Full Moon in Leo
shining your magnificence
feb. 5th, 2023
Hi friends!
If you’ve been feeling a bit more sparkly and shiny lately, and also moments of intense overwhelm too, it’s very likely you’re picking up on the energies of the Full Moon in Leo!
Like the lion they’re represented by, Leo is courageous, powerful, passionate and not scared of being seen. A natural leader, Leo is also determined & discerning, intuitively knowing when to exert energy and when to conserve it. Ruled by the heart, Leo is also known for following their heart’s desires in order to live life shining their brightest.
This Leo full Moon is an action orientated lunation - enhancing our willingness to show up and shine bright. This is a great Moon for making Moon water and charging crystals, and for treating yourself too!
This lunation also has us focusing on our hearts, and our sense of acceptance, appreciation and love for everything in our lives. Leo aligns with the Sun, which represents the way we act and portray ourselves in the world. Meanwhile, the Moon represents our emotional selves and our subconscious. With the Sun shining so beautifully on the Moon in Leo, we are given a opportune moment to let our most authentic selves shine through. To shine our light even through whatever might be going on around us.
(Check out the full Moon ritual below for a magical energy practice to help you activate your shine.)
It’s a good thing that this full Moon in Leo is helping us feel brighter, because Uranus, the planet of abrupt change and revolution, is doing his best to stir stuff up!
It’s important to remember that full Moons are about illumination and release. Since the Moon represents our emotions, it’s not rare to feel emotions arising around full Moons. The rising up of the emotion is the illumination and the processing of that emotion is the release.
With this Leo full Moon, Uranus is square with the Moon. Uranus is the planet that represents big system changes; revolutions, transformations, innovations, and breakthroughs. In fact Aquarius, which is where the Sun is still positioned, is ruled by Uranus, and like Aquarius, Uranus is all about visionary change for the greater good. Uranus is more than happy to scramble our lives in order to shake us out of our comfort zones and get us moving toward our own alignment.
With Uranus square this Leo full Moon, there is an energy of a face-off, confrontation or challenge. Uranus inspired changes can be abrupt and jarring, often catching us off guard, yet always pushing us toward greater alignment for ourselves and the world as a whole.
Paired with the energy of the Leo full Moon, this Uranus transit might leave us feeling more irritable, selfish or craving of external validation. It also may make us feel more disregulated in our nervous systems, because Uranus rules the energy flow through the nervous system. So do make time to reset your nervous system through rest, somatics (body movement & awareness) and breath.
“Am I good enough to shine my brightest? Can I shine without burning out? And if I shine my light, will it even make a difference in the world?” are all thoughts that may emerge around this Leo full Moon. Remember that Uranus is stirring these types of thoughts up so that we know what to release in order to show up bolder, brighter and from the heart.
“Celebrate yourselves,” this full Moon sings to us. “Celebrate where you are, no matter where you want to be. Celebrate how far you’ve come and all the places you’re still going. Celebrate the light that can only ever shine through you.”
So if you find yourself feeling diminished or playing small on this full Moon in Leo, remember to look up at that bright Moon, breathe in her illumination and lean into your inner light!
See the ritual below for a way to activate your inner light.
with infinite appreciation,
journal prompts:
leo full moon
What is currently keeping me from feeling my true magnificence?
how can i release this in a way that feels simple and easeful?
what does my heart truly want right now?
how does this desire contribute to the greater good?
how can i celebrate myself during this full Moon?
leo full moon ritual:
Through our awareness, breath, connection with Nature and our own energy (chakra) system, we can learn to activate and shine our inner light brightly.
what you need:
*Your fully-present Self (body, mind & Soul)
*A spot outdoors, or near a window or door with a view to the outdoors
what you do:
Find an inspiring spot to stand, either indoors or out.
Gently shake and sway your body for a few breaths, and then shake a bit more vigorously (especially your arms and hands). This will release older energies and open you to receive.
In a comfortable standing or sitting position, imagine energetic roots extending from your feet down deep into Earth. See or feel, these roots move with grace and ease through the layers of Mother’s Earth depths, until they anchor in to a cave filled with a glowing river of magma.
With your next inhale slowly and deeply breath in the warm and glowing energy of that magma, along with more of the supportive and abundant energies of Mother Earth. As you continue to breathe, feel, see or sense those energies moving up your roots into your feet and all the way up your body. With every inhale the energy moves into your body, and with every exhale the energy infuses any area of your body that needs it, without you having to force or control it.
As you continue to breathe in the Prana from Earth, focus on your Crown chakra and image energetic branches stretching from your head and connecting with the Sun and the entire Cosmos. Breathe in this energy, feeling it pour into the top of your head with every inhale and move through your body, infusing every cell, with each exhale.
Continue to breathe in the energy from the Cosmos and the energy from Earth simultaneously. With intention and awareness pour that energy into your Heart and Solar Plexus chakras (located just below the heart, where the rib cage splits).
As the energy flows into your heart and solar plexus. lean into the sense of appreciation, excitement, love and radiance emanating from within you. (This is what I call “activating your magic”). Breathe into this sensation and let it build and grow.
Once you are feeling radiant, begin to repeat to yourself either in your head or out loud: “What if I get out of the way and fully believe in my shining magnificence?”
Repeat this what if affirmation out loud or in your head, as you continue to breathe in energy from the Earth and Cosmos. Allow those energies to saturate every cell in your body and shine out of you, filling each layer of your aura until you can see and feel yourself beaming out, and completely surrounded by, a gorgeous, glorious golden light bubble.
With each breath see, feel or sense yourself glowing, shining that light that only emanates from you out into the Universe for all to see and feel.
When you feel complete, gently shake and sway your body, giving thanks to Mother Earth, the Sun, the Cosmos and yourself for this illuminating practice. Wiggle your fingers and toes, and slowly open your eyes.
Go about the rest of your day knowing that this light always exists within you.
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