Sagittarius New Moon
failure is also growth
november 30th - December 1st, 2024
10:21pm (pst)
Hi friends,
While I know we’re likely longing for some peace and quiet in order to process all that’s going on both without and within us, the New Moon in Sagittarius on 11.30/12.1, has us more motivated to take action while also encouraging us to review our relationship with failure, in order to learn necessary lessons from our challenges.
Optimistic, curious and playful Sagittarius energy gifts us a potent opportunity to expand our horizons by shifting our perception of failure. This lunation wants to help us redefine our understanding of growth and failure, especially at a time when life may feel especially challenging. The Sagittarius new Moon encourages us to expand our definition of growth by re-evaluating our relationship with failure, seeing it clearly for the powerful catalyst for change and growth it truly is.
Read on for more on
the energies of the Sagittarius New Moon
Astrology Forecast with Sarah
working with the Moon
Sagittarius’ focused fire
As the mutable Fire sign, Sagittarius, possesses a fiery energy that is adventurous, optimistic, curious, and (most often) adaptable. Symbolized by the Archer, Sagittarius is all about aiming high, experiencing life and sourcing truth.
In their brightest expression, Sagittarius energy is known for their belief in limitless possibilities, thirst for knowledge, courageous moves and visionary thinking.
Yet in their shadow expression, Sagittarius energy can be restless and impatient, overconfident and blunt.
With a flare for big idea thinking, Sagittarius energy can also tend to over-inflate expectations in ways that can only lead to disappointment. Yet, when feeling balanced and aligned, Sagittarius energy is wonderful for managing expectations in ways that keep us feeling curious and expanded.
The Sagittarius new Moon is a time where we can focus our attention on the constructive traits of “the Archer”, in order to increase our awareness, expand our understanding and give us the confidence and peace gained from a broader perspective.
And this gift of a broader perspective, is in fact a miracle of a changed or new perception, a perception that now believes that our failures are nothing to be ashamed of, but instead are invitations for us to keep learning and growing.
“There is no such things as failure” this Moon reminds us, “only first attempts in learning. So ease those expectations, be brave enough to learn from your mistakes, and get moving!” she encourages.
intuitive connections
When I connected intuitively with the energies of this new Moon, I felt a sense of moving spiraling energy out of the head back into the lower half of the body, inspiring us to just get moving. This energy encourages us to just start taking actions, not caring too much about the outcome, instead focusing on figuring things out as we go.
I was then taken to the root chakra, seeing in my mind’s eye us sending our energetic roots down deeper and wider into Earth, grounding and securing ourselves into Mother Earth, so that we may rise rooted, and supported enough to weather the storms coming our way.
The last intuitive message I received encouraged us to let the challenges inspire our inner warriors and rebels, reminding and clarifying for ourselves, that our desires are greater than any challenges or blocks that get in our way.
astrological conversations…
The Sun and Moon in Sagittarius during this new Moon are also joined by the planet of our thinking and communications, Mercury, in retrograde. Mercury will be retrograde from November 25th through December 15th, making this few weeks a potent time for review, revision and refinement.
Mercury retrograde is also known for annoying challenges that often pop up with our technologies, communications with colleagues and loved ones and even transportation issues. So do be sure to double check your communications, technologies and travel plans around this lunation.
Along with Mercury, Saturn also gets involved over this new Moon, indicating the possibilities of more challenges, or limits to our efforts. Thankfully, the Moon forms a loose trine with Mars, supporting us by gifting us a little extra boost of energy and motivation.
The Moon square to Saturn introduces a sense of seriousness, accountability, and potential resistance to our desire to just get moving. Saturn, the planet of structure and discipline, demands focus and responsibility, which may feel at odds with Sagittarius’ free-spirited nature.
The energy of this aspect, will likely higlight feelings of limitations both outside and inside of us. We may feel as though obstacles or delays keep getting in our way, or we may feel as though we’ve failed in achieving our goals.
We may also feel more emotionally introspective and reflective, especially around fears or doubts about failure.
Ultimately, this conversation between the Moon and Saturn present us opportunities to redefine failure as a learning opportunity, and the recognition that often challenges are just what we need to inspire our resilience and resolve.
To work with this Saturnian influence be sure to practice self-compassion always, and especially when faced with setbacks. It’s also best to focus on long-term wins as opposed to immediate results. On a positive note, Saturn’s structured influence can help us break big dreams and projects down into manageable steps.
Continuing with that positive momentum, the trine with Mars brings in dynamic and supportive energy. Mars, the planet of action and drive, aligns harmoniously with the new Moon, fueling ambition, courage, and confidence. This aspect inspires us to feel motivated enough to take bold actions. The transit also supports inner resilience, to help us overcome Saturn’s challenges.
While challenges may abound during this Sagittarius new Moon, we can also harness Mar’s boldness and Saturn’s discipline for unlimited progress.
Failure as Growth: Working with the Sagittarius new Moon
This New Moon invites us to reframe failure not as an endpoint but as a vital part of our journey. Sagittarius reminds us that every misstep is a step closer to wisdom. Here’s how you can shift your perspective on failure:
Cultivate Gratitude for Lessons Learned: Reflect on a recent failure and identify the wisdom it brought. What did it teach you about yourself or your path?
Embrace the Bigger Picture: Sagittarius energy reminds us that life is a grand adventure. What feels like a setback now could be part of a much larger success story.
Celebrate Effort Over Outcome: Acknowledge your courage to try, regardless of the result.
May this Sagittarius New Moon inspire us to aim high, knowing that every step, even the ones where we stumble or fall, bring us closer to our truest, most authentic and powerful selves.
with infinite love and appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch or listen, you can catch my YouTube Moon video below.
new Moon
energy summary:
Failure is growth too
*To mine the current challenges in your life and find the treasure(s) buried within.
*For the challenge(s) to motivate you to act!
*The miracle of a changed and/or new perception or belief regarding your challenge(s)
*The new belief that your desire is more powerful than any barriers in the way
Astrology of the
Sagittarius New Moon
MEET sARAH FROM EXPANSIVE CONSULTING & hella fluid collective!
Hi cuties! Sarah here. I run things over at Expansive Consulting, and Hella Fluid Collective, where astrology meets small business operations. I am obsessed with small business owners and helping them run their business in alignment.
I offer tailored support, DIY biz resources, and personalized astrology horoscopes to help you understand the upcoming cosmic cycles and how they may impact your business strategies.
Let’s connect!
I’m also on IG, YouTube and TikTok:
This new moon is getting us geared up for an important transits happening in December, which is Jupiter square Saturn. We’ve felt this once already earlier this year in August and will one more time in June 2025.
It is about coming to terms with our current reality and factoring that into our hopes and dreams for the future. It’s a bit of a reality check, but this new Moon is asking us to explore what works and what doesn’t by DOING.
Sagittarius is all about trying new things and switching it up when it doesn’t work (hello mutable fire sign). This new Moon is forming a square to Saturn, which may have us dwelling in fear about things not working out.
If we can get comfortable with things not going the way we expected, or maybe deemed as “failures”, we can actually open ourselves up to learning so much more.
Lastly, all of this is supported by a loose Venus trine to Uranus in Earth signs, bringing a sense of groundedness and stability to those trials and errors. We are more willing to embrace change with this energy.
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference.
Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel, please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
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