Full Moon in Gemini: Releasing 2022
Full Moon Gemini
December 7-8, 2022
Hey there friends.
Remember that expansive energy we felt so recently with the last new Moon? That was nice, wasn’t it…
Unfortunately the energy coming with the upcoming full Moon in Gemini feels less nice. In fact, it’s actually been feeling pretty agro (aggresive) and emo (emotional). And we can thank the planet Mars for that.
Mars, the planet that represents action, courage, passion, sexuality, ambition and yes, aggression, is currently retrograde. When Mars is in retrograde, it can feel as though we just can’t seem to gain momentum, and that our temper, and patience, is on a short fuse. Especially when the Sun is shining directly upon Mars while he’s retrograde, as is happening right now. Retrogrades are opportune times of reflection and revisions, and at this moment in Mars’s journey backwards in our night sky (retrograde), he’s hanging out right next to the the full Moon, both in Gemini.
Gemini, an Air sign, influences themes around communication, information, sharing of ideas and the dual nature of the human experience. During this full Moon, the sun is illuminating our deeply held feelings around our inner thought patterns and dialogue, along with authentic communication and connection with others. And with the current placement of Mars right next to the Moon, Gemini is doing so in ways that quite honestly, are pissing us all off!
Gemini, represented by the twins, also represents the often competing voices in our minds. The voice that encourages and believes in ourselves, and the one that is always criticizing and telling us why we’ll ultimately fail. This actually speaks to what some often refer to as the Higher Brain and the Lower Brain. The Lower Brain, is the voice of the survival at all costs, even it is means we never grow to our potential. It’s the inner voice telling us we’re not good enough, and why bother, and “it’s better to be safe than sorry” (aka: take risks). The Higher brain is the voice of thriving and the voice of our Higher Self, or Soul. It is the voice of the higher perspective, and the non-attached narrator who can find the lesson within the challenge. It is the voice that when spiraling in our own defenses, gently guides us to open our eyes, ears and hearts again, to others and most importantly to ourselves. With this Full Moon in Gemini we are being reminded of the power of perspective and a loving inner dialogue.
If you’re like me, you may have already been feeling the density of this full Moon for a few days already. I’ve definitely been feeling irritable, self-criticizing, judgmental and annoyed. Yet it’s exactly in these moments of heaviness that we can see our own growth. I’ve been witnessing how much more quickly my turn around time is from emotional volatility to emotional repair. I’ve been quick to anger, but I’ve also been quick to forgive, apologize and return to love.
As the last full Moon of 2022, this Moon is also a beautiful moment for us to reflect back on the last year, taking note of our accomplishments while also getting clear on what we want to release before heading into 2023.
While I don’t recommend creating any Moon Water or charging any crystals under this volatile full Moon in Gemini (still looking at you, Mars), this is a wonderful lunation for releasing rituals (like the one I share below). To prepare and clarify your intentions for the releasing ritual, you may want to journal on the following prompts.
Journaling prompts for this Gemini Full Moon:
What is currently making you angry? List out the things.
Of this list, what are some items that you actually have influence over? Now ask yourself, how would this situation look, and how would I feel, if I thanked and then released this anger?
What are some ways for me to release this anger without causing pain to myself or others?
(Some suggestions include, screaming into a pillow, or under water; hitting pillow or your bed; laying on the floor and flailing your arms and legs while whining or moaning (think toddler temper tantrum); going to one of those interactive “Rage Rooms” where you pay to safely break things with bats and mallets.
Looking back at 2022, list out the following:
Five things you are grateful for.
Five things you are proud of yourself for.
Five things that are still bothering/disappointing you.
Five things you want to let go of.
Use the Gemini Full Moon’s influence to help let go of any old energies from 2022 that are no longer serving , such as disappointment, frustration, impatience, etc.
Prior to conducting the ritual, spend some time reflecting on the year that past and getting clear on energies, patterns, habits or situations you know you don’t want to take with you into the New Year.
what You’ll Need:
An item from Nature that you found outdoors, like a leaf, twig, acorn, some moss, feather, etc.
Incense or a candle
Lighter or matches
Safe space to burn your incense or candle
Your Journal
what you’ll do:
1. Light your incense, or candle, and state your intention for this ritual by saying something like: “To Creator, Mother Earth, Higher Self, Guides, Angels, Ancestors and Helpers - Please assist me as I release these heavy and dense energies from the past, so that I may enter the new calendar year with the energy to co-create in ways that support the happiest and greatest good for all. With gratitude and full faith, Amen.“ (or say any form or prayer/incantation that resonates for you!)
2. After journaling, and getting clear on the feelings, patterns or habits you wish to release, take hold of the Nature item in your right hand and cover it with your left hand.
3. Allow yourself to feel into the discomfort and heaviness of holding onto this energetic weight, and then intentionally move all that heavy energy into your hands and into the Nature item.
4. Bring your attention to your breath and the sensation of holding the item in your hands, feeling the heaviness of the energies you are ready to release.
5. Now take the item into your right hand and move it through the incense smoke (or a few inches above the lit candle, please fire safety in mind) in a slow counterclockwise circle 7 times, stating your release with every circle.
*1st Circle: I release any energies physically blocking me and reclaim my security & stability.
*2nd Circle: I release any energies emotionally blocking me and reclaim my essence & and my joy.
*3rd Circle: I release any energies mentally blocking me and reclaim my focus & confidence.
*4th Circle: I release any energies blocking me from connecting with others and reclaim my compassion & love.
*5th Circle: I release any energies blocking my authentic expression and reclaim my truth & voice.
*6th Circle: I release any energies blocking me from trusting my inner guidance and reclaim my intuition.
*7th Circle: I release any energies blocking me from spiritual connection and reclaim my channel to the Divine.
6. Place the item down and put on a slower vibe song that you can stretch, shake and sway your body to in whatever way feels good. Let yourself release stored energy in your body as you shake and sway.
7. When you feel complete, give thanks to Mother Earth, to Creator, to your spiritual guide team, and to yourself, and then either burn, compost or safely discard of your nature item with gratitude.
As we ebb and flow emotionally with the pull of this full Moon, let’s do our best to love ourselves, and those around us, with compassion and patience, because tempers and emotions are flaring up all over the place! Despite the emotions that may arise, this full Moon is an invitation to connect with the loving, compassionate, curious and accepting voice within. None of us are perfect and we are all here learning to love ourselves, each other and this life as fully as we can.
Sending you love now and always.
with infinite love and appreciation,
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we the people hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference and here are some simple ways how.
Here are some great places to get involved with or support:
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQA+ Equality
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