Aquarius Full Moon
we’re so much more than all or nothing
Aquarius full moon
august 19th, 2024
11:25am (pt)
Hi friends,
Who’s ready for another intense full Moon?!
After the big reveal and changes that came with the last full Moon in Capricorn, we may be hopeful for some non-dramatic calm for a bit, but alas the celestial influences are still pointing towards drama.
Ready or not, here comes more intensity with the Aquarius full Moon on August 19th, 2024. There is some pretty potent energy and astrology around this full Moon so be prepared by getting your centering and grounding techniques going now!
Now by no means am I trying to fear monger, as we’ve already got an epidemic of fear throughout humanity. I’m sharing this as a reminder that we all have way more power and authority over our own energy than this chaotic world will have us believe. In fact often that is just what the Moon reminds us of, even as her influence gets our emotional waves flowing.
The Full Moon in Aquarius, on August 19th, encourages us to think and act beyond the confines of all-or-nothing, or dualistic thinking, influencing us to release the extremes within us that are actually repelling the perspectives and progress we truly desire.
Aquarius, known for possessing an innovative and forward-thinking nature, encourages us to break free from conventional (aka limited) boundaries and embrace a broader, optimistic and humanistic perspective. This lunation is particularly significant as it coincides with the tense Jupiter square Saturn transit, which further amplifies the polarizing duality around us, encouraging us to move away from black-or-white, all-or-nothing thinking. Instead, it urges us to find balance and explore the nuances of life.
Read on for more on
the energies of the Aquarius Full Moon & Saturn Jupiter Square
Astrology Forecast with Sarah
working with the Moon Energy
so aquarius…
Symbolized by the Water Bearer, yet actually the fixed Air sign of the zodiac, Aquarius represents the flow of ideas, the dissemination of knowledge and the way each of our unique energies combine to create a greater whole.
Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of rebellion, innovation and freedom, according to modern astrology. Yet according to traditional astrology, Aquarius is ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, boundaries/limits, challenges and perseverance. It’s so very Aquarius to be ruled by two planets and some even say that it’s the combination of these Uranian and Saturnian influences that give Aquarians so much individuality, visionary thinking and eccentric uniqueness.
Aquarius is also associated with independence, collective good, and a desire for social progress. This air sign encourages us to think outside the box, challenge the status quo, and envision a future that embraces diversity and inclusivity.
Aquarian energies can also influence us to detach emotionally, which can be both beneficial or detrimental depending on our methods of detachment.
For example, when we’re actively manifesting and calling something in, one tip that brings our desires to us faster is when we emotionally detach from the need for that thing, because that “need” actually energetically repels what we desire.
Emotional detachment also helps us with our intuition, because present neutrality is how we best receive intuitive information. (If you want to learn more about this, including how to get to a place of present neutrality, please check out my group coaching program for psychic development, Intuitive Magic! Doors are open now and we begin Sept.6, 2024.)
Yet there is also a level of emotional detachment that can create a lack of presence and connection, leading to isolation, and a lack of grounding or compassion for others or ourselves.
So a good question to ask oneself when working with strong Aquarian energies is “Am I detaching or am I just distracting myself and disassociating?”
In my understanding, detachment feels like the intention to remove emotional chords in order to feel whole and here now. Meanwhile disassociation, feels like the intention to distract oneself into not feeling here now, or often not feeling anything at all. Aquarius energy can definitely have us doing both.
And honestly, some healthy emotional detachment may be super supportive for this particular Full Moon because the Astrology points to more sudden changes, more extremes and more transformative chaos.
transformative astrological influences
It’s interesting how Aquarius is co-ruled by Uranus and Saturn, both of which are influential this Aquarius Full Moon.
First we have Uranus, the planet of sudden change, rebellion, liberation and innovation, making a really tight square with this Full Moon, indicating the possibilities of transformative change both personally and collectively. The bright side of this Uranus and lunar transit is that it leaves us feeling more open, and less resistant, to the kind of change that will uplevel our lives.
Then there’s another important astrological transit happening on the same day as this Full Moon, which is the square between the two largest planets in our solar system, Jupiter and Saturn. These larger outer planets often tend to have greater impacts on our collective systems and experiences, so I wouldn’t be surprised if more newsworthy things occurred around this full Moon.
Jupiter, the biggest planet, is all about growth, expansion, abundance, higher learning and possibilities. People often associate Jupiter with luck, due to his ability to help things grow, but it’s important to remember that Jupiter doesn’t just expand and grow the things we desire, but instead grows what we’re truly focusing on.
Meanwhile, Saturn, the second biggest planet, is all about discipline, boundaries, systems and liminal/transformative spaces. Saturn also likes to help us achieve our greater potential through challenges, and influences our sense of discipline and perseverance.
Jupiter wants to expand our possibilities while Saturn reminds us of our limits.
