Virgo Full Moon
love it to let it go
Full moon in virgo
February 24th, 2024
4:30 am (pt)
Hi friends,
One of many interesting things about life here on Earth is the fact that not a single one of us is getting out of here without trauma of some kind. Now of course there are different levels of trauma, and by no means am I minimizing any person’s pain, or diminishing anyone’s healing journey. What I mean is that those of who are living will at some point have to deal with pain and suffering, aka trauma.
Yet what we do with that trauma, how we move and digest it, process and alchemize it… that’s where we have choice and oh so much power.
The Virgo Full Moon on February 24th, 2024 is here to help us illuminate, process, accept and release trauma, in gentle, dedicated and intuitive ways.
As the last full Moon before Eclipse season, this Virgo full Moon has a strong liberating energy to help us let go of those parts that are holding on to our own suffering. By doing so, this full Moon also helps us release blocks to our intuitive connection.
As the mutable, or adaptable Earth sign, Virgo is practical, grounded, caring, dedicated, loyal, determined, helpful and oh-so-organized. On the shadow side, Virgo energy can be perfectionist, hyper-critical, and controlling.
With Virgo energy we are inclined to focus on our physical health and daily habits, along with the self-care practices we are (or aren’t) giving to our bodies, minds and souls. Virgo reminds us that our bodies are actual temples, as they are the vessels that merge our physical being with our spiritual being.
Virgo energy helps us connect with our bodies in deeper awareness. We can too often override our bodies needs, requests and boundaries, in favor of completing our goals, intellectualizing or trying to understand our experiences, or even in the pursuit of our own healing.
What if instead of interacting with our bodies from our top-down (mind-oriented) approach, we let our bodies interact with our minds in a bottom-up approach? What if instead of our minds telling our bodies what to do, think, feel, and say, we let our bodies inform our minds of what we truly need, feel, and know?
That grounded, Earthy approach might be just what we all need with all the cerebral Airy Aquarius energy still in the air, along with the emotive watery energy of Pisces season.
This Virgo full Moon offers us an invitation to let the body tell us what old traumas are ready to be illuminated, accepted and lovingly released. How do we do this? By paying attention to what happens in our bodies when we are feeling a more intense emotional charge (which often happens on or around full Moons), instead of over-analyzing those charged emotions. Through our awareness, our breath and our presence, we can travel into the body allowing ourselves to truly feel what we’re feeling, and only then asking ourselves “what do I truly want/need?”
When I felt intuitively into the energy of this full Moon, I was filled with a sense of gentle and accepting release. Release of the suffering I was holding onto within my thoughts. As I was filled with this sense of softening into letting go, a single tear spilled from my left eye, as I simply exhaled out any sense of discomfort or unsafety in that moment.
In some form or another, living itself is fraught with trauma and pain. Even the act of being born is traumatic - for baby and often for the parents, too. Yet life is also filled with infinite moments of beauty and love and connection. Take again the example of birth itself. If we can accept that we are going to feel traumatized throughout moments of life, than we can allow ourselves to move and process through those experiences in more helpful ways - so as not to hold the trauma within us in unending cycles of repression and reactivity.
One of the best ways to work with the energies of the Virgo full Moon is to allow ourselves to simply breathe and be with ourselves, our emotions and our corresponding bodily sensations.
The challenge with Virgo energy is to know when enough is enough, to remember that any habits, routines, practices, or even boundaries, when held too rigidly, can become prisons of their own making. It’s why Earthy Virgo needs the pairing of her opposite sign - flowy and Watery, Pisces.
Pisces’ Intuitive Influence
While the full Moon is in Virgo, the sun is in the dreamy, intuitive and always-feeling Pisces (along with the planet of communication, Mercury, and the planet of systems, Saturn). Pisces energy has an especially strong pull on our intuitive connection, giving us an extra boost of psychic oomph.
We can feel others more easily at this time, making it more difficult at times to differentiate between personal feelings and other’s feelings. The intensity of our feelings during Pisces season, and the Virgo full Moon in particular, can lead to us shutting down through escapism and disconnection(shadow aspects of Piscean energy). Yet this full Moon also offers us an invitation. An invitation to actually stay present with the intense emotions in order to truly feel and release them. The Virgo energy of this full Moon helps us stay grounded in our own energy and in reality - so as not to be swept away in a flow of Piscean intuition and empathy.
Speaking of intuition, much of how our intuition communicates to us is through our relationship with the physical. Like through sensations and emotions within our physical bodies and relationships with the natural and physical world (I teach all about this is my group coaching program, Intuitive Magic).
While the Pisces Sun helps us connect with the watery element of intuitive receptivity and emotional flow, the earthy Virgo Moon helps us ground our intuitive receptivity with actual understanding of the messages we’re receiving. The energies of Pisces and Virgo paired can create a beautiful doorway into our intuitive gifts through Pisces’ authentic emotions and Virgo’s relationship with the body and Nature.
Pisces season is also the last season within the Zodiac calendar, giving this Virgo full Moon an extra sense of completion.
What cycles, stories or projects are ready to come to an end for you?
Allow this Virgo full Moon to illuminate any final parts ready to be completed, and let go of any parts already completed.
Acceptance is Love too
With the awareness of our own trauma we may have around this full Moon, please don’t forget the transformative power of acceptance.
All full Moons illuminate and draw out our deeper emotions, and with the sensitivities of Pisces and the perfectionism of Virgo, this full Moon can have us feeling a lot of resistance to our own trauma. Yet the unconditionally loving energy of acceptance is also available to us during this lunation (and always truly).
What if we accept that trauma is a part of life?
What if we humble ourselves by acknowledging these traumas with acceptance and compassion?
What if we accept that it’s our bodies, and not our minds, that hold the capacity and resilience to truly feel, digest and release traumatic charges?
What if we can learn to love even our hurt parts, in order to truly let them go?
May this Virgo full Moon illuminate the parts of your healing ready to be loved, accepted, completed and released.
with infinite love and appreciation,
if you prefer to watch or listen to the energies of the Moon, check out the YouTube Moon Video by clicking the link below!
journal prompts virgo
full moon:
What emotions are coming up for you around this full Moon? What old memories or thoughts are in your awareness?
Where are you feeling these emotions in your body? What do these sensations actually feel like?
What is currently being completed in your life? How can you illuminate and honor this completion?
Think about a part of yourself you feel ready to let go of. What does it feel like in your body for you to accept, and maybe even love, this part of yourself?
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
Full Moon in virgo
2.24.24 4:30am (pt)
Hi friends,
Looks like Saturn will be a big signature with this Full Moon.
mindset maven melissa
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website:
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
Saturn will be conjunct the Sun which means it will also be opposite the Moon. Saturn is the planet of time, boundaries, constraint, and structure. This Full Moon could help some of us see what is or isn't working out in our routines and daily activities.
Beware of being overly critical of yourself if something is not working out the way you hoped, and instead take it as an opportunity to course correct. When we take note of the area that Saturn is asking us to pay attention to and put in whatever work is necessary, then we have the payoff of something that is truly lasting.
Remember that Full Moons are for releasing. Release whatever you think the expectation is and create something that is going to serve you in the long run.
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!