Aries Full Moon
choose your choice
Aries Full Moon
october 17th, 2024
4:26am (pst)
Hi friends,
We did it! We made it through yet another eclipse season, likely with equal parts grace and grit.
Now of course looking at what’s going on with the world, this eclipse season has brought more massive and heart-clenching changes.
(To help those impacted by the hurricanes please check out this resource.)
And now we come to both an ending and a new beginning with the Aries Full Moon on October 17th, 2024.
This full Moon in Aries closes one (energetic) door for us while opening another, as this lunation officially ends eclipse season while also helping us illuminate our more desired path forward.
By reminding us that there are moments when what’s most aligned is to center our own desires, this lunation also helps us begin a whole new cycle of personal vs. people pleasing.
Now this isn’t to see that we shouldn’t care about and help others, or shirk our responsibilities to each other either. Instead what the Moon is reminding us of the disservice we do to ourselves when we deny ourselves of our true needs and desires, and/or choose other’s choices before our own.
Read on for more on
the energies of the Aries Full Moon Eclipse
Astrology Forecast with Sarah
working with the Moon
aries’ main character energy
The cardinal Fire sign Aries is courageous, assertive, ambitious, passionate, determined, bright and bold.
On the shadow side, Aries energy can be perceived as impatient, aggressive, domineering and selfish.
As the Cardinal Fire sign and first sign of the Zodiac, Aries energy is super happy when embarking on something new. While full Moons are most often reflective of illuminations and letting go, this Full Moon also feels a bit like a new Moon in the way it’s inviting in the new.
Aries, ruled by Mars, is the sign of action, boldness, and authenticity. This full Moon brings the perfect energy to reflect on how we can prioritize acting on that which keeps us feeling open, expansive, creative, magnetic, and most importantly, true to ourselves.
Aries energy is passionate, forward-moving, and fearless, inspiring us to take bold steps towards what makes us feel alive. Under this full moon, we’re encouraged to illuminate ourselves by asking, What lights me up?
Aries wants us to burn brightly, but with a fire that fuels our authenticity. The full Moon in Aries helps us get clear on what makes us feel most alive and most ourselves.
In life, there are things that open us and things that close us. Whether it's a creative project, a career shift, or deepening our spiritual practice, this full Moon calls for courageous choices.
Prioritizing our expansion means saying "yes" to what helps us feel more free, creative, and connected to our authentic selves. It means choosing ourselves and our own choices.
Intuitively, when I connected with the energies of this Aries full Moon, I saw two columns with two well-worn paths behind them. These columns and paths represented the motivations behind many of our daily choices: 1) what do I need to do? and 2) what I am supposed to do?
Yet then a third path emerged just between these two columns, and this path represented a third option, an option grounded in our choice. So instead of choosing our actions based on our perceived needs, obligations and even goals, what if we also allowed our choices to be grounded in simply that, our choice! Allowing more moments where we choose to do things just because we want to, or because it feels right in the moment or because it brings us joy and expansion!
We can think of this full Moon as a time to burn away that which is restricting our growth, or burying us in perceived responsibilities. That could be limiting beliefs, outdated commitments, wasteful habits, or even relationships that no longer feel aligned.
And alignment is the key for magnetism and manifestation.
When we are true to ourselves, we become more magnetic and receptive. When we feel authentically aligned, we expand our ripple of energy out into the world and stay open to receive that which is attracted to our ripple.
As always, the Moon encourages us to embrace our authentic ripple, filled with our quirks, our passions, our uniqueness—because that’s where each of our magic truly lies.
Take time to journal or meditate on what areas of your life make you feel most authentic, aligned and magnetic. How can you take action to amplify those qualities?
Remember, Aries doesn't hold back - Aries embraces bold action! So, don’t be afraid to release what no longer serves your path of expansion.
Creative Choices
Not just a warrior, Aries energy is also known for it’s creative ideas, motivations and actions. This full Moon asks us to harness our creativity in ways that allow us to express our authentic selves.
Whether you love painting, dancing, writing, or any other form of creative expression, now is the time to let yourself create for creation’s sake.
Your creativity is not just a hobby—it’s a lifeline to your soul, a way to connect to the expansive, open, and free energy that Aries thrives in.
Taking Action: How to Harness This Full Moon’s Energy
Illuminate You: Use this full Moon to get clear on your unique ripple. What makes you feel authentic, aligned, magnetic and lit up? How can you do more of those things?
Choose You: Choose to do something just because you want to, or because it will bring you joy or more fulfillment.
Release the Old: With full Moons come release. Take time to reflect on and let go of beliefs influencing you to prioritize other’s needs above your own. Write them down, then symbolically release them—perhaps through burning the paper in a fire-safe space.
Embrace Your Creative Flow: Find ways to express your creativity under this full Moon. Paint, write, sing—whatever allows your authentic energy to flow freely. Remember, your creativity is a direct line to your inner expansiveness.
Honor Your Magnetism: Reflect on how you're showing up in the world. Are you leading from your authentic self? Are you attracting the kinds of people and experiences that support your growth? Use this Moon to realign with your magnetic essence.
It’s time we embrace the fire, take bold action, and remember—we are the creators of our own expansion.
May this Aries full Moon illuminate a place of deeper freedom within us and help us release inner barriers to our own self-expression.
with infinite love and appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch or listen, you can catch my YouTube Moon video below.
aries full moon energy summary:
Choose Your Choice
1. Do you believe that it’s best for you to choose you? Or do you believe that it’s selfish to center yourself?
2. What makes you feel most alive, lit up, magnetic and yourself?
Let Go/Surrender:
1. The belief that other’s needs/wants are more important or valid than your own.
2. Abandoning your own needs or desires, in order to meet others’ needs.
Astrology of the
Libra New Moon
Solar eclipse
MEET sARAH FROM EXPANSIVE CONSULTING & hella fluid collective!
Hi cuties! Sarah here. I run things over at Expansive Consulting, and Hella Fluid Collective, where astrology meets small business operations. I am obsessed with small business owners and helping them run their business in alignment.
I offer tailored support, DIY biz resources, and personalized astrology horoscopes to help you understand the upcoming cosmic cycles and how they may impact your business strategies.
Let’s connect!
I’m also on IG, YouTube and TikTok:
Venus is very present in this full Moon chart which brings a highlight of relationships and a look into our value systems. On the same day of the full moon, we have Venus sextile to Pluto. They are both in the 29th degrees, which brings a sense of intensity and culmination. It could bring powerful but welcomed transformation into our relationships and value systems by uncovering some hidden truths. It asks us to be vulnerable and honest.
The Moon also forms a loose sextile with Jupiter, which brings support energy towards our emotional growth.
Lastly, there is a loose grand cardinal cross with the Sun, Moon, Mars and Pluto, bringing an edge of tension between our identity, emotions, desires, and power. This could be just the right amount of energy to induce the necessary changes we need for a fresh start.
There is lots of energy towards new beginnings so now is a great time to assess and reflect on what direction that new start could be in.
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference.
Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel, please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!