Capricorn Full Moon 2024
un-limit your possibilities
Summer Solstice
June 20th, 2024
capricorn full moon
June 21st, 2024
6:07 pm (pt)
Hi friends,
I’m back!
And just in time for the achieving-loving Capricorn full Moon, which, of course, feels very appropriate.
While I’ve appreciated the last two months off, I’ve also missed connecting in deep with lunar energies the way I do when I’m creating and sharing Moon content. So I’m really happy to be back!
I’m also working on even more exciting Moon related content & opportunities behind the scenes, but I’ll be sharing more about that when the time is right…
In the meantime, let’s focus in on the energies of the upcoming Summer Solstice on June 20th and full Moon in Capricorn on June 21st, and how both of these transits encourage and motivate us to go after our dreams in our own, supportive and sustainable ways.
Read on for more on
the energies of the Summer Solstice
the energies of the Capricorn Full Moon
working with the Moon Energy Summary
June 20th, 2024 marks the Summer Solstice, or the longest day of sunlight here on the Northern Hemisphere.
The Summer Solstice is a celebration of the highest point of the Sun, along with the high frequency life-affirming energies the Sun provides us. The Summer Solstice is also the official start of the summer season.
Traditionally Summer Solstice is a day of creativity, celebration and appreciation. A day of gratitude and joy for the Sun and the life which grows from his rays.
Yet Summer Solstice is also a reminder that from this point on the days are ever so slowly starting to shorten again.
While we enjoy the longer days and refreshing evenings of Summer, the night is also slowly growing. From the Summer Solstice until the Winter Solstice the night is slowly and steadily encroaching upon the day.
This is in no way a “bad” or “negative” thing. It’s just a reminder of one of the dances we dance here on Earth. The reminder of the dance between the dark and the light, the night and the day and Nature’s love for all things in balance.
Summer season is often paired with less-structured, restorative or adventurous days for those off school, or with the ability to take off work. Yet Summer is also all about the energies of productivity, and hard work, if we think about tending to and harvesting from the land.
We can use these summer season energies to motivate and sustain our work on some larger and longer term projects with spaciousness and less urgency. This message also aligns beautifully with the energies of the Capricorn Full Moon, occurring on the day after the Summer Solstice.
working with the summer solstice
Honor the Sun by with intentional connection, like during sunrise or sunset, or sitting quietly receiving solar energy throughout your day.
Create an altar in your home, garden or on your porch to show your appreciation for solar energy.
Gift an offering, like some clipped herbs and/or flowers, or a small crystal, to Nature to honor the light of the Sun that helps life grow.
While the Moon is fully illuminated in the very beginning stages of Capricorn, the Sun has newly entered the home and family oriented sign of Cancer. The polarity of the Cancer Sun with the Capricorn Moon helps us find balance between our rooted foundations and our growing aspirations.
As the Cancer Sun season embraces us with its nurturing warmth and the Capricorn Full Moon shines brightly, we are presented with a unique cosmic opportunity to foster sustainable growth and balance our professional ambitions with personal well-being.
Cancer, a water sign ruled by the Moon, is synonymous with home, family, and emotional security. Cancer energy encourages us to nurture our inner selves and create a solid foundation of emotional well-being. During this season, we often find ourselves seeking comfort in familiar places and relationships, emphasizing the importance of self-care and connection with loved ones.
On the other hand, Capricorn, an earth sign ruled by Saturn, is all about structure, discipline, and ambition. The Capricorn Full Moon, with its powerful illumination, brings our professional goals and long-term plans into sharp focus. It’s a time to reassess our career paths, set realistic objectives, and take concrete steps toward achieving our aspirations.
The interplay between the Cancer Sun and the Capricorn Full Moon creates a dynamic tension between our personal lives and professional ambitions. This celestial alignment invites us to find a harmonious balance between these two vital areas, ensuring neither is neglected.
Sustainable growth, both personally and professionally, is not about rapid, short-term gains. It’s about creating a steady, reliable path forward that considers long-term success and well-being.
The Capricorn Full Moon urges us to build on solid ground, advocating for persistence, patience, and strategic planning. As we set our goals, it’s crucial to ensure they are attainable and aligned with our core values.
During this period, take time to reflect on your long-term objectives.
Are they realistic?
Do they align with your personal values and passions?
The Capricorn energy encourages us to be pragmatic and strategic, crafting plans that are not only ambitious but also feasible and sustainable.
(And I can let you know on a personal note, I am doing just that within my business and my own self lately, stretching myself into a new space of growth as I’m working behind the scenes on some exciting new things for this Moon-loving community.
Stay tuned because there is lots more to come!)
Full Moons are about illumination and release. The Capricorn Full Moon encourages and helps us let go of whatever is limiting our belief in our own possibilities.
Our energy is powerful. So powerful we have the capacity to envision and believe into existence futures we have not yet experienced! And our brain is an integral tool in helping us do this, yet too often our brains get stuck in old patterns of believing in only what’s already been experienced. So we continue to manifest the same situations into our lives.
This Capricorn Full Moon wants to help us release those old stories and patterns of limitations and excuses, so that we can illuminate and start to believe in a more ambitious, balanced, supported and sustainable way forward, both personally and for the planet.
we are supported
When I connected intuitively with the energy of this full Moon in Capricorn, I felt a supportive, stable and encouraging presence, like a hand on my shoulder. This presence was gently, yet firmly, pushing me forward. I also felt a deep sense of excitement within my sacral chakra, and heard “possibilities beyond your wildest dreams!”
So what if, despite everything that is happening in the world around us, both collectively and within our personal lives, what if everything is actually working out better than we even know, better than we can even imagine?
Can we let go of the stories and beliefs telling us that are dreams are not possible and that we are not supported?
Because this full Moon in Capricorn also really wants to help us illuminate greater possibilities.
Saturn, the planet of structure and responsibility, rules Capricorn, and thus this full Moon, giving us an extra boost of pragmatic action.
A great way to work with this Capricorn full Moon energy is to take a look at one of your current desires. Begin by taking stock of the limiting thoughts or beliefs that are telling you you cannot have what you want. Then read through those statements, cross them out and replace them with something you would prefer to think or believe. Then take a look at this desire and list out some of the steps you can take to begin to bring this desire into reality. Then make a plan for taking these actions.
As you begin to envision this desire-filled future, remember also that this Capricorn full Moon with Cancer Sun energy also wants us to balance ambition with presence, momentum with connection and achievement with acceptance.
May this Capricorn Full Moon illuminate your dreams, and help you cast away any barriers in your belief that they’ll come true.
with infinite love and appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch or listen, you can catch my YouTube Moon video by clicking the link below.
capricorn full moon energy summary:
Theme: Un-limit your possibilities
Illuminate: What do you actually BELIEVE is possible for you? What do you believe is possible for the world?
Let go: Limiting beliefs around what’s possible for you and the world. False sense of urgency around your creations and ambitions.
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference.
Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel, please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!