New Moon In Pisces: Dive Deep into Your Intuitive Magic
dive deep into your intuitive magic
PiSCes new MOON
feb. 19th - 20th, 2023
11:07 pm(pst)/2:07 am (ESt)
Hi friends!
How are you all doing and feeling after the intensity of the last full Moon?
That intensity was definitely on display around the world, especially with the devastating earthquake in Turkey and Syria. The scope of the loss from this event is horrific and heartbreaking. For those looking to assist in emergency aid and recovery please consider looking at CHARITY WATCH for suggested reputable charities accepting donations for earthquake relief.
Thankfully, the energies of the upcoming new Moon in Pisces are much more gentle, supportive and motivating, too. This lunation is a powerful time to listen to your intuition and to take actions in your life that bring your dreams closer to reality.
Pisces is the most mystical sign of the Zodiac, ruling the realms of our dreams, imagination and intuition. Nurturing and accepting, Pisces also influences us to discover how to accept, nurture and fully love ourselves. Pisces can also be avoidant - preferring to escape into fantasy or hidden places deep inside.
Pisces is represented by two fish swimming away from each other, which many say symbolize the push and pull between fantasy and reality. In this world that sometimes (falsely) feels so bereft of magic, connection & love, I know too well how wonderful it can feel to escape into fantasy - books, shows, and my own imagination. But the thing is, our dreams will remain a fantasy until we actually ground them into reality with our actions. Thankfully Saturn is helping us out with that with this new Moon.
During this lunation, the Moon is actually moving away from an alignment with Saturn, the planet all about “adulting.” Saturn represents our responsibilites, obligations, determination, boundaries along with our sense of authority and morality. The Moon moving into Pisces, with lingering influence from Saturn, reminds us to enhance our responsibilities with our faith and our magic. To pair our rituals, prayers and dreams with our aligned actions, or actions that we’re intuitively guided to take.
How do we know if our actions are intuitively guided? How do we even connect with our intuition? Through listening deeply to what is inside you and Pisces is all about going deep. This new Moon invites us to create moments of quiet introspection in order to gain intuitive nudges that inspire our actions. Because our intuition understands the greater picture and knows the best course of action far better that our over-analyzing mind ever could.
(If you want to learn more about listening in to your intuition, check out my group coaching program - Intuitive Magic! We even begin our magical journey with this Pisces new Moon!)
With all planets direct until the last half of April, we have both the momentum and the support to keep moving forward. This New Moon reminds us to take that leap of faith, and start creating the life of our dreams. The Pisces New Moon reminds us to actually trust our dreams, and to pair them with drive, focus, supportive actions and a whole lotta magic too!
Read on below for journal prompts and Pisces New Moon Water Ritual.
with infinite appreciation,
journal prompts:
pisces new moon
What are my current dreams for my life?
How would it feel for those dreams to become reality?
List these feelings.
Am I already feeling these feelings in my life, and if so, where?
WIth these feelings present inside me, where are some actions I can take that will bring me closer to my dreams?
Pisces New moon ritual:
Water blessings & Affirmations
If you’ve ever heard of Dr. Masaru Emoto, or seen the movie Frozen 2 (which I highly recommend), then you may already be familiar with the concept that water holds memory. In Dr. Emoto’s experiments, samples of water were exposed to different stimuli - like words of affirmation (“I love you”) or words of negativity (“You’re awful”), pleasant and unpleasant photographs, and different types of music from classical to classic rock to heavy metal. He then froze these water samples and compared the crystallized structures they formed. His findings showed that water exposed to positive, affirming, and pleasant stimuli formed into beautiful geometric shapes and colors. Meanwhile the water that had been spoken to negatively, or was exposed to discordant music or unpleasant images, failed to create these complex and aesthically pleasing patterns, instead often lacking any visual structure at all. (Click HERE to see some photo samples from Dr. Emoto’s studies. )
The concept of water memory states that water is able to change it’s physical structure in response to environmental influences. And those influences can be the vibration of our words of love spoken into the water we drink, or even the thoughts of appreciation we feel for water as we turn a faucet to bathe.
On this New Moon in the water sign of Pisces, let’s take moments to intentionally thank and bless our waters with the magic that we are and the magic we can create together.
what you need:
*Drinking Water
*Your fully-present Self (body, mind & Soul)
what you do:
Beginning on the new Moon in Pisces and for a couple of days after, intentionally give thanks to, and bless, your drinking and bathing water, with the magic of your desire.
Using the journal prompts above, get clear on what you want to co-create and list out the feelings you want to feel.
Then pour your drinking water, or get ready for your bath/shower/face washing.
Before drinking the water, or turning on the faucet, take a moment to Activate Your Magic, by receiving energy from Earth and the Cosmos and flooding that energy into your heart and solar plexus chakras.
Then, turn on the faucet and place your hands so that they are directed at the water and circle your hands clockwise as many times as feels appropriate as you give thanks to water and your access to this life giving element. Think or speak to the water the feelings you desire as if they are already yours.
For example: “I feel my worthiness, radiating from every cell.” “I feel free and joyful with my finances.” “I feel my unconditional love for myself, my family and my life expand every day.” “I feel healthy and hydrated!” etc.
Thank the water, Mother Earth, Creation/Universe/God and yourself as you drink and/or cleanse yourself in the now magically infused water.
We humans are made of, on average 60% water. Can we imagine what’s happening to the water within us when we’re speaking unkindly to ourselves versus speaking lovingly to ourselves? As we share energies of love and affirmation into the water outside of us, we are sharing them with the waters inside of us too.
Are you enjoying these rituals? Please share in the comments below!
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we the people hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Here are some great places to get involved with or support:
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
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