Pisces Lunar Eclipse & Autumn Equinox
let go and let flow
Pisces full moon
lunar eclipse
September 17th, 2024
7:35pm (pst)
Hi friends,
Well, it’s that time of year again - Eclipse season.
Eclipse season is when we are encouraged to release our grip and ride the waves flowing our way. It’s a season of fated change and realizations, and is nothing to fear, but is instead a powerful time of alignment.
Eclipses typically happen twice per year, once in the Autumn and again in the Spring, and always come in pairs. Meaning if there is a lunar eclipse, there will be a solar eclipse and if there is a solar eclipse there will be a lunar eclipse.
This lunar eclipse is in the emotionally deep sign of Pisces, a sign known for it’s empathic intuition, imagination and adaptability. This Pisces flavored lunar eclipse encourages us to let go of our judgements along with our illusions, in order to meet ourselves and grow.
The Full Moon in Pisces always invites us to dive into the mystical waters of intuition, dreams, and emotion. However, when this lunar event is coupled with a powerful lunar eclipse, its energies become even more amplified, asking us to shed the past and the inauthentic, in order to make room for transformative shifts in our lives.
Read on for more on
the energies of the Pisces Full Moon Eclipse
the energies of the Autumn Equinox
Astrology Forecast with Sarah
working with the Moon & Eclipse Energy
Pisces’ flowy nature
As the mutable Water sign of the Zodiac, Pisces is the most adaptable of the more adaptable Water signs.
So going with the flow is actually very much in Pisces’ nature. We can certainly use Piscean adaptability to help us navigate the up and downs of eclipse season. For remember eclipse season always asks us to go with the flow, and Pisces knows how to flow.
Intuitive, emotional and visionary, Pisces is deeply connected to the ethereal realms, the unconscious mind, and spiritual enlightenment.
Ruled by Neptune, the planet connected with the spiritual realms, intuition and illusions, Pisces is also associated with the dream world, imagination and creativity. The full Moon in Pisces wants us to explore what lies beyond the physical world—encouraging us to tap into our intuition and pay closer attention to the subtle messages from the Universe.
Pisces energy is also compassionate and forgiving, and with the full Moon illuminating this sign, we are called to release judgments, heal old wounds, and embrace unconditional love. As is often the case with full Moons, emotions may rise to the surface as we process and cleanse what no longer serves us. It is a deeply healing time that can bring profound insights, particularly through dreams, meditation, or creative expression.
In order to call in this profound insights around this lunation, we are required to steer away from the shadow sides of Pisces, like avoidance, escapism, and clinging to illusions. Instead we can allow ourselves to be present, receptive and reflective with the energies of this transformative lunation.
Both Saturn, the planet of challenges, reality and transformational spaces, and Neptune, the planet of imagination, illusion and spiritual connection, are both in Pisces with the Full Moon during this lunation. This points to some tension (again) between our dreams and our reality, and between the spiritual and the physical.
The Sun in Virgo, paired with this full Moon in Pisces, also brings forward the tension between our physical day to day lives (Virgo) and our emotive, intuitive and spiritual lives (Pisces). This is a potent full Moon for repeating the mantra “I am a spiritual being having a physical experience” in order to integrate and embody these two truths within. Both the Sun and the Moon are reminding us of this truth throughout this eclipse season.
Here are some practical ways to work with this Pisces full Moon with lunar eclipse Energy:
Journaling: Since Pisces is linked to the subconscious and dream world, keep a journal close by to record any intuitive hits, vivid dreams, or insights that surface during this time.
Spiritual Baths: Take a cleansing bath with salts, essential oils, or herbs to release negative energy and soothe your emotional body. This can be a powerful way to honor the water energy of Pisces. See the Botanical Bath Soak ritual (pg. 142) from my book Everyday Plant Magic for more.
Meditation: Spend time in meditation, particularly guided meditations that focus on healing, release, and connecting with your higher self. This can help you tap into the spiritual insights available during this Full Moon Eclipse. (Here is a free meditation to connect with the element of Water for this Full Moon)
Grounding: Because Pisces energy is so ethereal, it’s important to stay grounded. Spend time in nature, practice breathing in and holding Earth energy in the body, or work with grounding crystals like hematite, black tourmaline or agate, to help anchor yourself during this time.
