Capricorn New Moon
everything is always changing
New Moon in Capricorn
january 11th, 2024
3:57 am (pt)
Hi friends,
Happy 2024 to us all!
While the last few weeks of 2023 may have felt slow and even kind of stagnant, new, faster-paced energies are coming in now with the new year and the new Moon in Capricorn.
Energy that encourages our inner motivation and sense of empowerment.
Energy that clarifies our vision and plans for the future.
Energy that grounds our ambitions with our actions.
Energy that reminds us to embrace change because in truth everything is always changing on our swiftly spinning planet.
While I’m not really a “new year new you”, New Year resolution person (because it feels unnatural for me to get super motivated in the middle of winter), this Capricorn new Moon really does bring some extra supportive energies for meeting new goals and welcoming change. Which is wonderful because I’m announcing a big new change with this new Moon in Capricorn too! Read on for more…
So get your goal-setting sights set, because the Capricorn new Moon encourages dedication to ourselves and what we want to grow.
capricorn go time
Known for bringing the “boss” energy to the Zodiac, Capricorn is motivated, ambitious, driven, strategic, focused and success oriented.
As the cardinal Earth sign Capricorn energy is grounded and stable, while also being visionary and inspired. Yet on the shadow side, Capricorn energy can avoid and repress emotions, choosing instead to focus on work or accomplishing their goals.
With the Sun and Moon in Capricorn, themes of security, stability, ambition, long-term goals and change will be felt around this lunation.
For those of us on the Northern Hemisphere, it may seem counter-intuitive to have hustling-loving Capricorn energy during the height of Winter.
Yet Capricorn energy during Winter reminds us that we all have access to infinite energy around and within us that can be used for our own determined success.
We are also reminded that even our ambition for success can be easeful. We can allow for rest, rejuvenation and play while staying committed and dedicated to our careers/projects/purposes.
With Mercury - the planet of communication, technology and travel - stationing direct on January 1st, along with Jupiter - the planet of expansion and higher learning - going direct back on December 30th, there are a lot of supportive energies and momentum for our growth and change.
Speaking of change…
Announcing the new rebrand!
This Capricorn new Moon feels the most auspicious time to finally announce the launch of my rebrand… what was once Infinite Succulent is now OUR INFINITE NATURE!
When I created Infinite Succulent back in 2016, it was to share the magical, healing and inspiring energies of plants, creativity and Nature because they helped me heal myself at a time when I was dealing with crippling eco-anxiety (existential dread over environmental destruction), self-criticism and depression. Creating art with succulents and learning to care for plants brought healing, acceptance, appreciation, empowerment and magic into my life.
The more I worked with plants, and followed the curiosities and guidance they shared, the more I reconnected with my intuition and my spiritual gifts as an energy transformer and medium. The plants guided me to study energy and the chakra and auric systems, connect with the Moon, train as a life and soul purpose coach, and cultivate my intuitive gifts. The more I learned, the more I shared the plant’s wisdoms and guidance with those who worked with me.
In 2021, I switched the focus of my business away from connecting people with Nature through plant art, styling and workshops, to connecting people with their own magic through intuitive and energetic relationships with Nature.
Rebranding my business name to Our Infinite Nature, now more accurately encapsulates the services, content, connection and magic I offer the world as a spiritual guide, Nature connector, energy worker and medium.
While I still offer creative plant art, consultations and private events and workshops through Infinite Succulent, these are just a few of the services I now offer through Our Infinite Nature.
Our Infinite Nature speaks to the truth that each and every one of us is also infinite, intuitive and magical, just like Nature, because we are each Nature too.
Our Infinite Nature also speaks to the infinite nature of our Souls and our ability to connect and communicate with the infinite parts of the Soul, in life and in death.
Through Our Infinite Nature, I bring spirituality down to Earth and help you connect with your infinite Nature, or your Soul’s magic, through intentional relationships with Intuition, Energy, Spirit and Nature.
Thank you all so much for being here and growing with me friends. Thank you for leaning into awe, appreciation and co-creation with Nature’s beauty. Thank you for opening yourself to the life-affirming energies of Nature. Thank you for remembering how magical this world really is, and how magical each and every one of us are too.
And speaking of your magic, don’t forget to enhance your magic with the supportive energies of the Capircorn new Moon.
set those intentions
While I’m not typically a January/New Years goals maker, I gotta admit that the energies with the new Moon in Capricorn are actually super supportive for goal & intention setting.
So, give yourself some time to do some intention or goal setting around this new Moon. This can look like list making, guided visualizations, vision board creating, or crafting magical botanical candles (like I share in my book Everyday Plant Magic).
Regardless of how you choose to set your intentions, know that you are supported in your commitment to yourself.
May this Capricorn new Moon ground you in your goals and inspire you in your belief and your actions.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For journal prompts, keep reading.
Check out the YouTube Moon video by clicking on the button below!
journal prompts capricorn
new moon:
what do you feel motivated to focus on right now? what about for 2024?
what are some ways to stay accountable to yourself?
where are your welcoming change in your life right now? Where are you resisting it?
what is a new way to look at this situation, to see the changes that really are occuring all around and even within the midst of stagnation?
What are your intentions for 2024?
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
new moon in capricorn
1.11.24 at 3:57 pm (pt)
mindset maven melissa:
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website:
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
This New Moon is your chance to take all the revisiting and revising you (hopefully) did during Mercury retrograde to kick start your year.
Capricorn is all about putting in the work and the transits around this moon really support us to start any intentions we have for ourselves.
The day before the New Moon, Mars will sextile Saturn. Key words for this transit are focus and hard-working. What better energy to have to get ourselves motivated and ready to direct that motivation?
Also, on that same day the Sun will trine Uranus which can bring up the unexpected but on an individual level. Think about this as individual breakthroughs which may be what you are needing to finalize any new intentions.
The day after the New Moon, Mars will trine Jupiter and this can be a great opportunity for expansion with our confidence. Use this positive energy to further support for whatever it is you are looking to start.
Love that this is the energy directing our first New Moon of the year!
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!