioned in last month’s New Moon in Aries Moon post, the first new Moon in Aries was all about showing up for the dreams we hold inside and igniting our inner flame to act on those dreams. Now with another new Moon in Aries during eclipse season, there’s an invitation for us to revisit and reflect upon what we already set in motion back in March, as we allow the Universe to take the lead.
If the first new Moon in Aries was about personal action, this second new Moon in Aries is about review, reflection and release.
Eclipse season energy
Eclipse seasons teach us the importance of releasing our fixation on control, as we learn to let go and let in flow.
Typically, new Moons are all about starting new cycles, planting seeds and manifesting (which I define as using the power of our emotions and aligned actions to turn our dreams into reality).
Yet that’s not really the case during eclipse season.
And that’s because the energies flowing to us all down here on Earth during eclipse season, are very powerful but in more chaotic and shadowy ways. Astrologers have always spoken about eclipse seasons as times of fate and destiny, when the Universe is making the moves needed to create even more change and expansion for us all. Change and expansion that we say we want but also often fear and resist.
Technically speaking a solar eclipse is when the Moon moves between the Sun and Earth, either fully or partially blocking out the Sun. This Solar Eclipse is a partial solar eclipse. During a solar eclipse (like the one coming on April 19th-20th) the Moon is casting her shadow upon the Earth.
Meanwhile a lunar eclipse is when the Earth moves between the Sun and Moon, eclipsing the light that is illuminating the moon. During a lunar eclipse the Earth is casting her shadow upon the Moon. We have a (partial) lunar Eclipse coming on May 5th in the sign of Scorpio (more on that to come).
From energetic and astrological perspectives, eclipses are time of heightened emotions (hello shadowed Moon and Earth), surprising change and increasing opportunities for receptivity.
We have two eclipse seasons every year, with two solar and two lunar eclipses annually. These typically occur in Autumn and Spring.
For the last year and a half or so, the eclipses have been taking place within the signs of Taurus and Scorpio. This has put a lot of collective focus on issues pertaining to our connection to Earth, our comforts and our determination (Taurus) paired with facing the fear of our own emotional depths, and taboo topics like sexuality, individual expression and bodily autonomy (Scorpio).
This Aries new Moon eclipse represents the start in a larger change that we can all feel within our collective experience here on Earth. We still have two more eclipses within the Scorpio and Taurus themes throughout 2023, now paired also with the themes of action, courage, confidence and change brought on by Aries.
The heightened energies at play during eclipses are great for inner work like, meditation, journaling, somatic release practices, observation and curiousity.
In my practice, I choose not to harness the powerful yet intense energies from the Moon during eclipse season. This means that during eclipse season I choose not to work with Moon magic (like making Moon water, charging crystals or doing spell work). Instead I focus more time on meditation and reflection, in order to open myself to receive guidance and epiphanies that are more readily available during eclipse times.
aries themes
At the highest expression, the fire of Aries influences passion, confidence, courage and well-balanced leadership. The shadow side of Fire, and of Aries, is a quickness to anger, destruction, impulsivity, burn out and being ego-driven.
Aries energy may be motivating us to show up and shine up brightly while inspiring us, with courage and confidence, to walk into new opportunities. Yet, like the Libra full Moon just reminded us, we may find that this second new Moon in Aries is asking us to balance this self-driven energy with the energy of universal, unconditional love from our hearts, connected to the Universe at large.
This new Moon Eclipse in Aries is happening at the final degree of Aries (29 degrees) which is a sign of karmic, or destined, shifts. Eclipses themselves bring up themes of destiny and Universal influence, and at the last degree of Aries, this particular Eclipse signals the shifting of reality - marking a closure on the ways things have been and opportunities for new ways to emerge.
While new Moons are always about new beginnings, this second Aries new Moon Aries with a solar eclipse reminds us that beginnings are also endings of something else, as endings are also new beginnings.
Life, like a the planet is not a straight line, but a circle (a spiraling circle at that) with no true beginnings or endings but instead moments of beginnings and endings infinitely available to us. Even death is not a true ending, but a beginning of something else (as a medium, I can attest to this).
Speaking of death and rebirth, Pluto - the planet of death and rebirth, destruction and transformation - is clashing with the Moon during this new Moon event.
Pluto’s energy of transformation can actually support us during this eclipse season, providing us with opportunities to flow with change, transform and level up.
Pluto urges us to look at where we are and where we want to be, then helps us identify and release aspects within ourselves (like limiting beliefs) that are denying us our own transformation.
Pluto’s energy reminds of the famous artist, Pablo Picasso’s quote “Every act of creation is first an act of destruction.”
Oh and just a heads up friends, Mercury retrograde officially start a day after the new Moon eclipse (on April 21st), and remains retrograde until May 14th (although the retroshade period lasts through May 31st).
Eclipse and retrograde seasons are not about punishment or the Universe messing with us. Instead eclipses and retrograde times provide potent moments for reflection, revision and release.
If we “do the work” by allowing ourselves to rest, release, reflect and just accept, we’ll not only feel way more relaxed, we may even find ourselves receiving invitations for new opportunities and experiences too.
May this Aries new Moon Eclipse bring us the courage to relax, receive and flow into our own desired transformation.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch videos on the Moon energy, as opposed to read about it, please check out my Aries New Moon Eclipse Youtube video by clicking the button below.
journal prompts for
aries new moon eclipse
Reflect back on any intentions you set, or what was happening for you, around the last new Moon in Aries (on March 21st) and then take time to reflect by journaling on the following prompts.
How am I moving forward with the intentions I’ve set for myself?
Am I noticing any similar themes from last month’s new Moon, happening right now in my life?
Where in my life can I simply let things go, and release controlling tendencies?
How is the Universe currently changing things for, or around, me?
What might I learn from these changes I am feeling, witnessing or desiring?
Am I being driven by the desires of my heart and Soul, or is my ego leading my desires?
Here’s an easy way to tell the difference: Do you desire something in order to prove something to yourself or someone else? If so, that’s the Ego.
Do you desire something because it gives you a sense of joy , connection and a feeling of an inner glow? That’s your heart & Soul.
do you want to help?
I’m not going to lie, it’s a disheartening time when it comes to the rights of people and the planet.
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
To speak out against the ill-advised approval of the Willow Project - allowing for oil & gas drilling in an Arctic Nature Reserve - please visit the Stop Willow Project.
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
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