Cancer Full Moon
hibernate in the home within you
Full Moon in Cancer
December 26th, 2023
4:33 pm (pst)
Hi friends,
Here we are.
We made it to the last full Moon of the year, and the final lunation of 2023.
As the year winds to a close, the Cancer Full Moon comes in with some cozy, homey and hibernating vibes, here to help us ground and conserve our energy for all that’s yet to come in 2024.
Stabilizing, while still emotionally charged, the Cancer Full Moon also encourages us to simply be with what we truly are feeling. This Moon reminds us that we ARE safe to feel our feelings, in all their complexity. We are safe to do less, feel more and prioritize nurturing our needs.
The Cancer full Moon also illuminates the relationship we’ve cultivated with the home within ourselves.
Have we created an inner sense of belonging, compassion and self-nurturing? Or is our inner sense demeaning, belittling and self-critical?
Regardless of our inner realization, the Cancer full Moon offers us an opportunity to truly lean into, and hibernate within, our inner sense of nurturing safety.
Biologically, hibernation is an adaptive response some animals have to survive winter, in which they find a warm den, slow down their breath, heart-rate and metabolic activity and go dormant for the winter season. Basically they sleep their way through the frigid, barren days of winter, emerging bleary-eyed and hungry when Spring begins to share her bounties again. Bears are the quintessential examples of hibernating animals, yet many other animals dream their way through winter too, including some species of hedgehogs, groundhogs, bats, box turtles, wood frogs, snakes, snails and skunks.
Many plants also have a form of hibernation during winter, called dormancy. We see the plants drop leaves and pull their energy inward, maintaining their own inner needs without needing to expand any energy on creating leaves, blooms or fruits.
Energetically, hibernation is all about leaning into the potentially productive energy of rest. By this I mean, we acknowedge that rest is an integral part of any creative and productive cycle, because it allows us to replenish and conserve our energy stores. For those of us who live in colder climates and areas where the day’s light is shortened, we can feel that natural inclination to do less, and rest more during the winter months. Yet we often repress this urge due to our societal conditioning to do more during the busy holiday season.
Thankfully the Cancer New Moon comes right after Christmas, encouraging us to lean into the rest and inactivity that so often accompanies the days between Christmas and New Years.
cancer’s nurturing love
Cancer is governed by the Moon, meaning the Moon is very happy and comfortable when in this sector. This creates a more accepting and nurturing energy toward our own emotions, which are often heightened during full Moons.
As the cardinal Water sign, Cancer is also an instigating visionary, often able to see the most nurturing, inclusive and loving ways forward. Yet when negatively activated, Cancer energy can also be protective, defensive, isolating and unforgiving (both towards others and themselves). As someone with my Sun, Ascendent and Venus all in Cancer, I know the scope of these energies well!
Known as the archetypal Mother energy, Cancer is one of the most nurturing signs within the Zodiac. Yet instead of nourishing (and mothering) those around us, this Cancer full Moon wants us to prioritize nourishing ourselves and our own needs.
At least for the time being…
capricorn season &
winter solstice 12.21
While the Moon is in sensitive, nurturing and intuitive Cancer, the sun is in the supportive opposite sign of Capricorn, which is known more for it’s archetypal “fatherly” energy of systems, support, stability and action. Capricorn energy is also ambitious, strategic and courageous.
The start of Capricorn season, which runs from around Dec. 22 through January 19 (2023), also coincides with the Winter Solstice (for us on the Northern Hemisphere, Summer Solstice for those on the Southern Hemisphere) on Dec. 21st.
While Capricorn’s hustling energy may not seem to pair well with the “‘it’s ok to slow down and rest” vibes of winter, the Capricorn Sun, Cancer Moon and Winter Solstice are actually all reminding us of the same thing - the benefit of balance.
Balancing out our efforts and ambitions (Capricorn) with our feelings and self-care (Cancer). Balancing out our pursuit of the Light (sunlight’s lengthening after the Winter Solstice) with our acceptance of the Dark (the darker, colder, longer nights of winter). Balancing our seeking of the external with the ownership of the internal.
Winter Solstice marks the shortest and darkest day of the year. Yet it also marks the day the Sun and Light begin to return. On Winter Solstice the daylight hours stop shortening and instead begin to lengthen again. Winter Solstice is a reminder that just being with the darkness is the way back into the light.
While you may still have projects you’re finishing up for 2023, or you may be strategically planning your 2024 (which is so very Capricorn of you), you may still find your motivation and focus lagging around this Cancer Full Moon. And this is actually a good thing. This is your energy wanting to come inward, to hibernate and go dormant within you. To rest and rejuvenate, knowing there is so much more to come.
The energy feels like one of the “pull-back” moments, like with those kids toy cards, or a sling-shot, where you pull back the object and it is tight, yet still, with all this potential energy. Then you let go, and….Woooshhh…the energy just takes off!
This Cancer Full Moon feels like that pull-back moment, as we conserve our energy for the faster pace coming in the new year.
Mercury, the planet of communication, technology and travel is also retrograde during the Cancer Full Moon. Meaning we want to follow the retrograde rule of “re’s”: rest, reflect, review, revise, reasses, refine (which is a helpful tip I’ve learned from one of my favorite astrologers, Jessica Lanyadoo from Ghost of a Podcast.)
Mercury’s backwards dance across the sky is yet another reason we are being urged to rest and reflect on ourselves with this Cancer Full Moon. This lunation encourages us to reflect on ourselves and our last year: on our acheivements and failures, on our dreams and our fears.
Most importantly, this Cancer Full Moon encourages us to rest and hold ourselves in our own sense of safety, the type of safety that can only ever be found within.
Thankfully Mercury stations direct on January 1st, providing us with inspiring and more motivating energy to bring into the New Year.
you are your home
So as best you can, give yourself some extra time around this Cancer full Moon to find comfort and safety within your own presence. Like drawing yourself a bath, making (or buying) yourself a nourishing meal, or cozying up with your journal and some hot cacao or tea.
May this Cancer full Moon illuminate the feelings of safety, nurturing and belonging that have always lived within us.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For journal prompts, keep reading.
Check out the YouTube Moon video by clicking on the button below!
journal prompts cancer full moon:
what does home mean and feel like to you?
when do you feel the most at home within your body?
during this season of hibernation how can you nourish your body, your mind and your Soul?
what are some thoughts or limiting beliefs keeping you from enjoying rest?
what are some thoughts or limiting beliefs keeping you from feeling safe with yourself?
what are some desired thoughts or beliefs you can create to replace the limiting ones?
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
FUll Moon in Cancer
12.26.23 at 4:33 pm (pt)
mindset maven melissa:
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website:
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
What can I say…it’s a mixed bag!
On 12/24, Mercury & Mars will be conjunct. This transit may affect some by bringing the heat to how they communicate with others (just in time for the holiday season ). Take a beat with how you respond or have some techniques on hand to help with calming in the moment.
There is a dreamy transit with Venus trining Neptune. How can we bring the dreams that we have into reality? And, how can we invite in more coziness into our lives?
Jupiter will also be aspecting the Sun & Moon during this time. This can lend positive expansion to our emotional wellbeing & personal development.
Mercury will also square Neptune during this moon. Check your information and watch out for false news. Be aware of how and what you are communicating.
This full moon will affect everyone differently depending on your chart. For some it might feel dreamy/positive and for others it might bring heated emotions (late mutable placements…beware).
Hope this is helpful! As always, use what resonates and leave whatever doesn’t. I know the holidays are tough for many; so nervous about that Mercury & Mars. Wishing you and yours the dreamy expansive side of this Full Moon!
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!