Gemini Full Moon
inner peace for outer peace
Full Moon in gemini
november 27th 2023
1:17 am (pst)
Hi friends,
I don’t know about you all, but my inner landscape over the last few weeks has been anything but peaceful. Maybe you too have been moving through waves of emotions like shock, fear, rage, sorrow, grief, betrayal, confusion, and heartbreak on so many levels.
As without, so within. As above, so below. And vice versa, too.
Yet the Moon reminds us that our inner peace is always an inside job.
The Gemini Full Moon (on November 27th) illuminates the barriers to peace within each of our minds, and hopefully helps us realize that we must break through those inner barriers if we ever expect to break through the outer ones.
gemini moon
Gemini is a mutable, or adaptable, Air sign. The element of Air represents our thoughts, mindsets, intellect and communication skills.
Represented by the twins, Gemini energy is about the push and pull, give and take of the human mind. The voices in the mind that criticize along with those that affirm you. Gemini energy highlights the energies of dualities within us and without.
In the light aspect, Gemini energy is collaborative, open-minded, objective, creative and an excellent communicator. In it’s light aspect, Gemini energy leaves much room for coalition building, encouraging us to work toward a common good regardless of our (perceived) differences.
Yet in the shadow aspect, Gemini energy can double down on all-or-nothing, us vs. them, and prejudiced thinking. (Like we need any more of that in the world at the moment…) It can also leave us feeling both restless, scattered and obsessive mentally.
So be aware of whether you feel your mind going between these light and shadow aspects, knowing you can always step from the shadows into the light with the help of your own presence.
sagittarius Season & Mars
While the Moon is illuminated in Gemini, the Sun (our conscious self and motivator), and Mars (our assertive, action taking and aggressive sides), are together in adventure and challenge loving Sagittarius.
Sagittarius, the mutable, or most adaptable Fire sign, is always on a quest for knowledge, experience and fun. Yet on the shadow side, Sagittarius energy can be direct to the point of unkind, and domineering, often leading to miscommunications and lack of listening skills.
With Mars and the Sun in Sagittarius people are feeling fired up to share their opinions and fight for their ethics and values. Unfortunately, many are doing so with energies that are enflamed, embellished and aggressive, due to an unwillingness to listen to anything that opposes their view. This can lead to more miscommunication with people refusing to listen to anyone who thinks differently, which then takes our values and turns them into dogma.
The Gemini full Moon illuminates this pattern in others, as well as within ourselves.
Yet this lunation also has the potential to be the soothing salve for these aggressive energies, if we are willing to listen to others perspectives. If we lean into Gemini’s positive traits of objectivity, communication and detachment, and allow ourselves to listen more, and talk less, we create an opportunity for greater understanding, and more peace both inside and out in the world that so desperately needs it.
how to work with the gemini full moon
Take note of where you feel obsessive thinking swirling within you.
Also take note of where you feel polarizing “us vs. them” energy flowing through you. How are these energies influencing your relationship with both inner and outer peace?
Give yourself an opportunity (through journaling or conducting a ritual) to let go of the barriers to peace within you. (This can look like dancing it out under the light of the full Moon, burning a list of the feelings you’re ready to let go of, or making some magical release candles like we will be doing out our upcoming LIVE GEMINI FULL MOON CIRCLE on 11/26/23.)
Ground into Earth often, inhaling her Energy up into your body with every inhale and releasing the energy into your body with every exhale. Do this often throughout the day to stay in your present moment and reality.
Communicate very intentionally around this full Moon, doing your best to respond and not react. When conversing with others (IRL or online) take a beat and a breath before sharing to stay in your responses vs your reactions.
Do your best to stay open-minded, curious and able to listen, especially to those who don’t agree with you. Seek out (rational) alternative views as an exercise in listening skills.
Let go of the desire or need to convince (or force) others to think what and how you think.
Come together in community and collaboration - surround yourself with those whose energies both uplift and restore you.
May this Gemini full Moon help you illuminate and banish the mental barriers to peace within you and may this inner recognition and prayer for peace ripple out to the whole world.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For journal prompts and more on the astrological forecast, read Melissa’s Astrology of the Moon below.
Check out the YouTube Moon video!
journal prompts gemini full moon:
what’s currently going on in your head; how is your mental state making you feel?
what are some ways you can bring your energy and awareness out of your head? (Like: going for a walk or dancing, mediation or breathwork, getting creative, etc.)
how can you check your own biases? how can you check facts, check sources and check your own urge to confirm your own beliefs?
what barriers to peace exist within you? where do you deny peace in your life? where do you deny others their peace?
how can you let go of these blocks and barriers to your inner peace?
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
full moon in gemini
November 27th 1:17 am (pst) / 4:17 am (pst)
mindset maven melissa:
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website:
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
A couple of days before this Full Moon on November 25th, Mars will square Saturn. This energy asks us: How do we face the limits put upon us? Do we put our full force into something and then end up burning up? Or can we use our force in a way that is persistent?
If a limit or boundary presents itself, we need to remember that being deliberate with our power will help us persist through the limits that are momentary.
On the day of the Full Moon, Mercury squares Neptune and this is not the time to go quick with our communications. We might have feelings that are similar to a Mercury retrograde and with the intense emotions that a Full Moon can bring that isn't always the best combo.
Slow down with your communications and fact-check if you need to. Gemini is already known for quick communications so make sure you take your time with important communications. Honestly, be deliberate with the mundane convos as well. Avoid inserting your foot in your mouth!
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!