Aries New Moon Solar Eclipse 2024
aligning actions with values
for the long game
aries new moon with solar eclipse
april 8th
11:20 am (pt)
Hi friends,
What if we just accepted the fact that so little in life is truly in our control? What if we allowed that knowing to be liberating, as opposed to frightening, releasing us from the pressure of trying to force and control all the things?
Might we feel more free and have more fun?
What if we looked at Eclipse season as welcomed time as opposed to a worrisome one, a more restful time, as opposed to hectic one?
I view Eclipse season like a road trip where someone I trust is driving while I just get to sit in the front seat, staring out the window, enjoying the views of Nature as thoughts drift by. Until every now and then some thoughts drift in and land like little settling seeds of knowing - these are those wonderful eclipse season epiphanies that come in when we give ourselves more time to just be, observe and reflect.
Eclipse seasons invite within us a deep understanding that our continued expansion and sense of fulfillment requires moments of surrender. Moments where we allow ourselves to trust the Universe, lean into faith and feel the freedom of going with the flow.
Going with the flow doesn’t mean don’t act. It means don’t force and surrender your need to know or control the outcome.
With the upcoming solar eclipse happening with the new Moon in fiery action-loving Aries, our focus will be on our actions and how those actions are, or are not, upholding our sense of authenticity and intrinsic values, not just for the here and now, but the for long haul.
Aries is the first sign of the Zodiac, and as such has strong initiatory energies. As the cardinal Fire sign, Aries is strong, independent, problem-solving, creative, go-getting and energized. While Libra is all about our relationships with others, Aries is all about our relationship with ourselves; our minds, our bodies, our desires.
Aries energy is beautifully encapsulated by The Fool card from the Tarot deck. The Fool is the very first card of the Tarot deck and the main player of the whole Major Arcana. This card represents someone starting out on a new adventure with optimism and joy, even as that journey will take them through challenges, failures and so much growth. The Fool is depicted as someone about to walk off a cliff without a care in the world, and it’s also a card of new beginnings and infinite possibilities.
On the shadow side, Aries can be impatient, impulsive, self-involved and short-sighted. With all that fire energy, Aries can go go go until the point of burnout, burning both themselves and sometimes those around them too. As the youngest sign of the Zodiac, Aries energy doesn’t always have the depth or breadth of emotional maturity to envision or play the long game.
And the long game is something we are being asked to focus on with the total solar eclipse during this Aries new Moon.
Solar Eclipse Energies: Long vs. short term visions
On April 8th, a total solar eclipse will occur over parts of North America. A total solar eclipse occurs when the the Sun is totally blocked by the Moon as she rotates around Earth.
Those in the path of totality, which will stretch from parts of Mexico up through parts of the US and Canada, will get to experience a total solar eclipse, where the Sun is fully eclipsed by the Moon. While not all of us will get to see the total eclipse of the Sun, many of us here in North America, will get to experience a partial solar eclipse, and all of us will feel the ripples of energy this event (and all eclipses) create.
The energies I’m picking up on specifically for this lunation with solar eclipse, relate to our long term vs. short term visions along with how our current actions are (or aren’t) aligning us with those visions.
Intuitively, I received a messages around idealism (the noun, not the philosophy!) in particular for this solar eclipse. Here is the message I received: Idealism is a long term goal and a short term distraction. Our challenge is to hold our idealized vision of what’s possible, and truly believe in it’s possibility, even while accepting and flowing with the non-ideal realities often in front of us.
Idealism used in the short term leads to black or white, all or nothing, I need it now, and superiority energies. You can see this play our clearly with “single policy voters” who choose to throw decades of progress under the bus, because they don’t agree with one single issue. And within those who take on morally superior complexes in health, wellness, religious, academic, spiritual and social justice spaces (and of course many more spaces too).
Idealism used in the long term leads to possibilities, discoveries, collaboration and co-creation. An example of this can be found in the progressive changes made within the LGBTQ+ communities over the last few decades. Even the current, abhorrent backlash we are witnessing against these communities in some areas, is a direct reflection of the true and lasting changes in consciousness that have occurred regarding a more idealized version of love and authenticity.
Another example includes the environmental movement. Short-term idealism within this movement, leads to people trying to be “perfect” in their sustainability actions, often causing deep shame and guilt within themselves as they blame and shame others as well. While long-term idealism within this movement encourages all forms of imperfect actions to protect Mother Earth, along with inspiring advances in energy, technology, agriculture, production, consumption, community building and so much more. For more on connecting with the benefits of long term idealism for the environment, please check out my latest book, Self-Care for Eco-anxiety, which just so happens to launch the day after the Aries new Moon solar eclipse!
Idealism in the short term creates shame and blame, which are never true motivators for lasting change. Yet idealism in the long term create hope, curiosity, belief and optimism, all of which inspire sustainable change and growth.
So with all this Aries energy and focus on idealism and actions, we’re being asked to bear witness to our own sense of idealism and/or perfectionism.
Is our sense of the ideal life we wish to live hindering or helping us?
Is our desire for a more ideal world fueling our actions and ability to co-create with life, or is it causing us to resist what is even more?
Are we allowing our vision for a more ideal world to keep us tied to short term outcomes, while blinding ourselves to the long term patterns at play (both within our personal lives and within the world at large)?
Does our vision of an ideal future truly align with the actions we are taking today?
While these questions may be swirling around our awareness during this Aries, new Moon, let’s remember not to force the answers, because we are still in Eclipse season. Our best bet is to allow these queries to be with our consciousness as we move and flow through the intense astrological event that is the Aries new Moon with solar eclipse.
Some Astrology…
Not surprisingly, there is a ton of Aries energy with this new Moon- with the Moon, the Sun, Chiron, Eris and Mercury all moving through the fire-starter sign. Mercury will also be retrograde for this lunation, having gone retrograde on April 1st and remaining retrograde through April 25th.
Additionally the Sun is super active during this period with more solar flares occurring (that’s so Aries!). And the Moon and Sun are conjunct (close to) Chiron, the wounded healer, offering us emotional activations to prompt our authentic healing.
Let’s just say the energies of this Aries new Moon are particularly lit!
For more on the Astrology of this lunation, please read on for Melissa’s contribution below!
May this Aries New Moon with Solar Eclipse inspire your visions, guide your actions and connect you with your long term goals.
with infinite love and appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch or listen, you can catch my YouTube Moon video by clicking the link below.
journal prompts aries new moon eclipse:
What actions are asking to be initiated? What is something you feel called to start, begin, look into?
What part of yourself is asking to be reborn?
Where might perfectionism and/or idealism be keeping you from moving forward?
Where might perfectionism and/or idealism be keeping you from seeing yourself and the world clearly?
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
mindset maven melissa
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website:
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
Libra full Moon Eclipse
Hi friends,
Chiron (the wounded healer) will be sitting right on top of this eclipse on the 8th. Some people might have activations come up around inner healing that needs to take place. This is taking place in Aries so this might be asking asking us to be courageous or more bold with how we heal ourselves.
A Mars/Saturn conjunction could show up in an aggressive and loud way, but it could also be a way for you to tap into your stamina on an individual basis.
Don’t forget about the Mercury Retrograde which is taking place during this eclipse. This is a great time to check over all communications and give yourself plenty of space for mishaps to pop up. I’m already feeling this one and having to remind myself to slow down and triple check my communications.
The silver lining I see in this eclipse is the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction happening in Taurus. This could be unexpected blessings! Let’s be grateful for any and all bright spots!
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference.
Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!