Sagittarius New Moon
Completion and possibilities
New Moon in Sagittarius
December 12th 2023
3:33 pm (pst)
Hi friends,
We’ve made it to December!
While we’re likely feeling all kinds of ways, including dazed and confused from all that’s happened this year, the new Moon in Sagittarius on 12/12 comes in with an extra boost of motivation for new possibilities to close out 2023.
Most new Moons are about starting something new, setting intentions, planting seeds and beginning to co-create. While this Sagittarius new Moon definitely has new beginnings vibes, there’s also this energetic focus on completing something in order to move into the realm of new possibilities.
This lunation also feels more focused on our physical actions as opposed to our emotions. We may feel way more motivated to do things we’ve been putting off and completing projects that have been on the back burner.
(On a personal note, this motivating new Moon energy could not have been better timed for me, as I’m diligently working behind the scenes for a brand relaunch coming in January 2024! This is what I mean when I say that when you work with the Moon, she works with you too!)
Adventurous, playful and determined Sagittarius energy helps motivate us for the final stretch of 2023 and beyond.
Sagittarius knows…
As the mutable Fire sign, Sagittarius energy is curious, adventurous, open-minded, creative, honest, funny, playful and adaptable.
Remembering that light also casts a shadow, Sagittarius energy can also be arrogant, argumentative, domineering and blunt.
One of the most uplifting parts of Sagittarius energy is the ability to see the humor in life and find learning in every experience.
The Sagittarius new Moon reminds us to keep laughing, to keep learning and to keep truly living.
Fiery Sag. Season
Mars, the planet of assertiveness, action and aggression, is conjunct (close to) the Moon and the Sun during this lunation, with all three being in Sagittarius. This brings an extra spark to this Sagittarius season, which we’re still seeing play out with wars and violence across the globe. In our personal lives, this Mars energy can have us feeling as if we’re efforting more than usual, or like we’re facing more conflicts, both externally and internally
How can we work with this energy? We can get conscious of our own relationship with anger and aggression. We can also reflect on where in our lives we could be taking more actions, and where it would benefit us to take less.
Neptune, the planet of the mystical and intuitive, of fantasy, illusion and delusion, is also activated during this new Moon. This Neptunian influence may leave us feeling uncertain of how to actual get where we want to go, or where we’re even going to begin with! Do your best not to focus on knowing what’s coming, instead use the curious energies of the Sagittarius new Moon to stay open to your next best move, your next best action.
Magical Botanical Spell Jar Ritual for the Sagittarius New Moon
The magnetic energies of new possibilities make this Sagittarius new Moon a wonderful time for magical manifestation.
One of my favorite ways to do so is through making botanical spell jars.
What You’ll Need:
pen & paper
small glass jar with lid
varieties of dried herbs
one small crystal of your choosing
(optional) 1 Tbsp of honey
1 candle (any color of your choice)
Fireproof dish
Lighter or matches
What You’ll Do:
You’ll start off getting clear on the feelings you want to feel once you receive what you’re manifesting.
Write those down on your paper.
Gather some herbs that magically align with what you’re calling in, like lemon balm for abundance, rose petals for love, lavender for intuition, oregano for courage and mint for communication.
Then gratefully sprinkle 1/2 a teaspoon of each herb you desire into the jar.
Next hold your crystal and infuse it with the energies you’re calling in. To do this, you’ll want to bring up the feelings of already receiving what you desire inside your body and then intentionally move that energy into the crystal you’re holding. Then place it in the jar.
(optional) Giving thanks to the honey for it’s sweetness and attraction, pour 1 heaping Tbsp of honey into your jar.
The seal the lid on the jar and place it on a firesafe dish.
Using your lighter or matches, gently warm and melt the bottom of your candle and stick it to the lid of the jar.
Light the candle and allow it to burn down fully, so that the wax drips down over your jar. Sit in meditation as the candle burns. Or dance, journal, fire gaze, create art or do anything that makes you feel lit up and/or connected with what you’re calling in, while the candle is burning.
Once the candle is melted, you can place your spell jar someplace where you like to be productive and/or creative.
Release your expectations of when your manifestation will come to you. Instead allow yourself to feel “glimmers” when you look at your manifestation jar. Glimmers are positive sensations in your body, as if you’ve already received all that you’re currently manifesting.
When your manifestation does come through, bury or dispose of your spell jar with appreciation.
You can find the full ritual in my book Everyday Plant Magic. (You can also purchase a signed copy of my book HERE).
May this Sagittarius new Moon motivate us all to complete what wants to be completed so that we ready to invite in our new possibilities.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For journal prompts, keep reading.
Check out the YouTube Moon video by clicking on the button below!
journal prompts sagittarius
new moon:
where do you currently feel motivated, both in your mind and body?
what is something you’re finally feeling motivated to work on, or complete?
what are some of the next forward moving steps for you right now?
Can you commit to these actions, even if you cannot yet envision your destination?
what does it feel like in your body to feel open to new possibilities?
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
New Moon in sagittarius
12.12.23 at 3:33 pm (pt)
Venus will oppose Jupiter on December 9th and this can be fuel for inviting in more pleasure and truly going after what we desire. Tap into those things that bring pleasure into your life!
mindset maven melissa:
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website:
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
Venus will bring some sweetness to our thinking and communication on the 11th. While we are in the shadow phase of the Mercury retrograde, this will be lovely transit going into a time where we are called to review, revise, and reflect.
A few hours after the New Moon is exact; Mercury will station retrograde. This is a fitting transit for our last new moon of the year.
Take this opportunity to review this past year and use the new moon energy to create a vision for how you want to go into 2024. The slow to start energy of the retrograde can be used to bring more mindfulness to what you want to bring into the new year. Think creating those vision boards and having the permission to revise as needed.
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!