Libra Full Moon Eclipse 2024
balance is our birthright
Full Moon eclipse in Libra
March 25th
12:00 am (pt)
Hi friends,
Don’t freak out when I tell you this but we’re back in Eclipse season again.
Yes, Eclipse season is here, along with the Spring Equinox, both of which are illuminating themes around balance in our lives, especially within our relationships.
We know at our core that we require balance in our lives to thrive. Balance of our inhales and exhales, our actions and our rest, our give and our take, energy in and energy out. Yet with the stressors of our daily lives, and especially with all the crises happening all over the world, it’s way too easy for us to lose our balance.
The Spring Equinox and upcoming full Moon Eclipse in Libra reminds us that as natural, cyclical beings, balance is always our birthright and available to us through our relationships; with self, with others and with the Earth and Nature at large.
A big theme I’m picking up intuitively for this Libra full Moon eclipse, and eclipse season in general, relates to balance within our heart chakras specifically, and how as a collective, humanity is currently experiencing big imbalances within our collective shared heart space.
Before we get into the energy of the Libra full Moon eclipse, let’s chat a little about the vernal equinox (or Spring equinox for all the Northern Hemisphere people and Autumn equinox for all the Southern Hemisphere people.)
spring equinox
Tuesday March 19th, 2024
Equinox are portals of balance. Yearly, we have two equinoxes, one that occurs to mark the start of Spring and one to mark the start of Autumn. Meaning “equal night” in Latin, Equinox are dates, or moments, when the Sun crosses the Earth’s equator, and day and night hours are as close to equal as they get.
The Spring Equinox is a beautiful reminder that the slow down and dormancy of Winter is the fertile soil that encourages life to bloom again in Spring. The Equinox reminds us of the balancing cycles of Nature, and how all is accepted as valuable. The cooling harvest of Autumn is equally as valuable as the warming growth of Spring, just as the darker dormancy of Winter is as valuable as the sunnier activity of Summer.
Equally all our emotions provide value to us, because all emotions are information, data for us to digest/process (through the body) and make meaning of (through the brain). Equinox energy also invites us to integrate our darker, shadowy emotions, with our brighter, shinier ones, because in truth all of our emotions have powerful messages to share with us.
According to the Astrological calendar, the Spring equinox, and beginning of Aries season, marks the start of a new year and as such Spring Equinox in particular, is also about planting our seeds of intent for the next year. The Spring Equinox asks us what we intend to grow in the year to come.
The Spring Equinox marks a moment of celestial equilibrium, where day and night stand in perfect balance. As the Earth delicately tilts on its axis, we are reminded of the importance of equilibrium in our lives. The energies during this time prompt us to shed the heaviness of Winter, and embrace the renewed vibrancy of Spring and her promise of new beginnings.
Libra Energy
The Spring equinox initiates a season of growth and balance, and the Libra full Moon eclipse extends this theme, urging us to explore the intricate dance between light and shadow within our own existence.
Libra, ruled by Venus, is the zodiac sign associated with balance, harmony, and relationships. Governed by Air, Libra is known for its diplomatic nature, keen sense of justice, focus on fairness and equality and overall care for others. On the shadow side, Libra energy can get overwhelmed with decisions and fawn, or people-please, placing others needs first and avoiding confrontation.
Represented by a scale, Libra loves balance in all things, but especially loves balance in relationships. This is why fairness, equality and justice are important values for Libra. This Libra full Moon eclipse invites us to reevaluate the fairness of our own actions and decisions.
Are we treating others with the same respect we expect for ourselves and others in return?
Are we actually being treated with the respect we deserve within our own relationships as well?
As the Moon is in group-thinking sign of Libra, the sun is in the only-me thinking sign of Aries, guiding us to balance our personal and individual needs with our more collective and community needs. The polarity of Libra and Aries energies remind us that our alignment lies within that balance of me and we.
And this Libra full Moon eclipse is all about the balance of the me and we - balancing of our relationships with ourselves, others and the world at large.
What’s happening in your heart?
Astronomically, a full Moon lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth is positioned directly between the Moon and Sun, so Earth’s shadow is cast upon the surface of the Moon. A new Moon, solar eclipse occurs when the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, temporarily blocking the sun and casting a lunar shadow upon the Earth (there will be a total solar eclipse on April 8th with the Aries new Moon).
Astrologically and spiritually, eclipses are potent moments of fated change and sacred surrender. With all that we cannot see, as either the Sun or Moon is shadowed, we are asked not only to accept the presence of our shadows but also the limits of our own control. During Eclipse seasons, we are asked to ease our grip on life, to stop trying to force or control situations, and instead to find more stillness, observation and ability to go with the flow.
While inner epiphanies are common during eclipse season, don’t expect full clarity. It may even feel as if aspects of our lives are being purposefully hidden from us, which is simply an invitation for us to redirect our focus on what is clear, or what is flowing.