Go with the flow: This is not the time to try to force or control things, or even do active manifestation. Instead allow yourself to float downstream a bit, responding to the currents instead of swimming against them.
Intuitively, when I feel into the energies of this particular Pisces full Moon eclipse, I get a sense of spaciousness yet tiredness, along with this feeling of surrender, or openly giving in to what is.
It feels like we are willing to look at all of ourselves openly and with a lack of judgement. And it’s this cessation of self-judgement that actually allows us to feel what needs to be felt in order to move forward with even greater authenticity and personal power.
So while I feel like we’ll definitely be feeling our feels during this upcoming Pisces full Moon eclipse (I mean we are talking about Pisces here!), this lunation also feels more supportive and way more chill than the last few lunations have felt. That being said there may be some surprising wet weather events throughout the world around the time of this full Moon eclipse and the Autumn Equinox as well…(scroll down for more on eclipse and Autumn Equinox energies)
So let’s use the flowing energies of this Pisces full Moon to help us flow through the rest of this Eclipse season too (which will officially be over by the super full Moon in Aries on October 17th, 2024).
flowing with eclipse energies
If you’ve been following my Moonblogs for a while now, you know we like to honor eclipse season here instead of fearing it. And how do we honor eclipse season? We actually do a whole lot less.
This is due to the fact that eclipses are powerful forces of Nature that bring destined transformations to our lives, both personally and collectively. While most of the year, the Moon asks us to co-create, collaborate and manifest with her cycles, Eclipse season is when she asks us to simply get out of the (and often our own) way.
Astronomically, a full Moon lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is positioned directly between the Moon and Sun, so Earth’s shadow is cast upon the surface of the Moon.
Astrologically and spiritually, eclipses are potent moments of fated change and sacred surrender. During this lunar eclipse, parts of the Moon are shadowed, and we are asked not only to accept the presence of our own shadows but also the limits of our control.
During Eclipse seasons, we are guided to release our tight grip, to stop trying to force or control situations, and instead to find more stillness, observation and ability to go with the flow.
Whether it’s within our personal lives, or some event within our shared collective experience, eclipses often bring about big and surprising change. Change that is supported by the Universe.
Change that is in the highest and greatest good for ourselves and the world.
When these transformations occur, our role is not to resist or attempt to control these changes, but instead to accept what is happening and then ask ourselves “what is my next best step from here?”
This is how we “go with the flow” during Eclipse season.
While epiphanies are common during Eclipse season, especially if we take more time for stillness and inner reflection, don’t expect or go seeking clarity or certainty during this time. During Eclipse season, our two luminaries, the Sun and Moon are literally blocked and shadowed. This means, we can anticipate our relationship to our outward selves (the Sun) and our more inwards emotional selves (the Moon) to at times feel blocked and shadowed as well.
Yet if we allow ourselves more moments of stillness and inner reflection, eclipse season can bless us with deeper knowings from our Soul, and downloads from Spirit. This Pisces full Moon eclipse in particular, guides us to let go of our need to control and let ourselves just flow with whatever we are feeling, in constructive ways.
This is a time to trust in the Universe’s plan for us, even if it feels uncertain. Allow the waves of emotion to wash over you, knowing that with each release, you’re moving closer to your own most authentic expression. Embrace the change and trust the process—it is all happening for our ultimate growth and alignment.
While you are of course free to do whatever you choose, I don’t recommend harvesting, harnessing or trying to control or manipulate eclipse season energies due to their more chaotic nature. So here is my list of Eclipse Dont’s and Do’s when it comes to working with Moon magic:
try to force or control situations that are not meeting your expectations
have lots of expectations!
conduct Moon magic or manifestation rituals
charge crystals or make Moon water under eclipse Moons
search for or seek clarity, certainties or guarantees
go with the flow (to the best of your ability)
meditate in whatever way works best for you!
allow yourself to feel your feelings in constructive ways
give yourself moments of more mindfulness, stillness and inner reflection
journal and/or express yourself artistically
spend time present with Nature
ask for support or assistance and offer your support as well
Eclipse seasons invite within us a deep understanding that our continued expansion and sense of fulfillment requires moments of surrender. Moments where we allow ourselves to trust the Universe, lean into faith and feel the freedom of going with the flow.
