Scorpio New Moon
recognize your receptivity
scorpio new Moon
november 1st, 2024
5:47am (pst)
Hi friends,
Scorpio season always brings intensity, and even more so during a big collective moment (like say an election?). Yet this Scorpion intensity can be focused in constructive ways, inviting us into deep and transformative healing, along with inspired self mastery.
The Scorpio new Moon, on November 1st, invites us to dive deep into the unseen, to explore layers of ourselves we often keep hidden, open to receive more of the life force energy actually flowing our way, and unlock powerful opportunities for transformational healing.
So you know….casual ;-).
As one of the most transformative signs of the Zodiac, the initiatory energy of this new Moon in Scorpio is intense and profound, encouraging us to awaken to our own inherent life force Energy (prana, chi, ki), along with the life force Energy all around us, in order to help us receive and maintain more of what we desire.
Read on for more on
the energies of the Scorpio New Moon
Astrology Forecast with Sarah
working with the Moon
scorpio’s light & Shadow
As the fixed Water sign, Scorpio energy is no stranger both to the shadowy depths, and light soaked shallows, of our own emotional complexities.
Ruled by Mars and Pluto, Scorpio embodies both light and shadow, with a deep understanding of life’s mysteries, the cycles of death and rebirth, and the rawness of emotion.
In it’s light, Scorpio is the sign of the healer, the truth-seeker, and the alchemist.
Scorpio has an unparalleled capacity for transformation.
Those aligned with Scorpio’s energy know how to face their wounds, transmute pain into wisdom, and hold space for the darkness. Their intensity often gifts them with profound insights, empathy, and the ability to connect deeply with others. Well at least those not afraid of their intense and authentic power! Despite that, Scorpio energy is magnetic, intuitive, and deeply committed to spiritual growth.
However, Scorpio’s shadow can be just as powerful.
When this energy is out of balance, it can manifest as obsession, jealousy, secrecy, or control.
The same deep waters that give Scorpio its capacity for healing can also cause it to drown in emotional turbulence.
This New Moon invites us to face these shadow aspects, to bring awareness to where we may be holding onto fear or control, and to heal through the process of surrender.
Scorpio reminds us that in order to heal, we must feel.
We must allow ourselves to go inward, and surrender ourselves into the places within us that we may normally avoid—the old wounds, the unexpressed grief, and the buried desires.
This isn’t about wallowing in the past but about courageously allowing ourselves to feel what we’ve buried in our own depths in order to create the possibility of believing in our desired future. Under this New Moon, we are given the opportunity to transmute pain into power, turning emotional scars into sacred wisdom.
This is a potent time to dive into any healing work you’ve been putting off, whether it’s energetic healing, shadow work, or simply allowing yourself the time and space to feel what’s been lingering beneath the surface.
Scorpio’s energy supports deep emotional release and rebirth, making this a perfect time for rituals, journaling, and meditation that focus on healing old wounds and opening up to new possibilities.
Scorpio intimately understands that it is only through this descent into our own depths, that we gain the courage and perspective to ascend to our greatest heights.
can we receive more?
By casting the light of recognition and love upon our own shadows, we take in more life force energy (Prana, Chi, Ki) and increase our capacity to receive the more we are asking for, another major theme of this Scorpio new Moon.
When I felt in intuitively to this lunation, I felt a expansive and excited energy coming from the heart space, a feeling like something really good is coming, yet not knowing what that thing is. Yet there was also a sense of beautiful life force energy wanting to flow our way, yet being blocked by our refusal to open to receive it. I was taken to the back of the collective heart chakra and I could feel the build up of life force Energy, flowing toward the back of the heart (the largest area of energetic receptivity in the whole body), yet bottle-necking and congesting right outside the back of the heart chakra.
One of the most powerful aspects of this New Moon is the call to recognize how much energy is wanting to flow our way. Life force energy, also known as prana, chi, or ki, is the vital energy that sustains all living things. It is the essence of life itself, and under this Scorpio New Moon, we are being asked to open ourselves up to receive more of it.