Jupiter is Mr. Optimistic while Saturn is Mr. Pessimistic.
When Saturn and Jupiter square off in this way, we can expect tension between where we are, and where we want to be, both personally and as a collective. This transit, paired with the Uranus square to the Moon, also points to many ways our current systems are failing us, and the need for larger societal structural change.
This transit will likely also illuminate more examples of how our current systems are amplifying our polarization, as opposed to diminishing them (which is not surprising especially in an election year here in the USA). The influence of this Saturn-Jupiter square can encourage more polarizing, black-and-white, “I’m right so you’re wrong” energies with this Aquarius full Moon. Yet in reality this lunation wants to help illuminate and let go of these more polarizing energies within us, so that we can stop resisting the transformation we desire, both personally and collectively.
This is actually where the emotional-detachment of Aquarius can really serve us. When we release the emotional need to feel right, we let go of the resistance that keeps us stuck in limiting perspectives. This act of surrender allows us to focus on alignment, which isn't about being right or wrong, but rather about what feels most resonant with our true selves. By shifting our attention to what aligns with our core values and desires, we open the door to greater flow and progress in our lives, moving forward with clarity and purpose.
GROUND, center & let go
Intuitively, I also received a message around support. I felt a tingly sensation in my right foot (an area in my body that needs some additional support lately) along with the words “Support is always where you need it most”. My guides then shared with me the importance of grounding ourselves with Earth energy around this Aquarius full Moon. It’s beneficial for us to utilize this Earth energy to anchor ourselves into our present and accepting centers, rooting ourselves to withstand the billowing winds of change around, and within, us.
Another intuitive message I received was around letting go of mental chatter around this full Moon as well. As a fixed Air sign, we may notice our thoughts on overdrive around this lunation, yet we do have the ability to quite and train the thoughts in our mind, especially when we bring ourselves back into our bodies. There are so many ways to get energy out of our heads and into our bodies. Here are just a few of my favorites:
*dance like nobody’s watching
*go for a walk with Nature
*jump in the ocean of a body of water and play
*somatic (body led) practices like stretching, crawling, rolling, kicking, punching, etc. Just let your body guide you with how it wants to be moved!
It’s actually the energy of our minds that gets us stuck in all-or-nothing, black-and-white thinking. Our Spirit understands that life exists in nuance along with sacred neutrality. Nature does not judge the predator for preying on their prey, nor the prey for being preyed upon. Spirit does not judge us in the way we believe, nor in the way that we judge others and ourselves. Judgement and “right vs wrong” thinking are both traits of our humanity, driven by mental energy run amok.
So on this Aquarius full Moon, if you find yourself judging everything around you, especially yourself, and needing to feel right and/or morally superior to others, please recognize this as the Moon’s invitation for you to release resistance and return to alignment.
I’ll be doing the same!
May this Aquarius Full Moon help you recognize and release the all-or-nothing thinking within you, so that you can allow more flow throughout with less resistance, sorrow and fear.
with infinite love and appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch or listen, you can catch my YouTube Moon video by clicking the link below.
Aquarius full moon energy summary:
1) Where you are engaging in black-and-white, all-or-nothing, thinking?
2) Are there any situations or relationships where you’re not currently feeling supported to be authentically you?
Let Go:
1) Beliefs that keep you enmeshed within all-or-nothing, fixed mindset thinking.
2) Attachment to the people. places, patterns or habits that are not supporting your authenticity.
3) Excess mental energy too!
Astrology of the
Aquarius Full Moon
MEET sARAH FROM EXPANSIVE CONSULTING & hella fluid collective!
Hi cuties! Sarah here. I run things over at Expansive Consulting, and Hella Fluid Collective, where astrology meets small business operations. I am obsessed with small business owners and helping them run their business in alignment.
I offer tailored support, DIY biz resources, and personalized astrology horoscopes to help you understand the upcoming cosmic cycles and how they may impact your business strategies.
Let’s connect!
I’m also on IG, YouTube and TikTok:
Wowza this is a powerful full Moon. A LOT of planets are activated with this full moon so I’ll just talk about the main ones.
Jupiter squares Saturn just a few hours after this full moon, which often serves as somewhat of a reality check. It asks us to look at our expectations and see if they are in alignment with our current circumstances. Where do we need to make adjustments in order to continue growing? This square also connects with Venus in a conversation of tension, potentially bringing our finances, relationship and self worth issues into the mix.
The Moon and the Sun are both forming a square to Uranus, bringing potentially frustrating disruptions to our sense of self and sense of security. We may feel an irresistible urge towards our independence and making a big change. Channel this energy towards innovative solutions to avoid impulsivity.
Use any frustrations that come up as a reminder to check in with yourself and get to the root of the problem.
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference.
Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel, please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!