Capricorn Full Moon
balance doing with being
full moon in capricorn
july 3rd
4:39 am (pst)
Hi friends,
How’s the work-life balance showing up in your life right now?
What about your relationship with presence?
The Full Moon in Capricorn (on 7.3.23) illuminates where we can benefit from balancing our doing side with our being side, in order to feel more fully ourselves.
During this lunation, there is a focus on emotions around our career ambitions with the Moon in Capricorn, juxtaposed with a focus on home, family/friend time and our connection to our emotions and our intuition, with the Sun in Cancer. We feel a longing for both the stellar career and stellar home life simultaneously, which can set up us for feeling disappointed or like a failure, due to our own unreasonable expectations. So be aware of this if you find your inner critic berating your current home or work situations around this full Moon. And remember that perfection is an illusion, while presence with yourself and your loved ones is a powerful gift.
As the Cardinal Earth sign, Capricorn has a powerful inner drive, and motivation to create something big in the world. Grounded in physical reality, Capricorn energy is wise, stable, loyal and very work oriented, loving to get stuff done to manifest dreams into realities. In fact, there is the chance that something exciting or supportive manifests for you career wise around this Capricorn full Moon! On the shadow side, Capricorn energy can get hyper-focused on completing tasks and goals, as a way to avoid feeling their feels.
Yet the Moon is all about our feels.
So don’t run from whatever arises emotionally this full Moon. Be with your feelings and let them point you to where you’re craving more balance.
During this full Moon in Capricorn we are reminded to balance our dedication, ambition and actions, with our rest, receptivity and sense of pure presence. While simultaneously, we are urged to commit ourselves to the service of something greater too! With the Sun in the home & relationship loving Cancer, and the Moon in committed & ambitious Capricorn, there are supportive energies for brainstorming and outlining career ideas and goals, along with energies for resting and enjoying Nature with our full beings.
The Capricorn full Moon illuminates for us where we are needing more balance, while inviting us to release the fear (and avoidance) of our own feelings.
On a personal note, the theme of balancing my doing and being came through loud and clear a few days ago, when I fell off my bike and broke a bone in my left hand during our yearly family camping trip.
The left side of the body is the Yin (or feminine side) and represents receptivity, rest, creativity and magnetism. Our hands represent our hearts, as they are meant to share our hearts energy with the world. To be honest, I’ve been feeling a bit burnt out, and non-magnetic lately, intuitively knowing that I really needed more restoration. Yet I really haven’t been prioritizing rest, instead choosing to focus my energy on writing and creating, especially with the deadline for my next book’s manuscript due in only a few weeks time. So the Universe finally slowed my roll for me!
I’ll spend the next few weeks readjusting, resting more, healing and asking for way more help. I also know that I’ll get my book done, because my heart is fully committed to it and I’m so close to finishing it! But I’ll be prioritizing rest with my writing now. As uncomfortable as this situation has been for me, I’m actually thankful for this moment as it’s teaching me to expand my capacity to ask for my needs and receive them in return. I also get to use my energy healing practices on myself to enhance my physical healing!
I hope this Capricorn full Moon illuminates the balance you Soul desires, helping you align your ambitious doing with your authentic being, and hopefully in ways that don’t involve any broken bones!
with infinite love & appreciation,
Keep reading for the Capricorn Full Moon Astrological Forecast, from Melissa from Mindset Maven, and journal prompts for this lunation from me!
To honor my commitment to more rest, I’ll be taking a break from the YouTube Moon video this lunation.
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
Full Moon in Capricorn (11 degrees) on July 3rd 7:39 am (EST) / 4:39 am (pst)
mindset maven melissa:
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
I discovered Astrology a few years ago after hitting a rut in my own life and searching for a way to gain greater awareness. It was a tool that really allowed me to truly understand what my gifts were as well as what were my challenges.
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website:
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
Sun (in Cancer) Sextile Jupiter (in Taurus): Begins on July 1st. Themes around expansion around self, growth, confidence, and generosity. Chance to expand one’s outlook. Think of this as an “energy boost” around those areas that you are growing in your life or seeking growth.
It’s a great time to reevaluate goals and what success looks like for you at a personal level.
Moon (in Capricorn) Trine Jupiter (in Taurus): Another supportive & lovely aspect to this Full Moon! This will be expansion in a practical and grounding way since the Moon and Jupiter are both in earth signs.
Expansiveness is fertile when we give ourselves that moment to feel into a space of gratitude.
Look to where Taurus and Capricorn are in your chart.
How can you celebrate the growth you’ve had so far in these areas with gratitude?
Where can you also lean into nurturing yourself to allow more expansion?
journal prompts capricorn full moon:
How is the current work-life balance in my life?
Are there certain areas where I’d benefit from focusing on family and/or home life?
Are there certain areas where I’d benefit from focusing more on work goals and aspirations?
Where in my life am I dealing with my own rigid and resistant energies?
Where do these energies live in my body? Place your hands over where you can feel these energies within you.
How do these energies feel? What do they want or need from me in this moment?
do you want to help?
I’m not going to lie, it’s a disheartening time when it comes to the rights of people and the planet.
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!