plant of the month archive: sansevieria
Sansevieria zeylanica
Sansevieria - commonly referred to as Snake Plant or Mother In Law Tongue - is one of my favorite succulents for indoor botanical decor.
Here are some reasons why I adore Sansevieria:
1. They are extremely hardy and tolerant of both bright sun and deep shade.
2. They appreciate neglectful watering (seriously, you can water these guys once a month and they're good to go!)
3. They encompass a huge variety of specific types, with varying hues, heights and even textures.
4. These are super air purifiers according to NASA Clean Air Study! Sansevieria are one of many plants able to purify indoor air from toxic chemicals like formaldehyde and benzene.
5. Unlike most plants, they continue to absorb carbon dioxide during the night, making these a great bedroom plant. Leaves can be toxic so keep away from young children or pets.
Sansevieria fernwood
Background: Sansevieria cylindrica
Foreground:Sansevieria patens
SANSEVIERIA are a genus of about 70 different types of flowering plants that are native to Madagascar, Africa and southern Asia. They typically reproduce by clustering, sending shoots of new plantlets off from their roots.
The many varied species of Sansevieria are generally separated into two types; hard leaved and soft leaved.
Hard leaved:
*typically native to dry regions
*thick, hard and succulent leaves that store water and reduce moisture loss
*leaves are oftens shorter and more cylindrical in shape
Soft leaved:
*typically native to tropical and sub-tropical regions
*wider, thinner and softer leaves
*typically grow much larger and more clustering than hard leaved types