Yarrow , the Herbal Ally for this week's New Moon in Leo
New Moon Leo
July 28th, 2022
Happy New Moon friends,
On Thursday of this week (7/28/22) we welcome in the New Moon in Leo and with it, some firey energies.
Represented by the element of Fire, Leo reminds us to live our lives lit up inside. Connected with the Heart and Solar Plexus chakras, Leo energy urges us to ignite and share our love and passion for ourselves and for life.
“What lights you up from the inside out, and how can you share that light with the world?” Leo asks of us.
On the personal level, this New Moon will likely feel empowering and confidence boosting. You may feel more inclined to share your voice and perspective and to express yourself and let all of you shine bright. Yet on the collective level, the energy is still feeling a lot more like a dumpster fire than a spotlight.
That's because we humans continue to do lots of shitty things, but also because the Astrological placements over the next few weeks are ones that Astrologers have been preparing us for since the start of the year. There are numerous conjunctions and transits that are far beyond my non-Astrologer mind, but I do know that the planet of action, aggression and fire, Mars, the planet of our mental patterns, thoughts and communications, Mercury, and the planet of sudden and unexpected change, Uranus, all play major roles, along with the Lunar North Node in Taurus. Astrologers I follow have warned of heat waves, wild fires and even possible violence. Now of course, these celestial alignments can (and probably will) also lead to lots of positive and necessesary changes. When I was intuitively tapping in for messages about this New Moon, I was told to “remember the bright green growth that emerges from burnt land”.
remember the bright green growth that emerges from burnt land
What I took this to mean was to remember that ecologically, sometimes fire is necessary and beneficial within an ecosystem. Take for example Australia and California, where fires are a part of the natural system, and where for centuries prior to colonization, the indigenous caretakers of the land used controlled burns to help shape the landscape and promote more healthy biodiversity. Smaller controlled fires also reduced the risks of large out of control wild-fires by minimizing the amount of plant waste that could fuel those flames. After a burn, new shoots of bright green growth will emerge often only a few weeks after the blaze. The ashes of the plants that came before, feed the roots of the plants that now arrive.
So as we continue to watch our species keep setting the world on fire, we can ask ourselves, how can my light help the new growth that longs to emerge?
And that is where our manifestation magic and Yarrow come in…
Manifesting with this New Moon
New Moons are aligned moments for working on manifestation, or co-creating your desires with the Universe, because a new Moon represent a new beginning and start of a new cycle. The New Moon is the darkness of the soil, the egg and the womb. New Moons urge us to plant the seeds of our desires and Leo energy helps us connect with our passions and heart-led desires.
Since we live in a material world (as Madonna so famously reminds us), we often want to manifest material objects. But the energies of this New Moon influence us to manifest on a more deeply personal level. WIth all the astrological and societal turbulence all around us, this particular Leo New Moon asks us to manifest our own energetic empowerment without discarding our collective responsibilty.
With the world on fire, can we hold the love, joy and appreciation that still exists all around and within us? Can we lean into our energetic boundaries and not let the suffering of the world become our own personal suffering? And if we can stay confident in our energetic essence, can we use that energy to alleviate some of the suffering in the world? (For those looking for ways to help please scroll down to the bottom of the page).
Energetic boundaries help us stay centered in our light so that we can shine it into the dark without getting lost in it ourselves. If you want to enhance your energetic boundaries, look no further than wonderfully supportive Yarrow (Achillea millefolium).
yarrow - the healer & boundary keeper
Known as a master healer plant, Yarrow is generous with her medicine for those who know to look for her. Yarrow is traditionally used for many ailments like: to stop bleeding, cleanse wounds, reduce fevers and calm overwhelm and anxiety too. Magically she is known to boost energies of attraction, love, communication, along with the courage to create and keep boundaries to stay anchored in our own energetic essence.
Want to learn more about working with Yarrow’s magic? Check out my new book - Everyday Plant Magic - or preorder now!
ritual: yarrow & cinnamon house blessing salt
Use the magic of sea salt, cinnamon and yarrow (or rosemary) to infuse and enhance the energetic boundaries around you and your home.
You’ll Need:
1 Tbsp of crushed yarrow flowers and leaves (if you don’t have Yarrow you can substitute with crushed rosemary or mint)
2 Tbsp of sea salt
2 sprinkles of ground cinnamon
a mortar and pestle (or some way to grind and mix all the ingredients together)
a small jar with lid
What You Do:
*Begin by gathering your ingredients and giving thanks to them.
*Combine the ingredients and grind and mix them together.
*Pour the salt mixture into the jar and close the lid.
*Sweep and clean your front and/or any doors leading into your home.
Ground yourself by connecting your feet with Mother Earth and breathing deeply, pulling in Earth’s supportive energy with each inhale.
Then expand youself by connecting your crown/top of head with the entire Cosmos, pulling the inspiring energy of the whole Universe in with each breath. Continue to breathe deeply feeling the energy from both below and above flow through you.
When you feel both calm and energized, set your intention by saying something like: “I thank and call upon you Yarrow, Cinnamon and Salt to bless me, my home and those who live within with your magic. Thank you for helping us know how magnificent we are and helping us stay in that truth. That you for attracting abundance, health and wealth. Thank you for clearing what’s no longer supportive.”
Sprinkle some of the blessing salt under your door mat, and/or in the corners of the door.
Spread the salt blessing mixture into the four corner of rooms in your home calling in friendshop, health, abundance, and boundaries in social and work spaces, and communication, love and healing for more private areas of the home.
Finish by taking a moment to give thanks to your home for all the shelter, support and comfort it provides.
with infinite love and appreciation,
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we the people hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference and here are some simple ways how.
Register to vote, and check your voter registration status HERE!
Here are some great places to get involved with or support:
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQ+ Equality
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my monthly New and Full Moon Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!