New Moon in Taurus
luxuriate in your worth
new moon in taurus
may 19th
8:53 AM (pst)
Hey there friends!
Well we did it (again); we navigated our way through the chaotic emotions of another Eclipse season! We can finally bid adieu to Eclipse season with the start of a new cycle, marked by this Friday’s New Moon in Taurus.
While all new moons are potent times of new beginnings and fresh starts, this Taurus new Moon is especially powerful for manifestation and co-creation. That’s because this is the first New Moon post-eclipse, which means we’re back in the driver’s seat when it comes to manifesting/co-creating and working with Moon magic. We can take a more active role again in creating our desires, without the unknown surprises eclipses often bring to the table, and we can intentionally harness the supportive energies of the Moon and all of Nature to craft magic around our manifestations! If you’re curious about crafting Moon and Nature magic, please grab a copy of my book Everyday Plant Magic, where I teach about working with the Moon and share numerous plant-based magical rituals!
The energies of Taurus also make this particular new Moon a powerful time for manifestation and setting new intentions. Taurus is all about making our desires physical and tangible. As the first Earth sign and first fixed sign of the Zodiac, Taurus is fixated on the beautiful and sensual simplicities of physical life. Taurus wants to make things REAL, and wants to help us ground our dreams and desires into our physical reality so we can truly satiate our senses.
Taurus wants us to revel in sensual pleasures, luxuriate in the beauty of Earth and enjoy the tastes, smells and feels this world can offer us. Creative, loyal, and pragmatic, Taurus energy is uncomplicated and straight-forward. Taurus wants us to feel secure and stable, as if we’ve just eaten a delicious (and nutritious) meal while celebrating our financial freedom. Taurus is ruled by Venus - the planet governing love, relationships, sensuality and finances - which makes this Taurus new Moon a potent time for manifesting anything related to financial abundance and/or love.
The shadow side of Taurus is stagnation and stubborness, the bull-headedness of the literal bull of the Zodiac. All this Taurusian energies can have us feeling extra resistant. Yet if we ground and root into the Eclipse season lessons of acceptance and going with the flow, we can remain open to change.
We may be noticing that we’re feeling more in our bodies with both the Sun, Moon and 3 other planets (Jupiter, Mercury, Uranus) now in Taurus. This can be a wonderful and supportive influence since so many of us spend way too much time in our heads. Do be aware this can also lead to a sense of more heaviness or stagnation as well, as if Earth’s gravity is pulling us down, especially if we find ourselves fixating on what we want but don’t have, as opposed to what is bringing us felt joy in this moment.
Personally, I’ve noticed a peculiar sense of extra heaviness in my body over the last week or so, especially when wearing any tight or form fitting clothing. To be honest, at first it made me really uncomfortable, bringing up old body image, weight and eating disorder issues I dealt with in my teens and twenties. Yet when I stopped judging myself (and whether or not my pants are fitting a bit snug at the moment) and took the time to ask my body and this sense of heaviness what it has to teach me, I received the following answer: We all deserve to feel the beauty and pleasure of our bodies, these physical vessels that are homes to our infinite souls, no matter our size, our abilities or how others may perceive us. Our ability to lean into the pleasure of the sun on our skin, the ground beneath our feet, the bird song in our ears and the winds dancing across our skin, has nothing to do with our size, weight or any societal standards of beauty and worthiness, and everything to do with our own sense of worth and deservingness. So please remember and feel into your own worthiness, know you deserve everything you desire and even more too. Luxuriate in your health, strength and worth. Appreciate and enjoy your food and let Nature love on you simply because you exist. That is the beauty you truly desire, the beauty of existence itself.
Taurus rules the throat chakra, which governs the throat, neck, mouth, teeth, tongue, shoulders, upper arms and elbows. The throat chakra is all about knowing and sharing your truth through your own unique expression. This lunation is an opportune moment to create time to connect with and share your truth. It’s also a powerful moment to become aware of our word choices, recognizing the power they have to shape our experiences and realities. Notice which words make you feel open, expansive, excited or hopeful, and which words make your feel closed, constricted, disgusted or negative. Try your best to use words that keep you open as opposed to those that shut you down. You can work with herbs like basil, mint, thyme and lavender to support your throat chakra during this Taurus season.
some astrology of this moon
Taurus is ruled by Venus, the planet of love, relationships, beauty and money. Venus is currently in Cancer (though June 5th), where she is activating a closer focus on our home, sense of support & safety and our emotions. Venus in Cancer also reminds us to give ourselves the same level of nurturing we so generously give to others. On the shadow side, Cancer often hides behind their shells, in order to protect their sensitive hearts and avoid feeling vulnerable. Yet, it’s important to remember that being vulnerable is brave and is actually a way that we connect and build relationships too.
There is another big Astrological event happening this week, one that hasn’t occurred in 12 years. On May 16th Jupiter, the planet of expansion and growth, will move into Taurus, where he will remain until May of 2024. Jupiter has a habit of making things bigger and also holds the potential to help us tap into great healing too.
Jupiter in Taurus provides a important opportunity to learn about moderation, especially at at time when we may feel more inclined to overindulge in sensual pleasures. What’s enough, what’s too much and what’s not enough? There is also a greater curiosity about our desires; are they truly what we want or are they what society has told us we want? Can we even tell the difference?
With the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Uranus, Mercury and the North Node all in Taurus over this new Moon period, we are definitely feeling the earthy Taurus energies deeply right now. We can tap into a deep inner determination, and confidence that we will achieve our desires as long as we believe and commit.
This is a powerful lunation for manifestion magic, so set your intentions for what you’re wanting to make real in your life. One of the keys of manifestation is to feel as if you already have what you’re calling in, which all starts with belief, belief in your capabilty and belief in your inherent worth. This Taurus New Moon has a beautiful influence over our sense of inherent worth, if we choose to allow it to. So take some time over the new Moon weekend to pamper yourself, affirm your successes, embrace your deservingness and believe in your worth.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch videos on the Moon energy updates, please check out my latest YouTube video on the Taurus New Moon. In this video I also share about making your own botanical spell bags.
Click the button below to watch!
journal prompts for
taurus new moon
What’s my current relationship with abundance in my life? What do I want this relationship to be like?
How am I currently showing up for the important relationships in my life? How do I want to show up for them?
Where in my life do I feel like I don’t have enough?
Where in life do I feel like I have too much?
Where do I feel like I have enough?
What does that enoughness feel like in my body?
Can I focus on this feeling on enoughness in my body and let it grow?
do you want to help?
I’m not going to lie, it’s a disheartening time when it comes to the rights of people and the planet.
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
To speak out against the ill-advised approval of the Willow Project - allowing for oil & gas drilling in an Arctic Nature Reserve - please visit the Stop Willow Project.
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!