Leo New Moon
know & show your light
new moon in leo
August 16th 2023
2:38 am (pst)
Hi friends,
While Summer may almost be over, and the days are slowly getting shorter, the new Moon in Leo encourages us to shine our light even brighter.
Leo, the lion of the Zodiac, is all about passion, compassion, vibrancy, self-expression and self-confidence. A fixed Fire sign, Leo energy is fiery and powerful, creative and self-assured.
This new Moon in Leo urges us to remember the light that exists within each of our hearts, and show up in the world with that light shining bright. This energy is building from the Aquarius full Moon’s message of recognizing that each of us living as our truest selves is what’s best for the world. The last full Moon was all about that recognition, and this new Moon is all about acting on that knowledge.
“Show up, show up, show up,” were the words I heard intuitively as I connected with the Moon’s energy in Leo. This “showing up” isn’t an energy of hustling or busying ourselves to prove our worth or attempt to control. It’s not about over-doing or over-complicating ourselves. Instead it’s an energy of opening ourselves up and allowing ourselves to be seen for the unique energy and light we each bring to life. There’s a simplicity and ease to how we show up here. It’s not what we do, or offer, but how we do it; our power lies in the energy we bring to what we do. The Leo new Moon urges us to act, share and shine because it’s what our heart desires.
There is an element of destiny I can feel with this new Moon in Leo. A sense that our efforts are starting to pay off, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and our destiny is beginning to open doors and windows that may have previously felt shut.
Uranus is also very activated under this new Moon, so don’t be surprised if sudden change shows up, either for you personally or on the collective level. Uranus urges change for progress and innovations sake, while also encouraging us to individuate - or own our unique individual essence, aka our “light”. So if change does rear its dramatic head during this new Moon, please remain open to it’s guidance.
While the Leo new Moon brings the clarity of our own light, the days leading up to this new Moon may feel a bit darker. (Except for Sunday 8/13 which has the potential to be a truly magical day! See more below…)
The Dark Moon refers to the few days when the last visible cresent of the waning moon is visible. The new Moon occurs right in the middle of the Dark Moon period, at the time when the Moon and Sun are aligned in the sky.
This darkness we may feel as the Moon wanes is a means of calling upon our own light. Because it is our own light that is meant to shine upon the darkness in acceptance, thereby illuminating our way back to our light. Unfortunately, sometimes it’s those darker inner feelings that inspire us to find our inner light. Just as each of our bodies are meant to self-heal (when given the right conditions), we are designed with the power to illuminate the darkness that is so much a part of life too. Let’s never forget that light always casts a shadow, and that the shadowed darkness is also an aspect of our light. It’s always been about US - each one of us holds the light within to accept our darkness, heal, believe in and free ourselves from fear and suffering. And knowing that when we do this work, we do so for the whole world too.
This doesn’t mean we’re meant to heal alone, or avoid asking for help and support when we need it. Being in our own authentic light includes accepting our vulnerabilities and flaws, recognizing that our weaknesses, when accepted, become aspects of our strength. Yet, this Leo new Moon does want us to find confidence from within, instead of being so reliant on affirmations and validations from others.
A beautiful mantra for this Leo new Moon is:
“I am who I am and that has always been enough.”
There is a collective focus on both relationships and loyalties with this new Moon as well (especially with Venus still in retrograde). This lunation may further solidify supportive relationships, while antagonizing more competitive ones. So take note of the relationships that feel like they are taking from you, versus those that feel reciprocal, and focus your energy on the supportive relationships in your life.
Speaking of love and relationships…
August 13th, 2023
A Venus Cazimi is when Venus and the Sun join in the sky, and the bright light of the Sun illuminates the Venusian themes of love, pleasure, creativity, relationships (and more) in our lives. This Venus Cazimi also marks the halfway point through Venus’s current “journey through the Underworld,” aka her retrograde period.
A Venus Cazimi is a positive transit, offering us moments of subtle clarity and powerful self-reflection, especially with all the retrospection we’ve been through so far with Venus in retrograde.
Since this Venus retrograde is occuring in fiery Leo, our retrospections focus on finding the hidden parts of our creativity, self-expression, and self-confidence. The Venus Cazimi on 8.13 brings us closer to these self-discoveries and provides us with potent energy for accepting, creating, sharing, connecting.
It’s also a great day for manifestation and love magic, if you’re inclined to those types of rituals!
To read more on the energies of this powerful cazimi transit, please check out one of my favorite astrologers, Chani Nicholas’s, blog on this astrological event HERE.
May this Leo New Moon help you accept and even love the darker places within you so that you may show up and shine as the unique light you already are.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For journal prompts and more on the astrological forecast, read Melissa’s Astrology of the Moon below.
Check out the YouTube Moon video!
journal prompts leo new moon:
What parts of me have been feeling hidden or in the dark?
How can I shine the light of my own love into these darker places?
When I feel into the energy and light within my own heart, what words describe the essence I feel?
What does it feel like to believe in myself?
What are the relationships in my life where I feel most supported and seen?
Which relationships and actions make me feel like I’m shining brightly?
astrology of the Moon
with melissa from mindset maven
New Moon in Leo:
August 16, 2023 @ 2:38 am (PST) / 5:38 am (EST)
mindset maven melissa:
Hey y'all, my name is Melissa and I'm your spiritual bestie who speaks Astrology!
I discovered Astrology a few years ago after hitting a rut in my own life and searching for a way to gain greater awareness. It was a tool that really allowed me to truly understand what my gifts were as well as what were my challenges.
Nothing lights me up more than helping others recognize how to use their gifts (or astropowers) in a way that allows them to show up for themselves through those challenging times.
Connect with Melissa on her website: realmindsetmaven.com
or over Instagram: @realmindsetmaven
Sun squares Uranus (August 15th @10:35pm EST):
The Sun is our vitality, our self, and how we shine. Uranus is the planet of sudden change, rebellious energy, and breakthroughs.
Squares can initially bring up challenging aspects but give us the opportunity to regroup and learn how to tap into using the energy in way that is positive. This has the potential to help us lean into unique forms of self-expression, create some type of breakthrough, or a self-actualization moment. Paired with the New Moon in Leo, this has potential to discover new forms of creativity, love, and play!
Mars trines Uranus (August 16th @9:53am EST):
Uranus transits are sandwiching this New Moon! This one will give you the boost and drive to take on the “a-ha” moments and breakthroughs. There is a support and ease that this brings to what we are taking on or creating. Mars will give us the motivation for the innovative thinking that we might have come up with this New Moon.
do you want to help?
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!