Gemini New Moon
CHANGE YOUR MIND to free your mind
New Moon in gemini
june 17-18
9:37 pm (pst)
Hi friends,
No matter how scary, confusing or hard it may feel, it’s ok to change our minds. In fact, it’s liberating.
When we change our minds, we open to new perceptions, perspectives and ways to just be. Thankfully the new Moon in Gemini coming up on June 17th-18th, urges us to open to these new perspectives.
Gemini is a mutable, or adaptable Air sign. Air represents our thoughts, ideas and ways of communicating. Mutable signs are flexible, quick and actually thrive on change!
Mutable signs see that there are infinite varying perspectives, and this can sometimes lead to indecision and a restless, seeking nature. So don’t be surprised if impatience is something arising within you around this lunation.
Gemini energy can also have us overthinking every small detail while being distracted by all the shiny things. Do your best to stay aware of how your fast-paced thoughts are influencing your emotions with this new Moon.
During the Gemini New Moon we are guided to change our thoughts, and welcome in new, supportive perspectives and beliefs.
One method we can take to make this change is to discern between our emotions influenced by thoughts, versus emotions influenced by our Soul. How do we do this? There’s countless ways, yet a practice that works well for me is through listening to my body and learning to dive beneath the emotions crashing over me on the surface.
Here is my practice for doing this:
Notice the emotions you are feeling that are tied to repetitive and spiraly-feeling thoughts in the mind.
Sit, with one hand over your heart and the other over your lower belly, and ask your body where you feel this emotion within you.
Once you feel the location, place your hands over that space and ask the feeling to share with you it’s size, shape, color, texture and temperature.
Then ask the energy to share with you any way it would like to move. Ask it if there are any words it wants to hear, colors it wants to feel, or ways it wants you to hold it. And then do your best to listen and offer this feeling exactly what’s it asking for.
Then sit quietly again, this time with both hands on your lower belly, over the Sacral chakra. Bring all your awareness and attention to your hands and then move that attention into the Sacral chakra itself. Ask this chakra to share with you what you’re REALLY feeling, below the surface emotions created by mental thoughts, or other’s emotions, what are you feeling in your core? Be still, listening and feeling for the answers that can only ever come from you.
Here’s an example of my process through this: I felt super frustrated and discouraged earlier today. I felt confused, impatient, hopeless, disempowered and sad. I cried a bit to disperse the emotional charge and then I asked my body where this feeling lived within me. I was led to a spot on my left side, just below my ribs. The energy there looked, and felt, like a dark square, and it felt inflated and also kind of bumpy in texture. I asked it if it wanted me to move it any sort of way, what it needed to hear, see and feel. I was then guided to sway, rub it in a specific way with only my fingertips, send it the color blue, stretch and then scream into a pillow. I did all of those things and felt much better afterwards. The frustration wasn’t completely gone, but it wasn’t ruling my emotions anymore. When I sat within my Sacral, asking it to share my most authentic emotions, I connected with a feeling of both strength and capability along with exhaustion, simultanously. I realized that my mental emotions kept telling me I needed to do more, be more, have more in order to feel better. Yet my authentic emotions told me that all I really needed was rest and to lean into my capability. With this new awarness I can create new thoughts and actions that give me what I truly need.
Another way to tell the difference between thought-led emotions vs soul-led emotions is to focus on the feel of the emotions themselves. Mental and thought generated emotions feel repetitive and spiraly, almost dizzying, in the body. They also tend to feel critical, judgmental and negative. Meanwhile, heart and Soul generated emotions feel supportive, truthful and hopeful. They feel grounding and expansive, and sometimes even tingly in the body.
Gemini, represented by the twins, is all about the duality within us. Whether you call the two competing voices within the Ego and Soul, Higher Mind vs Lower Mind, or Inner crictic vs Inner cheerleader, these dual voices exist within us all, and our role is to learn how to balance them out and keep them lovingly communicating with each other.
This New Moon is less about manifesting new “things” and more about manifesting new thoughts that support us emotionally. This requires us to change our minds in order to change the thought patterns that aren’t currently supporting us. So this Gemini new Moon feels a bit like a full Moon in the sense of releasing and letting go of what’s no longer serving. Yet unlike a full Moon, the Gemini new Moon also influences us to create and connect with new patterns of thoughts and inner beliefs. Thoughts and beliefs that support, uplift and help us feel more free.
with infinite love & appreciation,
Keep reading for the Gemini New Moon Astrological Forecast, from Melissa from Mindset Maven, and journal prompts for the Gemini New Moon!
Click the link below to watch my latest YouTube video on the energies of the Gemini New Moon.
astrology of the Moon!
with melissa from mindset maven
Mercury is a big player in this New Moon, and it loves to be in Gemini (one of the two signs that it rules)!
mindset maven melissa:
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
I discovered Astrology a few years ago after hitting a rut in my own life and searching for a way to gain greater awareness. It was a tool that really allowed me to truly understand what my gifts were as well as what were my challenges.
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website:
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
On June 17th at 11:29 am (EST) there is a Mercury sextile Venus. I think this one is very supportive for all the creatives out there! If there have been any creative projects you have wanted to start then take this as a supportive move from the universe. Paired with the New Moon it is a great energy to use as a springboard for getting started on those creative pursuits. Remember that Gemini rules over communication so maybe there is a writing project, podcast, or video series that is calling your name.
A few days before the New Moon, Mercury squares Saturn on the 15th. There could be some tension or challenges around our thinking & perception. What is a narrative we have been telling ourselves that no longer serves us, and how can we re-write that narrative?
This New Moon can serve as an opportunity for us to look at the stories we tell ourselves and dismantle those stories. It’s a great time to shift our thought patterns into ones that give us power & allow us to step into the reality we want.
This New Moon is happening closely square to Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces. This square could be interesting in the fact that we may want to “check-out” or escape from reality. So, it is important to be mindful that you aren’t getting lost in the process or your thoughts. The other thing to be aware of is protecting your emotional boundaries. Squares can be an opportunity for us to grow from putting in some work. This energy screams discernment. Watch out for blurred boundaries, idolization, or romanticized situations. It’s ok to take a beat and ensure that you aren’t getting swept away.
journal prompts gemini new moon:
What stories am I telling myself that are ready to be rewritten?
What thoughts are spiraling through my mind, impacting my emotions?
What emotion am I feeling strongly now? Is this a mind-led emotion or a Soul-led emotion?
Where can I feel this emotion residing within my body? Does this emotion have a shape, density, color, texture or temperature to it?
How does this emotion want me to interact with it? Does it want me to move in a certain way, or share words or colors with it?
What am I really feeling underneath the emotion processed above? When I sit with my attention in Sacral chakra, what feelings are arising from deep within me?
How can these feeling shift my thoughts in ways that are more supportive?
do you want to help?
I’m not going to lie, it’s a disheartening time when it comes to the rights of people and the planet.
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
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