Leo Full Moon
all our parts make us whole
Full Moon in Leo
january 25th, 2024
9:54 am (pt)
Hi friends,
How’s the first few weeks of 2024 been treating you?
Did you enjoy the energy shift that happened with the last new Moon in Capricorn?
We’ve got more energy shifts coming in the last half of January too, with the move of the Sun and Pluto into Aquarius on January 20th and the full Moon in Leo on January 25th.
If you’ve been noticing you’re feeling more focused on yourself, and your own self-awareness, in ways that feel illuminating and inspired, yet also humbling, you’re definitely feeling the current cosmic influences.
The Leo Full Moon guides us to acknowledge and embrace all our parts, even the ones we deem broken or unwanted, in order to truly embody our wholeness.
While the Moon shines in all her wholeness during a full Moon, in reality she is always whole. It is only our perception of her, from our view here on Earth, that makes her appear whole at some moments (full Moons) and partial in others (like waxing, waning and new Moons).
The Leo full Moon reminds us that our wholeness is not a measure of some perceived moral or spiritual virtue; our wholeness is simply who we are, including all our physical, emotional, mental and energetic complexities.
Speaking of complexities, there are some big and complex energy shifts coming in during this Aquarius season and Leo full Moon.
Mark your calendars for Saturday January 20th, because this day marks a big energy shift. Not only is the Sun moving into Aquarius, kicking off Aquarius season, but Pluto, the (dwarf) planet of transformation, destruction, creation, and rebirth is also moving out of Capricorn (where he’s been for the last 15 years) into Aquarius as well. Oh and also the Sun and Pluto are making this big move together! This is a big astrological deal.
The Sun/Pluto conjunction is an invitation for deeply transformative change. The Sun represents our conscious selves, our personalities, the light we shine out into the world. And Pluto is the planet of death, rebirth, transformation, and power.
When the Sun and Pluto conjoin we can expect to feel “triggered”. Yet this isn’t just to torture us, Pluto brings up our wounds in order to heal them. Pluto offers us the blessing of rebirth, new perspectives and brand new ways of doing and looking at things. So even though we may feel emotionally and mentally triggered by this transit, it’s also a powerful invitation for long-lasting, sustainable transformation and expansion. Both on the personal and collective levels.
On the personal level, we’re invited to let something die in order for something else to be reborn. We may feel easily riled up or wounded, on or around this date because Pluto wants us to go deep into our shadows and recognize how whole we are even when we feel broken, which is a theme shared with the Leo Full Moon too. Curiosity is a great way to work with these energies (which I greatly appreciate because curiosity also happens to be my word and theme for 2024!).
On the collective level Pluto moving into Aquarius is about social justice, innovation, rebellion, revolution, diversity, autonomy and freedom. Aquarius is the “power to the people” energy of the zodiac, influencing our relationship to the collective human experience, and reminding us of the true power the people hold when we come together. The move into Aquarius also offers humanity a choice when it comes to progress and innovation. Are the people-led movements actually leading to progress, innovation, collaboration and diversity of peoples and opinions for the greater good, or are they being used to sow more discord, separation and victimhood? The choice as always is up to us and the energies we choose to engage with, support and amplify.
Speaking of choice - interestingly enough, Pluto will be retrograding back into Capricorn right on time for the presidential election season here in the US (from Sept. 1st - Nov. 19th, 2024). The astrology (and state of US and globabl politics) points to this being an election where us expressing our choice through our votes, feels crucial for the future of humanity, even if we’re not crazy about the choices presented to us. (I’m sure I’ll be sharing much more on this as we get closer to September).
So this particular Aquarius season is a time of big change, and big choice. The Capricorn new Moon just a bit ago reminded us that co-creation with change is our birthright. Pluto’s move into Aquarius, and Aquarius season, anchor that change in even more. Pluto in Aquarius guides us to think, feel and live outside the confines of our own past wounding, in order to keep us curious, creative, and expansive, both for ourselves and for humanity at large.
LEO moon + AQUARIUS sun = ME + WE
While Aquarius is all about the collective, Leo is all about the self. Yet both are also about the powerful energy of the heart. The heart is about unconditional love, acceptance and sacred reciprocity. The heart is about giving and receiving, and recognizing that those energies are actually one in the same when it comes to love.
Leo, the fixed Fire sign, is passionate, brave, strong, dramatic, artistic, expressive, firey and bright. Leo is also regal and powerful, just like the lion which they’re represented by. On the shadow side, Leo can be selfish, self-serving, self-rightous and jealous/envious. Leo is the zodiac sign that governs the heart, and Leo is also all about each of us allowing our heart energy, our love, to shine out into the world, along with celebrating others for doing the same.
In it’s highest expression, the heart chakra is all about acceptance, non-judgment and unconditional love. Yet this Leo full Moon may be triggering our judgements, especially towards ourselves. I also intuitively picked up on the theme of comparison - meaning we may find ourselves falling into the trap of comparison more around this particular full Moon.
The Leo Full Moon wants us to move past the comparison into more curiosity and expression. So if you find yourself comparing yourself to others (and feeling as though you are coming up short) around this full Moon, you can move this energy through your own curiousity. What is this comparison telling you about what you are truly desiring? Also what would it feel like to use the energy of comparison for expansion vs constriction? What if we allow those we are comparing ourselves to to inspire us and expand our beliefs around what’s possible for each of us, as opposed to shaming ourselves for not being “as good as”?
This Leo Full Moon reminds us that each and every one of us is currently, and has always been, more than good enough. The Leo Full Moon (paired with Pluto’s move into Aquarius) triggers our ego, our fears and our self-judgements as a means of bringing us back to our wholeness.
Can we fully love and accept ourselves even while feeling jealous or insecure?
Can we accept that all our parts, including our wounds, and unwanted parts, are valuable parts of our wholeness?
Can we remember that just like the Moon we are always whole, it’s just our perceptions that make us feel broken, empty or simply not whole?
May this Leo full Moon strengthen your self-acceptance and amplify your unconditional love for all, and most especially, for yourself.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For journal prompts, keep reading.
Check out the YouTube Moon video by clicking on the button below!
journal prompts leo
full moon:
what are you proud of yourself for?
what are you feeling humbled by?
what are some parts of yourself that you appreciate, honor and love?
what are some parts of yourself that you avoid, neglect, repress, or shame?
what might it feel/be like for you to accept these parts of yourself with an open heart?
what are some things you’re curious about yourself?
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
Full moon in Leo
1.25.24 at 9:54 Am (pt)
Hi friends,
mindset maven melissa
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website: realmindsetmaven.com
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
It looks like this full Moon might be a little messy. Chiron (where our wounding is held) is a big player in this moon and we all know that full Moons bring intensity.
On the day of the Full Moon, we have a Mars square to Chiron. Wounds and insecurities could really come up during this time for some of us. Along with Mars, we will also have Mercury in a square with Chiron the day after the Full Moon is exact. Once again our wounds are being triggered. With Mercury this could bring about negative self-talk or us lashing out towards others.
How can we be aware of those wounds that we all carry and use the release of this Full Moon in a healing way instead of one that is hurtful?
Notice where your attention is being pulled during this week and how you can heal a piece of the wound you carry. Our wounds don't ever really go away, but Chiron shows us that even in our wounding that there is a beautiful opportunity for each of us to use our wounding to help others.
Take it easy this week and lean into those positive self-soothing rituals to promote self-acceptance and release any emotional pain that could come up in the process.
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!