Pisces Full Moon
allow your transformation
Full Moon in Pisces
August 30th, 2023
6:36 pm (pst)
Hi friends,
It’s been a lot these last few weeks.
A lot.
So if you’re feeling particularly emotional as we come upon the full Moon in Pisces, please know you’re not alone. Remember that the Moon governs our emotions, so heightened emotions are common around new and full Moons. And this is our second full Moon of the month (which is why it’s called a Blue Moon.) The fact that August came in and is going out with a full Moon, speaks to the emotional crescendos we felt throughout this last month.
With this Pisces full Moon, we may find ourselves especially pensive and reflective. This is due to both the watery, emotional influence of Pisces along with the slow down of lots of retrograding planets (more on that to come…) We can also chalk it up to the grounded, yet often self-critical energy of the Sun in Virgo as well.
Virgo energy is Earthy, focused, determined, strategic and disciplined. Virgo knows that practice makes “perfect,” yet Virgo also can get a wrapped up in perfection as well (hello, perfectionist energies.) The power of Virgo’s meticulous ways are heightened when we remember the beauty that exists in imperfection, and the power emerging from our flaws.
Remember that moments when negative emotions arise are opportunities for us to understand and love ourselves more deeply and compassionately. Pisces energy dives deep emotionally, allowing us to truly feel our feelings in order to move through our emotional pain and/or stuckness.
Pisces energy is sensitive, dreamy, intuitive and adaptable. As a mutable sign, Pisces goes deep yet also flows and shifts with the changing currents life brings. Pisces flows with change and welcomes transformation. On the shadow side, Pisces energy can be passive and escapist, and known for taking things personally.
Pisces is also one of the last signs of the Zodiac, so there is potent energy of completion and endings, as the culminating full Moon moves through Pisces in the sky. There may be things ending in your life with this full Moon. These endings could be physical like ending jobs or relationships. Since it’s the Moon, these endings will definitely feel emotional, yet also illuminating.
The Pisces full Moon encourages us to let go of old patterns, limiting beliefs and stories that are keeping us feeling passive and victimized, knowing that allowing for inner transformation creates the external changes we desire.
A great mantra for this full Moon is “everything changes when I change.”
Be cautious not to fall into patterns of self-criticism, shame and increased victimhood as you recognize a true desire to transform. The change we are being asked to embrace is a transformation that increases our self-love, self-worth and sense of value. By letting go of old stories, beliefs and habits keeping us small and passive, we liberate ourselves from the shackles of doubting ourselves.
Pisces also rules our relationship with Spirituality and the mystical. As a water sign Pisces energy guides us to be led by our intuition and spiritual connections. WIth the Moon in Pisces and the Sun in earthy Virgo, we’re encouraged to ground our spiritual and intuitive gifts into our consciousness and daily practices.
It just so happens I have a group coaching program that teaches you how to ground your intuitive gifts into your physical reality. The program is called Intuitive Magic and is a 10-session live, weekly interactive group coaching program for connecting with and cultivating your intuitive gifts (with Nature’s help, of course.) Early bird pricing discount of over $200 is available through September 1st, 2023. Click HERE to learn more.
If you’ve been feeling less than motivated, or like things keep getting in your way, you can definitely chalk that up to some potent retrograde energy.
When a planet is retrograde, it appears to be moving backwards in the sky. If you were to witness the full cycle, the planet begins to slow down it’s movement (known as the retroshade period), coming to a standstill and then looks (in our Earthly view) to move backwards for anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.
Retrograde seasons are not things to fear though! Although they are great for blaming lots of weird roadblocks on. While retrograde energy can feel muddled, misunderstood, confusing and inconvenient, retrograde periods are times of potent potential for inner transformation. Retrograde times offer us moments of reflection, reassessment, refinement and realignment.
The planet of relationships, sensuality and creativity, Venus, went retrograde back on July 22nd and will remain so until Sept. 3rd. You can read more about Venus Retrograde in this past Moonblog.
The planet of communication, technology and travel, Mercury is now retrograde as well (from August 23rd - Sept. 14th.) Saturn, Neptune and Pluto are also retrograde and on August 28th, Uranus will be joining the retrograde party.
While that’s a lot of retrograding energy, it’s really Venus and Mercury that have the greatest influence over our day to day. From August 23rd - Sept. 3rd both Mercury and Venus are retrograde together, likely leading to more communication and relationship snafus.
Mercury is retrograde in Virgo, which is a sign that Mercury rules. This means that this retrograde time can be supportive if we’re willing to review, reflect, reevaluate, refine and let ourselves rest.
Rest is a big theme while both Venus and Mercury are retrograding together, along with patience and compassion for yourself and everyone else too. While we’re all of course having our own unique experiences, we are also totally in this together too. Many will likely be feeling frazzled, activated and exhausted during this time, so remember that kindness goes a long way. Mercury governs our nervous system so take time to check in with, and regulate, your nervous system through connection with your body and breath.
May this Pisces full Moon encourage you to flow, adapt and let yourself change.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For journal prompts and more on the astrological forecast, read Melissa’s Astrology of the Moon below.
Check out the YouTube Moon video!
journal prompts pisces full moon:
Where do you need to go with the flow in your life?
Where do you need to anchor into your true self, your needs, and your boundaries?
What makes you feel small and passive and how do these feeling feel inside of you?
How can you take up more space?
What limiting beliefs, stories and/or patterns are you ready to let go of?
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
full moon in pisces
August 30, 2023 @ 6:36 pm (PST) / 9:38 pm (EST)
mindset maven melissa:
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
I discovered Astrology a few years ago after hitting a rut in my own life and searching for a way to gain greater awareness. It was a tool that really allowed me to truly understand what my gifts were as well as what were my challenges.
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website: realmindsetmaven.com
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
Moon Conjunct Saturn:
This Full Moon will have a close conjunction with Saturn and could have us feeling whatever themes have come up when Saturn moved into Pisces. Conjunctions are a way of fusing the energies of the moon (our emotions/inner world) with the energies of Saturn (boundaries/practicality). This could be an opportunity for us to face or feel the emotions around the limits that have been placed on us, develop ways of moving forward, and integrate the lessons into our lives. Personally, I’m preparing to release many emotions with my own Saturn themes for this Full Moon.
Sun opposes Saturn:
A few days before the Full Moon, the Sun will make an opposition to Saturn on the 27th which will play into us feeling “limits” being put on us. I want to take a moment and say that Saturn is not out to get us. Rather this planet wants us to grow and take responsibility, and these tests are a way of having us meet that growth head on.
Discipline=Mastery. Identify the limits and see where you can grow!
Uranus Stations Retrograde:
On the 28th, Uranus stations retrograde…don’t get too caught up on this because these outer planets spend a lot of time retrograde & not everyone will feel this like we do when personal planets station retrograde. As with all retrogrades, it is a time to review, retrace, and revise the Uranus archetype. Where are you being called to review how to disrupt something in this area of your life? Look to where Taurus is in your chart for clues!
do you want to help?
On August 8, 2023, a massive wildfire, spurred on by hurricane force winds and mismanagement of the land, swept through the sacred town of Lahaina, Maui, leaving a trail of death and destruction in its wake. There is so much grief and sorrow we feel for this loss, and in times like these it is imperative that we show up for each other through whatever support we are able to give.
To help support the recovery efforts in Maui please visit and donate to :
The Maui Strong Fund through Hawai’i Community Foundation
To donate directly to families impacted and in need please visit this Instagram page: @lahaina_ohana_venmo
Mahalo nui loa and ahoi ho.
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!