Taurus Full Moon Eclipse
we all belong to earth
Taurus Full Moon with Lunar Eclipse
october 28th
1:24 Pm (pst)
Hi friends,
Are you taking care of your precious heart during these painful times?
And are you remembering to stay present in your life and in your own experience, even while caring and grieving for the terrible loss, pain, and suffering so many are currently experiencing?
This Taurus full Moon with lunar eclipse on Saturday October 28th wants to help us do both those things - grieve and rage for the atrocities of war and violence, while also staying grounded in our own presence. This allows us to stay in the vibration of peace and ripple that energy out into the world.
Grounded Taurus support
A fixed Earth sign, Taurus is committed, supportive, stabilizing, peace-oriented and stubborn too, just like the Bull they are represented by. The most sensual sign in the Zodiac, Taurus is all about life’s pleasure’s, both simple and luxurious. Taurus energy wants us to prioritize self-care and pleasure in our daily lives, and in simple moments. Ruled by Venus, Taurus embodies stability, determination and a deep sense of belonging with Earth.
Belonging is a big theme with this Taurus Full Moon Eclipse. This Moon reminds us that we’ve been getting it all wrong for far too long. Earth does not belong to us, but rather we belong to Earth. I personally believe that 99% of all the world’s problems would be solved if we could remember and embody this truth.
How would we treat Earth and each other differently if we remembered our belonging?
As the Moon reaches her fullest in Taurus, she encourages us to ground ourselves in belonging, interconnection and self worth,
When I connected with the Moon intuitively, the first thing I felt was the deep desire to wail, scream, rage and grieve. To cry out for the senseless and violent loss of life and home due to the brutality of extremist leaders. To rage against the voices trying to coerce us into further division to keep us at war with each other in mind and Spirit. To grieve for all us people as we witness cycles of retributive violence along with the hatred they bring. And especially to grieve for the innocent children sacrificed to this insanity. To rage with the energy of a mother bear, to protect the children, because I firmly believe that all children are all our children.
Collectively, we are in grief yet again.
Yet please always remember that grief is an expression of love. To grieve is to know your heart has loved and is still loving. So grieve and remember our capacity to love, because I believe is it our love that will heal us.
This Taurus full Moon is a great time to be compassionate with ourselves and with others, as so many of us are extremely triggered and traumatized at this moment. The Sun is in the dramatic and transformative sign of Scorpio, so we may feel ourselves really taken down into the depths of watery emotions.
Full Moons are well known for pulling our emotions up to the surface to be seen and addressed. With all going on the world, and the intensity of eclipse energy and Scorpio season, we can expect this Taurus full Moon to be even extra emotionally charged. So be compassionate with yourself and with others too. So many of us are in fear, pain and suffering, and unfortunately too often, hurt people hurt people.
Grounding & Centering Practice
One supportive way to work through this emo Taurus full Moon is through consistent grounding with Earth, and centering with our own hearts. Here is a grounding practice I’ve been using to both connect me with the support of Earth along with my own centered values, not influenced by the chaotic noise all around me.
Get offline - log off the news and social media apps and get present indoors or out.
Find a spot to sit or lay comfortably and become aware of your breath.
Take some deep and slow steady inhales and exhales, pulling in fresh air with every inhale and letting go with every exhale.
Imagine roots growing from your feet and sit-bone down into Earth, finding a place to anchor. See, feel, sense and know that your roots are connecting with Mother Earth.
Take your deepest inhale of the day, seeing/hearing/feeling Earth energy rush into your body. With your full exhale, feel that energy settle into your body. Breathe like this a few more times.
Now place your hands over your heart as you return to your natural breathing pattern. Feel your heartbeat under your hands, and begin to listen to the subtle sounds of your own beating heart.
Begin to breathe deeply into the heart space as you focus solely on the pace of rhythm of your own beat.
Feel into the energy of your own heart. Does it feel warm or cold? Expanded or constricted? Tingly or numb? Breathe and feel.
Return again to the sound and feel of your own heartbeat. Let all thoughts drift as you focus on the rhythmic beat of your heart.
Focus on your feet and sit-bone area and take a few more deep breaths, intentionally pulling Earth energy up into your body with every inhale, and letting that energy settle within your body with every exhale.
When you feel complete, thank Mother Earth, your heart and your whole-self, gently open your eyes and go on with your day.
If at any time during this practice, you feel like sharing the love you feel in your heart with the world, by all means please do. Just remember to receive some of that energy you send out into the world yourself.
By connecting with Earth and our own heartbeats we come back to the present moment and our own sense of energetic sovereignty, which is also what this Taurus full Moon is asking us to do.
Lunar Eclipse Vibes
A lunar eclipse occurs when the Earth aligns perfectly between the Sun and the Moon, casting a subtle shadow upon the lunar surface. This cosmic event acts like a supercharged full Moon - meaning it’s a powerful time for emotional illuminations and opportunities to just let go. And as I’ve mentioned before, eclipses are times when fated, yet often chaotic, things happen.
Going with the flow is the mantra on repeat during eclipses and eclipse season.
This is the last eclipse occurring within Taurus, after almost two years of Eclipses within this sign (and Scorpio as well). During this final lunar eclipse in Taurus, we can ask ourselves: how has our relationship with Earth shifted, both personally and collectively?
With this lunar eclipse occurring in Taurus, while the Sun is in Scorpio, we are also asked to balance our earthy, peace-loving side, with our watery, drama-loving one. We are asked to find our own peace within and radiate that out into a world in desperate need of more peace. In order to do this, we need to take care of ourselves.
Life circumstances, global events, and relationship challenges often activate us during eclipses and eclipse season. Yet new perspectives and transformative epiphanies come on the heels of these challenges. So do be sure to pay attention to any eye-opening realizations, especially those related to knowing our own needs and ways to care for ourselves, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
May this Taurus Full Moon Lunar Eclipse help us find the power and magic of coming back home - home to Earth and home to our own hearts. May this lunation return us back to ourselves, to our own experiences, to our own bodies, thoughts, values and rhythms and may we turn this homecoming into a prayer for all humanity.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For journal prompts, read on below.
Check out the YouTube Moon video!
journal prompts taurus full moon eclipse:
How can you safely express your grief and rage for what’s happening in the world right now?
How can you find safety in your relationship with Nature?
What are some of your current needs? How are you taking care of yourself?
Where do you feel you belong?
What does belonging feel like in your body?
What is keeping you from feeling your own belonging? Can you let these things go?
do you want to help?
For those looking to provide aid in the current humanitarian crisis occuring in the Israel and Palestine region, but don’t want to contribute any funds that may end up paying for tools of war, please check out the World Central Kitchen, who is already on the ground providing necessary meals and water to those impacted. [Click here to donate to World Central Kitchen, who are providing meals and water to those in need in the region.]
To help support the recovery efforts in Maui please visit and donate to :
The Maui Strong Fund through Hawai’i Community Foundation
To donate directly to families impacted and in need please visit this Instagram page: @lahaina_ohana_venmo
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!