Aquarius New Moon
the pleasure of new perspectives
Super New Moon in Aquarius
February 9th, 2024
2:59 pm (pt)
Hi friends,
What if we actually saw our ability to change our perceptions and create new perspectives as the true miracles they are?
What if we could find the comfort, even pleasure, within the discomfort of change?
Do you think we would be more open to change?
Changing our minds. Changing our beliefs. Changing our wounded patterns. Changing the structures and systems that are so obviously not working to benefit humanity.
The Aquarius new Moon on 2.9.24 urges us to learn into this power of reshaping our perspectives, changing our minds and stepping out of our comfort zones. More specifically, this Aquarius Moon urges us to reshape our perspectives around our personal and collective healing, challenging us to focus on the pleasure available to us despite the pain, to focus on the comfort we kind find even within the discomfort of change.
With lots of planets, along with the Sun, Moon and Pluto all parked in Aquarius during this lunation, we are offered the Aquarian higher vantage point and motivation for progressive change. With Uranus and Chiron in the mix, this Aquarian view is especially helpful around healing our deepest wounds and allowing for change.
Aquarius, Chiron & Uranus
As the fixed Air sign, Aquarius is cerebral, innovative, social, collectively-minded, original, revolutionary and also stubborn. Aquarius focuses always on the greater whole and greater good, often even casting aside their own needs and emotions in order to focus that attention and energy on a larger service.
Aquarius season pulls us out of the more emotionally charged Capricorn season (yes Capricorn can be emo!) Aquarius wants us not to take things so personally so that we can see/understand things from a higher perspective emotionally.
Maintaining a more accepting and neutral viewpoint is also an essential way to process some of the deep wounding and sudden changes that may arise on or around this lunation. This is due to the moves of Chiron, the wounded warrior, and Uranus, the planet of sudden change and originality.
Chiron, classified as an asteroid (not a planet), is here for our healing. Named after the mythological greek centaur, healer and teacher, Chiron represents our deepest wounds and how we heal them and turn that into medicine to share with the world.
During this Aquarius new Moon, Chiron is making some moves around the Moon’s North Node, activating more of our old wounds and stories, that are wanting to be healed.
The Moon’s North Node represents the energies that we’re here to explore and embody in this lifetime, both personally (as in the North Node in our birth charts) and collectively, through the Moon’s current North Node relationship. The Moon’s North Node is currently in the sign of Aries (it moved here with the Cancer New Moon on 7.17.23) and you can read all about the energies of the lunar North Node in Aries in this archived Moonblog from July.
The North Node is all about our greater growth, and the energies we are meant to explore and eventually embody in this lifetime. Chiron, our inner wounded healers, knows that sometimes it’s the pain of our past that inspires us to keep growing, healing and expanding.
Yet the Aquarius New Moon also wants us to remember that pleasure is another way to inspire growth and change. In fact from a nervous system perspective, pleasure is THE way to inspire increased capacity for our mind and body to experience more.
The Airy energy of the Aquarius new Moon is just like that extra deep breath you take while deep in a stretch, intense massage or other challenging physical moment. That breath that allows us to inhale awareness into the pain and exhale surrender, letting that pain sink and settle into a feeling of pleasure, easing our way into the activation and expansion that will come from that deeper stretch or challenge.
The Aquarius air of this New Moon is a sustaining and motivating breath, a deep inhale of awareness and a deep exhale of surrender - and the sweet release that comes with it.
Speaking of the nervous system, Uranus, the planet of sudden change and limitlessness, who also governs the nervous system, is square this new Moon. The influence of these Uranian and Aquarian energies may have us feeling restless and ready for change. On the personal level, we can feel especially called to change anything that feels like it’s stifling our authenticity. On the collective level it feels as though we can lean into our knowing that human consciousness is rising, despite the old patterns causing so much pain globally.
The Aquarius new Moon gives us the inspiration and motivation to believe in a bigger vision, a bigger dream, and a unique role for ourselves within that dream. So be willing to change and let things change around you. Lean into the comfort that can be found when we accept our discomfort, lean into the pleasure our bodies are primed to feel, even while we accept that pain that still exists all around and within us.
May this Aquarius New Moon activate within us all a willingness for change, the pleasures of new perspectives and the joys of our journeys’ unfolding.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For journal prompts, keep reading.
Check out the YouTube Moon video by clicking on the button below!
journal prompts aquarius
new moon:
If old wounds are coming up for you, where are you feeling them in body?
How big does this energy feel inside (or right outside) your body?
Does this energy/these energies want to be moved in any particular way? If so please feel free to follow that impulse.
What is your greatest dream for humanity and Earth?
Where role do you see yourself playing in your dream?
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
new moon in aquarius
2.9.24 2:59pm (pt)
Hi friends,
mindset maven melissa
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website:
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
Looks like the major transit happening with this Aquarius New Moon is that Uranus will be squaring it.
This transit can spark the need and desire for great change and there could be friction at play because of the square that makes it unavoidable. Remember that Pluto (the planet of transformation) is going to "flavor" this as well because it has moved into Aquarius.
Aquarius is all about innovation and out of the box thinking so this could be a great moon to begin something in a more unconventional way. Change can be scary but sometime in order for us to be comfortable there has to be a moment of being uncomfortable.
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
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