Virgo New Moon
trusting your alignment
Virgo New moon
September 2nd - 3rd, 2024
6:55pm (pst)
Hi friends,
While the world at large may too often feel full of challenges, what if we trusted that these challenges are necessary to instigate change?
The Virgo New Moon, on Sept 2nd (or 3rd depending on where you live) may make this point abundantly clear for us, hopefully in ways that help us grow.
The new Moon is always a time of new beginnings, a celestial reset button that encourages us to plant seeds for the future. In Virgo, this new Moon encourages us to reset our daily focus in ways that better align with who we are and want to be, despite the challenges still in our way.
Alignment, not perfection, is the key to fulfillment, the New Moon in Virgo reminds us, encouraging us to recognize our challenges for the growth opportunities they truly are.
Read on for more on
the energies of the Virgo New Moon
Astrology Forecast with Sarah
working with the Moon Energy
While Virgo energy can too often get a “bad rap” for being perfectionist and at times, controlling, Virgo is actually the mutable Earth sign of the zodiac, meaning Virgo energy is way more adaptable than given credit for.
Observant, dedicated, organized, discerning, disciplined, strategic and health and goal oriented, Virgo energy actually loves to let go and purify. Virgo knows that by doing so, more space and invitations are created for that which truly feels aligned.
Virgo’s energy is deeply connected to routines, health, and work, making this New Moon an ideal time to focus on refining the areas of our lives that require structure and discipline. This new Moon is an invitation to take a step back and assess our goals with a critical eye.
Are our daily habits supporting our long-term aspirations?
Are there areas where we can be more efficient or organized?
Some of Virgo’s gifts lay in the ability to analyze, strategize and see things through. This New Moon is an invitation to look more closely at our lives and create some plans for getting ourselves into greater alignment with what we truly desire. Yet there is also a loving reminder in there not to plan or strategize in order to control a truly uncontrollable world. Instead Virgo energy does best when they create plans and strategies that can shift and mutate with life circumstances (like the mutable energy Virgo is).
On the shadow side, Virgo energy definitely can lean toward perfectionism and control, along with being overly critical, and doubtful. Yet when Virgo energy can lean into their trust for what is, along with their trust for what they can create, magic is manifested!
And part of learning to trust what is, is learning to trust all aspects of our life, including our past, present, and potentially future challenges.
And just like with the last full Moon in Aquarius, challenges may be an ongoing theme for us during this lunation as well because of the good old planet of boundaries, challenges, and limitations, Saturn sitting in direct opposition to the Sun and Moon in Virgo.
Saturn’s lessons
Saturn’s opposition can feel like a roadblock, presenting obstacles and delays that test our patience and resolve.
When Saturn challenges the New Moon in Virgo, it may bring up feelings of inadequacy or self-doubt, particularly in areas related to planning, health, and productivity. We might feel as though our efforts are not yielding the desired results, or that external circumstances are hindering our progress, or that we just cannot stay on top of the overwhelming clutter of life sometimes (guilty over here of that one!).
However, Saturn’s influence is not negative. While it can certainly feel heavy and restrictive, Saturn also represents mastery and achievement through hard work and perseverance. Virgo’s love for learning, planning and following through, paired with Saturn’s more challenging influence, helps us build resilience as we learn to navigate challenges with more trust, grace and dedication.
The obstacles we encounter under Saturn’s opposition are not meant to discourage or dissuade us, but rather to strengthen our resolve and commitment to our goals. That being said, Saturn’s influence can totally have us feeling disappointed and dejected, unfortunately. Yet the new Moon in Virgo reminds us that we always have choices, even when faced with challenges. And acting on those choices always starts with making a plan. And it just so happens both Virgo and Saturn energies love making plans!
So we can use the strategic energies of the Virgo new Moon to make some simple plans around things that are currently challenging, even if we don’t know how to resolve these challenges.
Especially then.
And our plans can be as simple as “meditate for 5 minutes each night to stay open to solutions”, or “ask someone for support”.
It’s often the simplest of plans paired with aligned actions that creates magical momentum in our lives.
trust your alignment
When we make a plan, and then act on that plan, in adaptable yet consistent ways, regardless of the outcome, we are showing our trust in ourselves, in our creations and in the Universe at large.
When we make a plan and then take action on that plan, we are speaking out to the Universe, that we trust our dreams, trust our actions and trust the Universe to meet us with co-creation.
One great way to work with the energies of this Virgo new Moon, is to journal on actions we would take if we truly knew and believed we couldn’t “fail” because the Universe would meet and match us every step of the way.
Yet we also don’t want to get stuck on the need to achieve these dreams and desires in order to feel fulfilled, successful and happy.
When we allow ourselves to feel fulfilled from the plans we make and actions we take to achieve our desires, we no longer feel the need to tie our fulfillment or sense of worth to the actual attaining of those desires. Which also just so happens to help us manifest our desires more quickly (it’s called non-attachment). More importantly than even the attaining of our desires, is the emotional peace and happiness we experience when allowing our plans and aligned actions to fulfill us right here and right now.
This is trusting ourselves and our alignment in the present moment, even with our challenges in front of us and our dreams some distance away. And this is exactly what this Virgo new Moon wants us to remember.
May this Virgo new Moon help you recognize and embrace your current alignment, trust your plans and actions and manifest breakthroughs.
with infinite love and appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch or listen, you can catch my YouTube Moon video by clicking the link below.
Virgo new moon energy summary:
Trusting Your Alignment
1) Find value & growth within your past and current challenges, and trust you are where you’re meant to be.
2) Gain clarity on what you would do if you knew you couldn’t fail.
1) Trust in yourself and your ability to co-create with the Universe.
2) Supportive habits along with grounding & healthy daily routines/rituals.
Astrology of the
Virgo New Moon
MEET sARAH FROM EXPANSIVE CONSULTING & hella fluid collective!
Hi cuties! Sarah here. I run things over at Expansive Consulting, and Hella Fluid Collective, where astrology meets small business operations. I am obsessed with small business owners and helping them run their business in alignment.
I offer tailored support, DIY biz resources, and personalized astrology horoscopes to help you understand the upcoming cosmic cycles and how they may impact your business strategies.
Let’s connect!
I’m also on IG, YouTube and TikTok:
We get a Mars square to Neptune with this new Moon, which can bring frustrating confusion towards which direction to move into next. We may feel an urge to do something but we're simply not sure what.
The best advice is to take any step forward, especially if it has low stakes. This lack of clarity will clear within a few days and the image will become clearer. Use this period to dip your toes in and just try.
We also get Chiron trine to Mercury, which offers supportive energy of healing through communication, writing, and potentially short travel. Talking to a trusted friend or therapist, journaling it out or taking a little drive or day trip may feel especially restorative.
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference.
Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel, please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
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