Aries Full Moon & Autumn Equinox
let your self free
Full Moon in Aries
September 29th
2:57 Am (pst)
Hi friends,
How are you feeling since the new Moon in Virgo?
I hope you’re feeling rooted in your own desires and more motivated to show up for them. We’ll all be happy to know that the Aries full Moon definitely keeps us fired up in our motivation and momentum.
There’s an eruptive energy of no more holding back with this Aries full Moon. “Let it out,” was the message I heard when I connected intuitively with the energy of this lunation. Let out the words, messages, truth, art, vision and energy that wants to be expressed through you. Also let go of anything that is keeping you from letting out the expression that is asking to emerge from you.
The Aries Full Moon wants to help us illuminate those things (patterns, stories, habits, etc.) making us feel stifled and unseen/unheard/unfelt/unknown, and pushes us to liberate and unmuzzle ourselves from these perceived shackles.
“Let your self free,” this lunar energy encourages.
There’s an energy of excitement with this Aries Full Moon, a feeling like something is coming that’s worth feeling excited about. With this excited energy is also a reminder to not rush ourselves, to instead allow for sustainable aligned growth. A reminder to trust in the process and have faith in ourselves for the long haul, while also learning to let go of control, allowing for more surrender especially as we head into Eclipse season next month.
This actually feels like a pretty optimistic way to head into Eclipse season (where often lots of “exciting” things happen,) as this is the last lunation we have before the eclipses are here once more. The Aries Full Moon also begins to share with us some themes we’ll be experiencing over the next year and a half of eclipses within the Aries-Libra axis. (You can read more about that in the Cancer New MoonBlog where I talk about the lunar nodes.) So it’s wise to pay attention to themes illuminated during this lunation.
SPeaking Of Aries and Libra…
Aries’ fiery energy is about “me,” passion and aligned, authentic action. Libra’s airy energy is about “we,” equality, consideration and balance. The Libra Sun paired with the Aries Moon guides us to balance our selfishness with our selflessness - recognizing our harmony lies in that balance. We want to lean into our “selfishness” by caring for our needs, getting clear on our desires, and expanding our self-love. And we want to lean into our selflessness by acknowledging others needs and desires are as valid and worthy as our own, and remembering our interconnection.
The Aries Full Moon encourages us to balance our self focus with our community focus, our me with our we. We suffer if we people please and deny our own needs, and we also suffer if we focus solely on our self and forget our connections with others. This Aries and Libra polarity reminds us that balancing self with other is the sweet spot for relationships and connections.
Being that Libra season is represented by the scales of justice, it’s no surprise balance is a major theme with the Aries Full Moon. The theme of balance is also enhanced by the Autumn Equinox happening one week prior to this full Moon, on September 22nd - 23rd, 2023.
Autumn Equinox* (9.22 - 9.23)
(*While it’s Autumn Equinox on the Northern Hemisphere, it’s Spring Equinox on the Southern Hemisphere.)
Equinoxes are all about the balance of the day and night, the dark and light, and the recognition of the equality, necessity and value of them both. The Yin-Yang symbol beautifully encapsulates the energy of the Equinox - or the two moments of the year with the most equal amount of day and night.
The Autumn Equinox reminds us to celebrate our harvests while also beginning to prepare for the slow down and release of the Winter that is coming. So take time this Equinox to congratulate yourself for where you are right now, and how far you’ve already come. Take time to celebrate your self and look to the areas in your life where you feel bountiful and abundant.
Personally, my fig trees and passion fruit vines are gifting us loads of fruits right now, and they are such beautiful reminders for me of how abundantly blessed I am. How abundantly blessed we all are when we remember that delicious and nutritious foods literally grow from the ground for us to enjoy.
The Autumn Equinox is also a good time to intentionally find areas in your life where you can just let go. Let go of worry, comparison, shame, pressure, busy-ness, uber-productivity and unnecessary responsibilities. How can you find balance by letting go of things that want to fall away?
Autumn also reminds us the beauty that exists in the downward spiral of decay and dormancy. Think about the vibrant display of color the leaves create prior to their descent from the trees. Consider how that descent allows for the leaves to decompose back into energy to help the tree grow new leaves again. Death is part of life - the Autumn Equinox reminds us.
So what needs to figuratively die in your life right now, in order to allow something new to be reborn?
May this Aries Full Moon and Autumn Equinox guide you to celebrate your achievements, stay focused and motivated in your vision, and liberate yourself from any constraints stifling your self-expression.
with infinite love & appreciation,
For journal prompts, read on below.
Check out the YouTube Moon video!
journal prompts aries full moon:
Where do you feel the most motivation and momentum in your life right now?
Where do you feel the most stagnation?
What are some ways you can release those stagnant energies? (Examples include: jumping/shaking, dancing, body-led movements/somatics, Nature time, talking it out with a trusted person)
What is a message/medicine that wants to be expressed through you?
How can you allow yourself to let out, and even share, this expression?
How is your relationship with people pleasing? How might you be placing others’ needs in front of your own?
How is your relationship with your self? How are you connecting with your needs?
astrology of the Moon with melissa
Venus Square Uranus (Retrograde):
The square will be happening in the afternoon after the peak of the Aries Full Moon. This is not a new vibe for us because of the Venus retrograde that we went through.
Have there been breakthroughs in relationships with others or even yourself that you can truly use the trailblazing energy of Aries to close out?
Mercury Trines Uranus (Retrograde):
Happening the day after the Full Moon, this transit can lend some support to different ways of thinking and communicating. Originality and flexibility in thinking or communicating are a few themes with is transit. Paired with the Aries Full Moon we could have some magical outcomes around releasing old ways of thinking and embracing new innovative ones.
Happy Full Moon!
do you want to help?
On August 8, 2023, a massive wildfire, spurred on by hurricane force winds and mismanagement of the land, swept through the sacred town of Lahaina, Maui, leaving a trail of death and destruction in its wake. There is so much grief and sorrow we feel for this loss, and in times like these it is imperative that we show up for each other through whatever support we are able to give.
To help support the recovery efforts in Maui please visit and donate to :
The Maui Strong Fund through Hawai’i Community Foundation
To donate directly to families impacted and in need please visit this Instagram page: @lahaina_ohana_venmo
Mahalo nui loa and ahoi ho.
Let’s never forget how much power we hold when we come together to support and uplift each other. We the people can and do make a difference. Click on the links below for some simple ways how.
Environmental Protection
Reproductive Rights
Human Rights/Anti-Racism Justice
Gun Reform
LGBTQIA+ Equality
To help counter discriminatory legislation coming out against the Trans and LGBTQIA+ communities, please check out The Trevor Project.
If you enjoy learning about working with the Moon’s energies, please subscribe to my bi-monthly Moonletters, by entering your information at the bottom of this page. Thank you!