Scorpio Full Moon 2024
surrendering the drama
Scorpio full moon
april 23rd
4:48 pm (pt)
Hi friends,
I don’t know about you all, but I’m exhausted. (More on that to come…)
The intensity of Eclipse season in Aries season and all the world issues, has got us all likely feeling particularly tired at the moment.
Yet there is something beneficial about this weariness we may be feeling. This tiredness is calling us to rest, to settle in and root into new foundations established over eclipse season. These energies are calling us to ground back into Earth just in time for Earthy Taurus season.
With this call to ground with Earth, the Scorpio full Moon is also calling upon us to finally just let go, surrendering the heaviness of our own drama.
And Scorpio really does love some drama…
The fixed Water sign, Scorpio is emotional, intuitive, dramatic, creative and super fun. Scorpio with all their intensity, is also the Zodiac sign of transformation, death and rebirth, sexuality and the taboo. Passionate and inquisitive, Scorpio will always prefer to dive deep into the depths of life, as opposed to merely splashing in the shallows.
On the shadow side, all that deep diving, can sometimes lead Scorpio into being overly-dramatic, boundaryless and super resistant. Represented by the scorpion, Scorpio is also known to strike out, lashing out at others, when feeling vulnerable, hurt or afraid.
Yet Scorpio’s ability to truly feel, both for themselves and empathetically (and empathically) for others as well, is one of their many gifts.
Don’t be surprised if this full Moon brings up some deeper emotions from within you. But you know the deal by now friends… Full Moons are all about illumination and letting go, while the Moon is all about our emotions. Feeling these emotions come to the surface is the illumination, and allowing ourselves to move through actually feeling these things is how we let go and shift energies within us.
This Scorpio full Moon really wants to assist us in letting go, especially letting go of the seductive pull of our own drama. This doesn’t mean to repress or deny our emotions, it means to not get stuck in the often made-up stories of our minds. And in order to do this we must learn to stay present with the experience of truly feeling our emotions from within our bodies.
With the grounding influence of Taurus season during this lunation, being present in our bodies feels more accessible, especially as compared to how we may have been feeling during fiery Aries season.
The Scorpio Moon represents our emotional selves while the Taurus Sun represents our practical selves. During Taurus season, we may feel an urge to get more grounded, to take care of ourselves and perhaps even luxuriate a bit more (and I say follow that urge!).
While there is a sweet surrender with this Scorpio full Moon, there is also a big astrological event leading up this lunation that also bears mentioning, and that is the meeting of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus.
Jupiter uranus conjunction in Taurus
APRIL 20TH, 2O24
Every 14 years or so the planet of expansion and growth, Jupiter, meets up with the planet of sudden change, innovation and disruption, Uranus, to jump start some rapid transformations for us all.
Jupiter Uranus conjunctions inspire innovations, advancements, creativity, transformations and explorations. Yet change can often feel jarring, especially sudden change, so the transformations brought on by this transit may feel disruptive at first, which is definitely a Uranus thing.
Occurring in the fixed Earth sign of Taurus, the conjunction of these two planets of rapid growth and change are focused on our physical bodies and lives, our health, wellness, finances, security and comfort. This transit also provides us a beautiful opportunity to reflect on and advance our own relationship with Earth, in ways that either enhance or diminish our true reciprocal relationship with this interconnected living planet we live on.(Check out my book, Self-care for Eco-anxiety, for feel-good ways, to connect with, create with and give back to Earth, and is a great example of the energies of this Jupiter and Uranus conjunction now that I think about it!).
While this transit is going to be effecting the collective in interesting ways that will be felt for years to come, it will also be impacting each of us on a personal level too. You can look to your natal chart to find the house that Taurus is in to get clues on the themes that may be highlighted for you.
This is seen as a really positive and really big deal astrological event, so use the powerful energy of this day to feel connected and co-creative with the Universe in ways that feel aligned for you. That may means walks in Nature, co-regulating your heartbeat and breath with Earth’s. Or it can look like active manifestation practices with journals and candles, or dancing it all out to some of your favorite “I can do anything” music. Your ritual opportunities are truly infinite, as long as you’re doing something that feels expansive, aligned, and supportive for you.
And speaking of alignment and doing what feels right for you…
A personal note…
It’s time for me to take a break, my friends.
While I absolutely love crafting these Moon messages for you all (and myself too!), I’m honestly feeling energetically depleted at the moment and need to take some more down time for restoration.
I pour my heart into these Moon messages and lately it’s been feeling more of a burden than a blessing, so I know I need to make some changes. That first change starts with me taking at least one full Moon cycle off writing and sharing Moon messages.
I will be back with the Moonblog after a brief hiatus, because I truly love crafting and sharing these downloads with you all. But for right now, I need to rest.
When I return there will be some changes and new offerings with my Moon content, but more on that to come.
In the meantime…
May this Scorpio full Moon bless us with the willingness and ability to surrender the drama of our old stories, ground into the essence of our own energy, and welcome in the waves of change.
with infinite love and appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch or listen, you can catch my YouTube Moon video by clicking the link below.
journal prompts Scorpio full moon:
Where is unnecessary drama holding you back?
What wants to be let go of or shifted?
What wants to be embraced?
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
mindset maven melissa
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website:
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
Libra full Moon Eclipse
Hi friends,
First, is that we will have a square with Pluto happening with the Full Moon. This can trigger some deep & intense emotions which are on par for Scorpio. I see this as a great opportunity for real transformation (which Pluto is all about) through release. Think more cathartic and less destructive.
Second, there is a sextile happening between Jupiter & Mars. This signature is the "gas in the tank" that we have been wanting or needing. It is a great way to add more pep to our step. Beware of bravado and overextending!
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference.
Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!