New Moon in Aquarius
cultivating a growth mindset
Aquarius New Moon, January 21st 2023
Hi friends!
The first new Moon of the new year is here and with her comes a breath of new energies. Energies of gentle motivation, innovation, creativity & desire for community. That’s because this new Moon is in the visionary, progressive & socially-focused sign of Aquarius.
Don’t be fooled by the “aqua”, Aquarius is actually an Air sign, influencing the realms of our minds - our thoughts, ideas and communication. Represented by the Water Bearer, a mystical healing creature that pours life giving water onto the land, Aquarius reminds us of both the healing, and devastating, power of our thoughts.
“Be aware of your thoughts,” Aquarius reminds us. Are they affirming or denying you? Do they inspire and motivate? Or are they criticizing and demeaning you? And can you remember the power you hold to cultivate thoughts that empower you and keep you growing?
Aquarius calls attention to the influence our thoughts hold on all we see, feel, comprehend and co-create, for ourselves, our community and the greater world at large.
Humanitarian at heart, Aquarius is all about thoughtful creation for the good of all. This can often be seen as rebellious in spirit, as Aquarius urges changing the old and outdated in favor of the new and inclusive.
While Aquarius is all about innovation, progress and creation, the influence of some of the other planets are creating a kind of push and pull energy with this particular lunation.
Our motivation, passion and momentum may feel like they are all coming back online, now that Mars is stationed direct after his 2.5 month retrograde journey. Meanwhile, Mercury, that famous planet of technology, communication and travel, also stationed direct, so it may feel like the Universe is working with us again.
The forward moving energies of Mars and Mercury are also paired with the expansive and lucky energies of Jupiter, who is making a harmonious aspect with this particular new Moon. So with all those momentum loving planets rooting us on, this is a beautiful and auspicious new Moon for thinking about what you want to create and manifest!
Yet, during this new Moon in Aquarius, we also have the planet of love, relationships, values and finances - Venus - in conjunction with Saturn, the planet of rules, systems, lessons and willpower, which is not really a place sensual-loving Venus feels the most comfortable.
Additionally, we have the Sun and Moon conjuct Pluto, the planet of transformation, destruction and renewal. This brings in energies of reassessment as opposed to typical new Moon energies of renewal (and manifestation).
We may find ourselves ruminating on our relationships; relationships with community, with our family & friends, with money, with ourselves, our career and our values. Yet, like the Cancer full Moon just two weeks ago, this Aquarius new Moon reminds us to go easy on ourselves, to be gentle as we continue the journey of co-creating our dreams.
I find is telling and beautiful that both first full and new Moons of 2023 bring us messages of patience, strength and unconditional-love regarding our dreams, goals, ambitions, creations and sense-of-self. The Cancer full Moon taught us gentleness, and self-acceptance, around our emotions, while this Aquarius new Moon is guiding us toward gentleness and patience in our minds.
At the start of a new year we can end up putting way too much pressure on ourselves and our goals/dreams/creations. So while this new Moon is a great time for getting clear on the new seeds you wish to plant or even launching something exciting, this Moon also reminds us that seeds require a period of incubation and germination before any sprout begins to grow.
they tried to bury us. they didn’t know we were seeds.
-Mexican proverb
Sometimes moments that feel stagnant are actually moments when energy is being conserved and focused toward future growth. “Remember,” this Moon reminds us. “Remember that your dreams, your goals and your life are all worthy of your patience, your belief and your faith. The seeds of your dreams are worthy of your belief in them. This will help your seeds to grow.”
So if you’re feeling a little buried in your head with this Aquarius new Moon, remember you are a seed.
Whenever possible, choose thoughts that help you grow.
Happy new Moon friends.
Read on for some Aquarius new Moon journal prompts…
with infinite appreciation,
journal prompts aquarius new moon
What do I want do create, manifest or share?
What thoughts are coming up around this creation?
What are these thoughts tellling me about my current mindset around this creation?
Do I want this mindset? If not, what is a desired mindet I would like to replace it with?
What are the feelings I want to feel once I’ve completed/manifested this creation?
Where am I already feeling these desired feelings in my life now?
Now focus on appreciating and holding these desired feelings within you.
Happy New Moon in Aquarius!
do you want to help?
Aquarius energy loves thinking, and working toward, the greater good for all.
Let’s never forget how much power we the people hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Here are some great places to get involved with or support:
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
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