Taurus Full Moon
indulge in radical change
Taurus Full Moon
november 15th, 2024
1:28PM (pst)
Hi friends,
Well we are making it through the election season here in the US, yet hardly unscathed.
That being said, it’s clear most of us are ready for a change, some may even say a radical change (while others of course may say not radical enough). And the Taurus Full Moon on November 15th helps us usher in big change, with open arms.
The full Moon in Taurus encourages us to release the stories of the past in order to indulge in the changes all around us from the big history-defining ones, to the more subtle shifts of perception and energy within each of us.
This open embracing of change, is in large part thanks to the unique conversation happening between the Moon and Uranus during this full Moon.
Read on for more on
the energies of the Taurus New Moon
Astrology Forecast with Sarah
working with the Moon
Taurus’s fixed focus
As the fixed Earth sign, Taurus is known for loving stability, security, routine, comfort and pleasure. Yet, as the Moon illuminates this Earth sign during this particular transit, we’re encouraged to explore areas where change is not only inevitable but also transformative.
This Full Moon is a call to illuminate and uncover the balance between Taurus’s steady grounding energy and our soul’s larger need for expansion—inviting us to examine where we may be holding too tightly to the familiar and how embracing shifts can bring unexpected empowerment.
Ruled by the planet of beauty, harmony, love and abundance, Venus, Taurus energy embodies groundedness, sensuality and a love of life’s tangible pleasures. Taurus energy delights in the sensory world, encouraging us to find comfort and appreciation in routines and rituals, and indulge in the slower, simpler moments that bring connection and joy.
However, like all signs, Taurus has its shadow side. The strong desire for stability can lead to stubbornness, resistance to change, and a tendency to cling to the familiar, even if it no longer serves. This Full Moon brings both light and shadow aspects into focus, helping us see where we may be blocking our own growth by refusing to let go of the old and make room for the new.
Taurus and radical change?!
The theme of indulging in radical change, that I intuited for this full Moon may feel contradictory for fixed, resistant-to-change Taurus, but it’s exactly what this Full Moon asks us to consider.
Change doesn’t always mean a wild, unpredictable shift. In the context of Taurus, it’s more about calculated, purposeful, personal transformation. Radical, personal change here means finding the courage to step out of comfort zones with intentionality and an open heart.
With the Full Moon highlighting Taurus, during transformative Scorpio season, there’s an increased need to find a balance between embracing change and honoring stability. Taurus reminds us that it’s okay to value security; we don’t need to throw away everything familiar to grow. However, genuine stability often requires adaptability and resilience. When we hold on to outdated practices or perspectives solely for the sake of familiarity, we create barriers that limit our personal evolution.
This Full Moon is an invitation to look closely at areas where we may be afraid of change and ask ourselves: Am I staying in my comfort zone out of a genuine need for stability, or am I holding on out of fear? Consider where small, incremental changes might create more peace and empowerment than clinging to rigid ways of thinking or living.
On the personal level, the energy of this Full Moon might feel like a gentle yet insistent nudge to reevaluate the structures, relationships, and mindsets that have kept us safe but stagnant. It’s an opportunity to release what no longer aligns with our values or our long-term goals and make space for what brings real, deep-rooted fulfillment.
Yet on the collective level, this Taurus Full Moon may bring about more radical and sudden change, due to the influence of Uranus, the planet of radical change, innovation and rebellion, on this full Moon.
uranus’ urge to break free
During this Taurus full Moon, Uranus will sit just one degree away from the Moon. Uranus, the planet of sudden insights, innovation, and unexpected shifts, is known for disrupting the status quo and encouraging us to think outside the box. In Taurus, Uranus challenges traditional ways of finding stability, security, and comfort, often bringing surprising changes to areas where we’ve been too fixed or resistant to growth.
With Uranus so close to the Full Moon, its energy heightens the theme of “indulging in radical change.” This alignment amplifies the urge to break free from anything that feels stagnant or restrictive. Uranus may stir up unanticipated insights, breakthroughs, or even shake-ups, all aimed at liberating us from patterns that no longer serve. This energy can feel unsettling, especially for Taurus, a sign that typically seeks predictability and comfort. However, Uranus’s influence pushes us to find a new kind of security—one that is adaptable, resilient, and open to the possibilities of the unknown.
During this lunation, we may experience sudden realizations about what stability truly means to us or feel inspired to make bold, unanticipated changes that bring us closer to authentic alignment. If we remain flexible and open to these shifts, Uranus’s influence can be transformative, helping us to release rigid structures and embrace a sense of freedom rooted in self-trust. The presence of Uranus next to the Full Moon reminds us that true stability is not found in resisting change but in adapting to it gracefully, finding our footing as we move forward into new and liberating territory.
