Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio
surrender to change
full moon lunar eclipse in scorpio
may 5th
10:34 AM (pst)
Hi friends,
Change is something we can always rely on, even if it’s often something we fear. Life is always changing, Nature is always changing, we are always changing, when we let ourselves. Surrendering, or releasing our resistance, to change is a big part of what this Scorpio full Moon Lunar Eclipse is all about.
Scorpio is curious, mysterious and always loves some drama. A fixed water sign, Scorpio loves diving deep into emotions, yet can get stuck there sometimes. Yet Scorpio energy also reminds us to harness our curiosity when we need to get unstuck, emotionally or otherwise. We can actually use the inquisitive energies of Scorpio to help us get more curious about our deep feels, as opposed to feeling drowned by them.
Full Moons are often emotionally activating, which makes sense since full Moons are about illumination and release. Full Moons illuminate those emotions we are actually longing to release, by bringing them up to be felt. Then they help us release these emotions through the feelings we feel. Yet, Scorpio’s deep feels paired with the Lunar Eclipse crescendo is likely to make for an even more emotionally charged lunation (and Cinco de Mayo).
When we’re feeling emotionally activated in ways we don’t like, it’s important to remember that our emotions have valuable messages for us, and the way to access those emotional messages is not through thinking about how we feel, but actually feeling those feelings in our bodies.
Somatic therapy is a form of healing that focuses on the connection between the mind and body, and uses psychotherapy practices paired with body-based, or physical, practices to inspire nervous system regulation, emotional intelligence and healing. When we learn to be fully in our bodies, we begin to move away from the constant pressures of our society, along with the chattering of our stress-induced thoughts (which then create negative emotions within us).
While the Moon is in the watery depths of Scorpio, the Sun is in the grounded Earth sign of Taurus. Taurus is all about the body and sensual pleasures. Somatic practices can help us feel into our physical safety, curiosity and pleasure in order to find security and calmness within us, even during times of stress. With Taurus’s influence we can focus on the “glimmers” in our life vs. all the triggers. Glimmers are the opposite of triggers; glimmers are moments of joy, pleasure and presence in life, that help our nervous systems calm and return to a place of safety within (known as the vagal response). To learn more about how to connect with glimmers through a practice called “orienting” check out the ritual from my Virgo Full Moon blog post from early March.
Along with being in our bodies, and truly feeling our feels, this full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio wants us to release anything - habits, thoughts, beliefs, situations and even people - that’s causing us unnecessary stress, drama and disconnection from our authenticity.
Forgiveness is one of the most powerful forms of energetic and emotional release there is.
So don’t be surprised if you find yourself activated in anger or hurt, whether that be from current circumstances or old wounds coming up from the past, during this particular Lunar Eclipse full Moon. Do recognize that these feelings are not arising to torment you, or because you are weak or broken. In fact, giving yourself the time and space to be with your feelings is an act of bravery. Our emotions are asking for us to acknowledge them, hold space for them and then let them go. This Scorpio full Moon is a beautiful time to practice forgiveness in our life, forgiving those who may have caused us harm (or may still be causing us harm) and most importantly to forgive ourselves as well. When we forgive, we free ourselves from holding onto heavy and unpleasant emotions.
Scorpio is also fierce, so please know that forgiveness doesn’t mean becoming a doormat and letting others treat you in terrible ways. Forgiveness does not mean forgetting (which is probably a good thing because as a Cancer Sun and Rising, my memory for those who’ve hurt me rarely fades!). Scorpio energy reminds us that the act of forgiveness is actually brave, because we tear down the barriers we protectively placed around our hearts, allowing ourselves to open our hearts again to the unconditional love of the Universe. The unconditional love that each and every one of us holds as well, once we learn to feel it. Forgiving others and ourselves is an act of immense strength, bravery and love.
Lunar eclipse
During a Lunar Eclipse, the Earth is casting her shadow upon the Moon. This is not a full Lunar Eclipse, just FYI, but instead a Penumbral Lunar Eclipse, which means that the Earth, Moon and Sun are not fully aligned and Earth will only be partially shadowing the Moon.
Speaking of shadows, Lunar Eclipses are great times for shadow work, or diving into the parts of ourselves we try to keep hidden. Scorpio also loves the mysterious and taboo, providing us a welcome invitation to accept those darker aspects of ourselves. That’s what shadow work is really all about, acceptance. Acceptance of all parts of ourselves.
During Eclipse Season, acceptance also helps us release control. When I asked for intuitive guidance for navigating this Eclipse season, I was given the words stillness and acceptance. Creating more stillness to hear the whispers of our authentic self, along with Universal guidance, and acceptance for who we are and how life is. Acceptance removes resistance and resistance is what keeps us feeling so stuck. So when we can accept things with an open heart, we create an invitation for lasting change within ourselves, while also enhancing our sense of responsibility for our choices and actions.
On the collective level, we’ve seen this Eclipse season highlight Aries themes of weapons and violence with a slew of gun violence over the last few weeks (although unfortunately here in the US, gun violence is always a way too common occurrence). We’re also continuing to see issues pertaining to reproductive rights and identity expression, which are very much Scorpio themes. While these issues are heartbreaking and frightening, they are also influencing us collectively here in the US to take part in important conversations around these topics, and take actions that align with our values and the world we want to live in. (If you’re looking for ways to get involved in these issues, please scroll down to the bottom of this post for some helpful links).
Full Moon Eclipses bring closure, often through dramatic and transformative events that influence our consciousness and awareness, ending one way of our being, and welcoming a whole new way to be. Lunar Eclipses help us release the past and surrender to changes that can shift our lives in desired new ways.
If aspects of your life are currently in flux, if you feel a yourself morphing, and transforming, please trust the alchemy of change around and within you. Trust who you are, where you are and where you’re going and please know and trust that Universe is supporting you every step of the way.
So, as we reach the energetic peak that is this Scorpio Full Moon Eclipse, welcome stillness, lean into acceptance, orient to your glimmers, release resistance and trust you are fully supported by both the Universe and your own Soul.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch videos on the Moon energy updates, please check out my latest YouTube video on the Scorpio Full Moon. In this video I also walk you through the somatic orienting practice of glimmers and triggers. Click the button below to watch!
journal prompts for
scorpio full moon eclipse
What in my life is currently changing?
Am I resisting this change, or am I open and allowing it?
If feeling resistant, where in my body can I feel this resistance and how does it feel?
What message does this resistance have for me (what does it want me to know)?
How does this resistance want to be released from my body? Ask the resistance how it wants to move, listen to it’s response and then move your body in that way!
In what ways can forgiveness help me right now? Who, or what do I need to forgive?
What does forgiveness look like and feel like to me?
In what ways can I forgive myself?
do you want to help?
I’m not going to lie, it’s a disheartening time when it comes to the rights of people and the planet.
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
To speak out against the ill-advised approval of the Willow Project - allowing for oil & gas drilling in an Arctic Nature Reserve - please visit the Stop Willow Project.
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!