Summer Solstice 2023
summer Solstice
june 21
Despite the gloomy and gray “June gloom” still encapsulating us here in Southern California, Summer is officially here, marked by the Summer Solstice on June 21st. The Summer Solstice is the longest day of sunlight of the whole year here on the Northern Hemisphere (and it’s the Winter Solstice, or shortest day of sunlight of the year, for those on the Southern Hemisphere).
The Summer Solstice also marks the moment in which the day’s of longer sunlight stop growing, and instead slowly begin to shorten. Just like the Yin-Yang symbol, this is a reminder to us that we are meant to always balance the light and dark, day and night, summer and winter, active and receptive, within ourselves.
While the energies of the Summer Solstice, and Summer itself, push us toward growth and action, they also remind us to rest and be present with Nature. Summer wants us to open to the rays of the sun, watch the plants grow, jump in the ocean, float in some water and savor our meals (especially those made from ingredients from our gardens!)
Summer Solstice is also a potent time for magical manifestation!
Manifestation requires a combination of shifting energy, taking aligned actions and relaxing to recieve without attachment. Just like Summer season, we need both the action and the rest to create and bring our desires into the physical world.
If you’re looking to attract or create something, conduct a magnetizing ritual, like the Botanical Candles, Spell Bags, and Spell Jars, I share in my book, Everyday Plant Magic.
Here’s an excerpt from my book, Everyday Plant Magic, about Summer:
“Summer is the season of bountiful growth and activity. It’s a time of expansion, adventure and action. Summer aligns with Yang energy and the element of Fire. Summer Magic: Jump in the ocean or any natural body of water, often! Eat fresh fruits, vegetables and herbs.”
Here are some plants to honor and connect with this Summer Solstice and summer season:
plants for
summer :
Aloe Vera:
Balance all that sun on your skin with hydrating and cooling aloe vera gel.
Heat helps them grow, and they cool our impassioned emotions. Also pairs beautifully with fresh tomatoes!
Cooling and helps us take the pressure of ourselves. Makes a refreshing iced tea (especially paired with Mint).
Calming and positive, Chamomile loosens and cools down our physical and emotional bodies.
Cooling and cleansing, Cilantro is a great addition to summer salads, and of course, salsas!
Relaxing and cooling, Lavender will help us rest even with all the Summer fun! Lavender also soothes bug bites too.
Lemon & Lime:
With so much water within their fruit, citrus are incredibly cooling. What’s more summer than fresh squeezed lemonade?
Cooling and energizing, Mint actually fools the cold-receptor cells in our skin and mouths to feel cooler than we actually are! Also great for connecting and communicating with our intuition.
Honor the season of Summer by gratefully using any of the plants listed above, and spending time in Nature, appreciating the growth and beauty around you!
You can also connect with the Summer within you, by journaling on the prompts below:
journal prompts summer solstice
Where am I feeling called to take aligned and inspired action?
How am I shining and sharing my magnificence with myself and the world?
Where can I bring more rest, play, creativity and enjoyment into my life this season?
May your Summer be blessed with sunshine, growth, play, rest, creativity, abundance and appreciation!
with infinite love,
do you want to help?
I’m not going to lie, it’s a disheartening time when it comes to the rights of people and the planet.
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
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