Coming just a few days after this lunation, the Autumn Equinox on September 22nd, blends beautifully with the flowing energies of the Pisces full Moon eclipse.
The Vernal Equinox - Autumn for us on the Northern Hemisphere, and Spring for those on the Southern - represents the two days of the year when the Sun is (almost) exactly over the Equator and the day and night are as equal as they can get.
The Equinox is all about the balance and equality of the day and night, light and dark. Both Autumn and Spring Equinoxes remind us that we are meant to embrace and integrate our dark and light, our conscious and subconscious, our masculine and feminine energies and our beingness with our doingness.
The Autumn Equinox specifically reminds us of the balance between productivity and rest. Autumn is a season of both harvest (often the final harvest of the growing season, depending on where you live), preparation and slowing down. The period of time from the Summer Solstice to the Autumn Equinox is all about abundance, productivity, celebration and harvest energy. Then, from the Autumn Equinox into the Winter Solstice, there is a harvest, prepare and begin to rest energy that comes in.
We can see this move from productivity into rest displayed beautifully by the trees. The trees, whose beautiful leaf color change and eventual leaf fall, often symbolize the entire Autumn season.
Tree’s leaves change colors for many reasons, most having to do with changes in sun exposure and temperature. These environmental changes reduce the tree’s abilities to photosynthesize, and breaks down their chlorophyll, which is the chemical creating the green colors in the leaves. With less chlorophyll, the green pigment fades and other pigments like yellows, oranges and reds created by other chemicals found in leaves (like carotenoids for yellow and orange, and anthocyanins for red) can finally be seen.
It’s literally the tree slowing down their productivity that creates the beautiful, vibrant and inspiring foliage of Fall. And of course, there is a potent message for us all in this artistic display of rest from Nature.
So as we honor the shifting season from Summer into Autumn, also find ways to balance and honor your rest with your productivity, your harvests with your feasts and your preparations with your creativity.
May this Pisces full Moon eclipse flow us toward our Soul’s higher expansion with compassion and trust.
with infinite love and appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch or listen, you can catch my YouTube Moon video by clicking the link below.
pisces full moon eclipse energy summary:
Let Go and Let Flow
1) Emotions and patterns keeping you from finding presence.
2) Practices that help you get present, still and receptive.
1) Those emotions, and patterns keeping you from being present.
2) Any emotional activations that come up for you! Trust what you’re feeling and your ability to be with the sensations of that emotion. If you feel an emotional release coming, give yourself a safe space to cry, scream, moan, wail, kick, punch, and safely feel.
Astrology of the
Pisces Full Moon
lunar eclipse
MEET sARAH FROM EXPANSIVE CONSULTING & hella fluid collective!
Hi cuties! Sarah here. I run things over at Expansive Consulting, and Hella Fluid Collective, where astrology meets small business operations. I am obsessed with small business owners and helping them run their business in alignment.
I offer tailored support, DIY biz resources, and personalized astrology horoscopes to help you understand the upcoming cosmic cycles and how they may impact your business strategies.
Let’s connect!
I’m also on IG, YouTube and TikTok:
The watery, emotional energy of this eclipse is exemplified because the moon forms a loose conjunction with Neptune, which is also in Pisces. This can amplify emotional awareness, but can lead to confusion or escapism if your energetic boundaries aren’t clearly laid. It also gives an invite to tap into spirit and our intuition. .
We also get a supportive kite formation. The Moon forms sextiles with Pluto + Uranus while the Sun forms a grand trine to them as well. All earth signs are activated by watery Pisces, which asks us to find balance between our emotions and our practical reality.
Pisces energy reminds us that everything is interconnected, earth energy puts a focus on structures, Pluto in Capricorn asks us to let go of outdated systems, Uranus brings in better replacements, and Virgo brings in our day to day habits that make an impact on these long term changes.
Put it all together and we have supportive energy to make impactful changes in our personal lives and on a bigger societal scale.
Mercury in Virgo also forms an opposition to Saturn in Pisces, doubling down on the push/pull energy between the emotional and the practical. Mental clarity can get clouded by our emotions, asking us to practice boundaries but more geared toward our mind. If your mind is spiraling, when do you say enough is enough and redirect it?
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference.
Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel, please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!