Green Quartz

Green Quartz

from $55.00

  • Green Quartz assists in transmuting negative energy into positive and has a calming and uplifting impact. Due to its green color, it is also used for attracting prosperity, creativity, and success. Green Quartz is linked with love and empathy helping us tune into our own personal truths and Collective Consciousness as well.

  • Energize and beautify your interior spaces with these gorgeous live succulents planted in stunning, high-quality crystals. These beauties look amazing everywhere, but especially on bedside tables, desks, and bookshelves. They require very little care and maintenance, simply provide bright, indirect light and water ~1-2x per month (only when the soil is completely dry).

  • Please note: Items may vary from those pictured. Custom orders with specific crystal materials & plant choices also available.

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