Full Moon in Sagittarius
celebrate the bigger picture
full moon in sagittarius
june 3rd
8:41 pm (pst)
Hi friends,
It’s time to get fired up and celebrate because the Sagittarius Full Moon, on June 3rd, is here to illuminate our successes, while simultaneously pushing us onward.
As the mutable (adaptable) Fire sign of the Zodiac, Sagittarius energy is inquisitive, adventurous, visionary, bold and expansive. Fire is all about passion and inner motivation, and Sagittarius sparks that inner drive within us to learn, experience, grow and inspire. We may feel more of an urge to socialize, travel and plan our next adventures with this lunation.
The Sagittarius full Moon reminds us to not sweat the small stuff and to keep the bigger picture in mind. This is a welcome sentiment while the Sun is still in Gemini, because while Gemini is also curious and bold, Gemini’s energy can influence us to overthink every detail, and doubt ourselves too. The Sagittatius full Moon wants us to dream bigger in our own lives, through celebrating how far we’ve already come.
Remember, full Moons are times for illumination, reflection and release, while new Moons are times for new beginnings and manifestations. This full Moon in Sagittarius reminds us to celebrate and feel proud of our achievements, both past and current, in order to keep believing in our successes still to come. (PS - remember always that you get to define what success and achievement means to you.)
Our brains tend to spotlight our challenges way more than on our successes, so it becomes our responsibility to train our brains to focus on the positive. Allowing ourselves to truly celebrate ourselves and how far we’ve already come, is one beautiful, and self-affirming way to retrain the brain. This Sagittarius Full Moon wants to help us anchor into that sense of positivity and possibility for ourselves and the world at large. And often that lunar assistance, especially around full Moons, comes in as emotional release, because the Moon represents our emotional selves.
Full Moons are also times of release, and letting go, so that we can create the space for more of what we truly want. This Sagittarius full Moon urges us to release anything keeping us from feeling proud of and celebrating ourselves, along with limited beliefs around our own potential. So if you’re noticing any (old) negative self-thought patterns arising around this full Moon, please know this is the illumination of what to release.
How does one go about releasing negative thoughts or beliefs? Well the answer to that question is a book in itself, and is probably a little different for each of us because we are all so unique. For me, a practice that works wonders when those negative thought spirals are twirling through my head, is to actually dance them out! I’ll put on a song that reflects my current feelings and just allow my body to move in anyway that mirrors what I’m feeling inside. And I’ll keep dancing until I feel a big emotional release, where my worries lighten and float away, and my whole being just feels free.
This Sagittarius full Moon doesn’t want us to repress these bigger emotions, but instead wants us to let them out to let them go. Dancing is one of the most expressive and fun ways to let these emotions flow through you. Not to be too cliche, but this is definitely one of the best full Moons of the year to dance under, so get your Moon loving buddies and have yourselves a little Full Moon Dance Party!! Also with Eclipse season behind us, this is also a magnetic full Moon for making Moon Water and charging your crystals.
However you choose to celebrate this Sagittarius full Moon, I hope you let go of anything keeping you from knowing how magnificent, worthy and capable you truly are. You deserve to celebrate and feel proud of all of yourself; who you’ve been, who you are and who you are still becoming.
with infinite love & appreciation,
Click the link below to watch my latest YouTube video on the energies of the Sagittarius Full Moon.
journal prompts for
sagittarius full moon
What can I celebrate in my life right now?
What are some things I’ve done, or created, that make me feel proud?
What are some thoughts & emotions keeping me from allowing myself to be proud?
What are some of my current big dreams, plans or desires?
What are some thoughts & emotions keeping me from believing in my potential?
Where can I bring more adventure into my life?
do you want to help?
I’m not going to lie, it’s a disheartening time when it comes to the rights of people and the planet.
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
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