Big and often surprising changes often occur during eclipse seasons, both within our personal lives and within our collective experience. When these transformations occur, our role is not to resist or attempt to control these changes, but instead to accept what is happening and then ask ourselves “what is my next best step from here?” This is how we “go with the flow” during Eclipse season.
Intuitively what I’m feeling is that this Libra full Moon is also all about balancing our collective heart chakras. The heart chakra is governs our relational selves, and is all about unconditional love, acceptance and compassion for all.
Collectively, humanity is currently experiencing a massive imbalance and energy leak from the heart (now this doesn’t mean you personally are leaking from your heart chakra, friend! I’m speaking about the collective here…)
The energy of the heart chakra is that of unconditional love for all, which when you really get into it, means sacred neutrality. From the perspective of the Universe and the perspective of the heart, there is no good or bad, desired or undesired, right or wrong. There is simply what is, and what is is loved unconditionally. This is almost impossible for us to fully comprehend or embody as a human here on Earth, filled with biases and tons of conditions, and bearing witness to unspeakable violence and cruelty and suffering. Yet the heart chakra, in its’ highest expression understands and accepts all that is.
Acceptance is not compliance nor is it condoning what we view as bad. Acceptance is simply that; acceptance. We accept what is, because our denial or resistance to it, does not actually take away it’s reality, it just increases our confusion and leaks our energy. Similar to our task of going with the flow with eclipse energy, the heart chakra asks us to accept and then ask “what’s my most aligned action from here?”
Anytime we find ourselves, or others, falling into patterns of judgement, black or white thinking, history revisionism and/or silencing/muzzling of opinions that differ from our/their own - these are signs of imbalance and leaking of energy from the heart chakra. Sound like anything happening in the world right now? Anything that may have been sparked by an event that happened last October during our eclipse season?
So what do we do if we notice ourselves falling into these patterns? We ask ourselves the same questions the Libra full Moon is asking us - are we treating others with the respect and compassion we desire, and are we being treated with respect, and love, as well?
Here’s a little refresher in my Eclipse Do’s and Dont’s, for those who may want it: (Please note these are only my suggestions and the ways I move through eclipse season. You’re a free agent and welcome to do whatever feels most resonant for you!)
try to force or control situations that are not meeting your expectations
have lots of expectations!
conduct Moon magic or manifestation rituals
charge crystals or make Moon water under eclipse Moons
go with the flow (to the best of your ability)
meditate (in whatever way works best for you!)
allow yourself to feel your feelings
moments of more mindfulness, stillness and inner reflection
journaling and/or artistic expression
ask for support or assistance and offer your support as well
May the Spring Equinox and subsequent full Moon eclipse in Libra encourage us to find balance within ourselves and our relationships, release controlling expectations, embrace the depths of our emotions, and seek the sensation of unconditional love for life itself. May we open our hearts to the cosmic rhythms, embracing the profound connections between ourselves, each other, Mother Earth and the cosmos at large, allowing the divine energy of these eclipses to guide us toward a season of growth, transformation, and harmonious living.
with infinite love and appreciation,
For those who prefer to watch or listen, you can catch my YouTube Moon video by clicking the link below.
journal prompts libra full moon eclipse:
What emotions are at the forefront of your experience right now?
Give yourself time to sit with those emotions, then ask yourself what other emotions are bubbling to the surface? Are any of these surprising to you?
Take a moment to reflect on your most important relationships. Is there a balance of energy and reciprocity within these relationships? Are your needs being met, and are you also meeting their needs too?
Are you treating yourself and others with the respect that you want and deserve?
Who are you currently respecting and who are you not? Why?
What’s happening in your heart chakra? Are you feeling open and receptive, or closed and judgmental? Are you feeling the oneness of humanity, or do you find yourself creating and/or believing in our separations?
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
mindset maven melissa
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website:
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
Libra full Moon Eclipse
Hi friends,
A few days before the Lunar Eclipse, we will have a conjunction between Venus and Saturn. Now, conjunctions can show up either as a challenging aspect or something more easeful. This eclipse will be a point of release for that house that Libra rules in our chart. This conjunction could ask some of us to reevaluate where we should have more loving boundaries in our partnerships or where we have a tendency of keeping others out.
On the 24th, we will have a sextile between Venus and Jupiter. I really like this signature going into this eclipse! This will bring a sweetness and abundant energy to wherever you have Taurus in your chart (since that is where Jupiter currently is). It will be a lovely energy to have with the intensity that can come with an eclipse. Just don't go overboard and indulge! While Jupiter can bring abundance; it can also bring out an overindulgence with some of us.
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference.
Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
To support humanitarian aid efforts in Palestine and Israel please visit The World Central Kitchen.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!