With deep connection to the unseen realms, Scorpio reminds us that life force energy is always available to us, when we open to receive it. Often, our nervous systems are so accustomed to stress, tension, and contraction that we unconsciously block the flow of life force energy. This New Moon is the perfect time to set the intention to open up to more prana, to relax our nervous systems, and to create space for the energy that wants to flow our way.
This isn’t just about manifesting more energy to get things done—it’s about increasing our capacity to relax and receive. When we allow ourselves to relax, we create the conditions for life force energy to flow freely. We become more receptive to guidance, inspiration, and healing. Our bodies, minds, and spirits are nourished by this energy, allowing us to step into greater alignment with our purpose and desires.
let go to let in
This Scorpio New Moon is a powerful time for manifestation, especially when it comes to increasing our capacity to receive. Whether it’s life force energy, abundance, love, or support, this is the time to set clear intentions around allowing more into our lives.
Scorpio’s energy helps us see where we’ve been blocking ourselves from receiving—perhaps out of fear, past conditioning, or a sense of unworthiness—and encourages us to clear those blockages.
So a big part of the manifestation potential of this particular new Moon lies in our release, our letting go of what’s not working/serving, in order to create the space for the more that wants to come in (which is oh so very Scorpio).
This new Moon in Scorpio is about trusting that we are worthy of all the good that is coming our way and allowing ourselves to receive it fully. As you set your intentions during this New Moon, focus not only on what you want to receive but also on expanding your capacity to hold it. Consider practices that support your nervous system, such as somatic movements, breathwork, dance, Yoga, Pilates, meditation, or energy work, all of which help you increase your ability to receive and maintain more life force energy.
May this Scorpio New Moon encourage you to be brave enough to dive into your depths in order to clear out the old, and make space for the more you claim to be ready for.
with infinite love and appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch or listen, you can catch my YouTube Moon video below.
Scorpio new moon energy summary:
Recognize your receptivity
1. Deep healing for greater self-actualization
2. Your capacity to recognize, receive, and maintain more life force energy
1. Your ability to dive into your own depths with self-love and compassion
2. Your openness to receive and maintain more of the energies you desire
Astrology of the
Libra New Moon
Solar eclipse
MEET sARAH FROM EXPANSIVE CONSULTING & hella fluid collective!
Hi cuties! Sarah here. I run things over at Expansive Consulting, and Hella Fluid Collective, where astrology meets small business operations. I am obsessed with small business owners and helping them run their business in alignment.
I offer tailored support, DIY biz resources, and personalized astrology horoscopes to help you understand the upcoming cosmic cycles and how they may impact your business strategies.
Let’s connect!
I’m also on IG, YouTube and TikTok:
The astrology of this new Moon is all about closure and finalization.
We have an opposition between Pluto and Mars, both planets that can bring violence and aggression.
A tension activated Pluto in Capricorn has us feeling like our survival is at risk, especially in regards to external control.
An activated Mars in Cancer has us feeling defensive and protective.
Together, they give opportunity for a power struggle between our emotional needs and societal demands. In addition, both of these planets are in the 29th degree, bringing yet another layer of intensity. It’s a moment of final lessons or testing our mastery in regards to the balance between the emotional self and society.
Luckily! We have a beautiful water grand trine to ease the harshness. Neptune, Mercury, and Mars connect harmoniously to help us tap into our spirituality, emotions, and mental clarity to understand how to process what’s coming up. This grand trine offers opportunity for deep healing, emotional breakthroughs, and spiritual growth.
We also have Jupiter sextile to Chiron exact the day after the new Moon. This is a supportive, bigger transit that brings optimism into our healing processes. Anything that comes up with the new Moon will have continued support for sustainable growth.
Lastly, the intensity of Pluto is also eased up as it connects into this grand trine by forming a sextile to Mercury and Neptune. This brings that mental clarity and compassion into the Pluto/Mars opposition, hopefully minimizing the acting out behaviors that this transit generally brings.
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference.
Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel, please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!