And speaking of new and liberating territory…
pluto’s big move into aquarius
On November 19th, just a few days after the Taurus full Moon Pluto, the dwarf planet of transformation, death & rebirth, secrets and monumental change, moves out of Capricorn for good (or like over 200 years) and moves into the sign of Aquarius.
We actually had a preview of Pluto in Aquarius earlier this year, from January all the way through September. Yet now Pluto is completing her final transition from Capricorn to Aquarius, just days after the Taurus full Moon, and we collectively cross a threshold into a new era of transformation.
This shift from Capricorn, a sign focused on tradition, authority, and structured progress, where Pluto has been since 2008, into Aquarius—a sign representing innovation, collective consciousness, and future-focused change—marks a significant astrological turning point.
Pluto in Capricorn emphasized the dismantling of outdated power structures and encouraged us to critically examine our foundations in societal, financial, and governmental realms. As it moves into Aquarius, however, the focus shifts to radical transformation that impacts humanity as a whole, pushing us towards collective liberation, technological advancements, and social reform.
Aquarius energy inspires innovation, humanitarian ideals, and progress, helping us see beyond the established systems that Capricorn values. With Pluto moving into Aquarius, we’re asked to embrace changes that promote equality, community, and progressive action.
This Full Moon, occurring just days before Pluto’s shift, serves as a powerful precursor, helping us prepare emotionally and spiritually to welcome this new age of transformation. Together, they invite us to find strength in change, not by abandoning our roots, but by expanding our vision of what’s possible when we’re open to the future.
Pluto will remain in Aquarius until March 8, 2043.
working with the taurus full moon
Grounded Self Reflection
This full Moon is an ideal time to connect with your body, Nature, and the elements. Grounding practices are especially potent under a Taurus Moon, as they align with the sign’s earth-based energy. Activities like walking in nature, meditating with crystals or trees, and practicing intentional body-led movements, can deepen your connection to self, helping you feel stable and secure within.
Ritualize Releasing Resistance
Write down habits, beliefs, or attachments that you’re ready to let go of and safely burn or bury them in the earth as a symbolic act of release. Visualize how letting go creates space for fresh energy and abundance to flow in.
Inviting Change
Practice gratitude for the stability you’ve created, and then focus on where you want to welcome new growth. Take a moment to meditate on what stability looks like for you in the coming months. How can you create a secure foundation that is flexible enough to accommodate growth? Envision yourself moving forward with confidence, grounded in your values, yet open to the natural changes that life brings.
Indulging Your Senses
Since Taurus rules the senses, indulge in a bath, diffuse some essential oils, or light a non-toxic scented candle, or treat yourself to a massage. Reconnect with your body and spirit through simple, grounding practices, like walking in Nature, touching/sitting with a tree, cooking or eating a nourishing and delicious meal and connecting with loved ones. Allow yourself to enjoy the present moment, feeling stable and centered, while holding space for the shifts on the horizon.
May this Taurus Full Moon guide us to radically accept, and even in indulge in the big changes coming our way, helping us to see where change is not a threat but a necessary ingredient for a richer, more conscious life.
with infinite love and appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch or listen, you can catch my YouTube Moon video below.
taurus full moon energy summary:
Indulge in radical change
1. Discernment between when and where to allow yourself to change and when and where to be the calm center in the sea of change.
2. What you fear losing if you actually let yourself change.
Let Go:
1. Your resistance to, and fear of, change
2. Old stories you keep telling yourself from the past, especially those related to lack, scarcity and self-doubt.
Astrology of the
Taurus Full Moon
MEET sARAH FROM EXPANSIVE CONSULTING & hella fluid collective!
Hi cuties! Sarah here. I run things over at Expansive Consulting, and Hella Fluid Collective, where astrology meets small business operations. I am obsessed with small business owners and helping them run their business in alignment.
I offer tailored support, DIY biz resources, and personalized astrology horoscopes to help you understand the upcoming cosmic cycles and how they may impact your business strategies.
Let’s connect!
I’m also on IG, YouTube and TikTok:
This Full Moon is all about our attachments to money, comfort, material goods, and security. The moon is one degree away from Uranus, forming a conjunction. Uranus has been transiting the sign of Taurus since 2018 asking us to disrupt our relationships with these things.
With this full Moon, we bring our emotions and instincts into that process of change. We are being asked to release our financial habits and perspectives that no longer serve us. It’s asking us to let go of old comfort zones, push the boundaries on what truly makes us feel secure, and open up new definitions of stability. And with Uranus, this may come in unexpected ways. Unforeseen circumstances can have us changing our outlooks.
This moon isn’t too far off from forming a trine with Pluto, which suggests there’s supportive energy in letting go of external pressures that grip us into these old perspectives. There’s opportunity for societal change as well. Potential breakthroughs in financial reform or resource + wealth distribution. We sure could use that!
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference.
Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel, please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
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