Botanical Infusions: Drinking My Way to Better Health

Have you ever thought about how drinking plants can boost wellness? Because I never really did, not until both my husband and I were dealing with some chronic health conditions. Our conditions were very different - mine related more to mental and hormonal health, and my husband’s related to auto-immune issues. Yet we discovered that botanical infusions would support both of us in the ways we needed for better health and wellness. We’ve been drinking botanical infusions for a little over a year, and feeling so grateful that it is now a part of our wellness practice.

For me personally, I drink the infusions to support my hormones and my cells, along with the benefits for mental health too. I’ve had my fair share of experiences with anxiety, depression and negative self - talk. Over the last five years in particular I’ve learned that Nature is always the best medicine for my head, my heart, my body and soul. Creating herbal infusions felt like the logical and emotional next step in my connection to the plants for healing.

I’m happy to report that I’ve noticed many positive changes since started to drink herbal infusions daily. The first thing I noticed, a few weeks in, was how strong and long my nails were growing. Prior to drinking the infusions, my nails felt thin and weak, often breaking - yet now my nails grow quickly and they are strong too! My skin also became much softer, especially the skin on the back of my hands. It felt like I was able hydrate my skin from the inside out.

Emotionally, I find myself feeling overall less anxious and noticed my sleep feels consistently more deep. Energetically, I connect deeply with the act of preparing the infusions each night, and each morning gifting the discarded plant materials to my compost and gardens as an act of gratitude & reciprocity for Earth.

Please note that I am not an herbalist or naturopathic doctor, and this blog post is in no ways meant to constitute medical advice or promote the use of botanical remedies to take the place of needed medications for physical and/or mental health. What I hope this post does, is share the additional support that plant remedies - like botanical infusions - can provide to enhance our overall health and wellness. It is always recommended that you speak to a health professional prior to starting any new remedies, especially if you are currently on any medications, are pregnant or breastfeeding, or have any chronic conditions.

Here are the types of botanical infusions we drink weekly. Scroll down to learn more about the health benefits of each plant.








Nettle (urtica dioica)


This common “weed” is packed with vitamins, minerals and more! Many of these nutrients act like antioxidants in the body, which helps defend the cells against damage from free radicals which are linked to complications with aging, cancer and other diseases. Studies have found that ingesting nettle can raise the antioxidant levels in the blood. Nettle contains vitamins A, C, K and several B vitamins. As far as minerals, nettle possesses calcium, iron (meaning that is a really good infusion for during and after the menstrual cycle), phosphorus, potassium and sodium


Studies have found that both a topical nettle cream and ingesting nettle has reduced pain related to inflammatory conditions like arthritis.


Nettle has traditionally been used as a means of reducing blood pressure. It contains compounds that can act to relax the muscles of the blood vessels, helping them widen and also relaxes the heart by reducing the force of its contractions. Animal studies have found that nettle can lower blood pressure and raise the heart’s antioxidant defenses.


Nettle contains compounds that are thought to mimic the effects of insulin in the body. Both animal and human tests have found that nettle can lower blood sugar, but more tests are needed to know for sure to what extent.


Nettle promotes the health of the liver, protecting it against damage damage from toxins, heavy metals and inflammation



Red Clover Leaf (Trifolium pratense)

Traditionally, red clover leaf has been used to treat menopause, bone health asthma, heart disease, skin disorders and even cancer.


While more research is needed on this topic, there is soem evidence of red clover reducing some symptoms of menopause like hot flashes and night sweats, along with anxiety and depression.


During aging some women suffer from osteoporosis – or a condition when bones begin to lose their mineral density and become weak. Red Clover contains isoflavins (which are a a type of phytoestrogen) and some research has found a connection between ingesting isoflavins and decreasing osteoporosis risk.


There is scientific evidence of red clover extract supporting healthy skin and hair and even increasing hair growth and decreasing hair loss (in men).


There is some evidence of postmenopausal women gaining heart health benefits from red clover – like decreasing bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol (HDL). Again, more research is needed.

 SOURCE Healthline


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Burdock Root (Arctium lappa)

The roots of the burdock plants have been used medicinally for hundreds of years – most often as a digestive aid and diuretic.


Burdock roots possesses many antioxidants, which protect our cells from the damage of free radicals.


BUrdock root is thought to help fight inflammation in the body. A 2014 study found that burdock root decreased inflammation for patients with osteoarthritis.


Burdock root purifies the blood by removing toxins from the bloodstream. It also promotes increases circulation.


Burdock root may inhibit some forms of cancer – a 2016 study found that burdock root significantly interfered with cancer cell growth.

· Source: Healthline



Oat Straw (Avena  sativa)

The seeds of this plant become the common oats we are so familiar with, but the stems and leaves are what oat straw is made of. Believed to reduce inflammation and improve brain function and mood oat straw is high in Iron, Manganese and Zinc which especially beneficial during and after a cycle for those still menstruating.


Oatstraw improves blood flow due to a unique group of antioxidants (avenanthramides) which are known to improve heart health. It also contains molecules called nitric oxide that helps dilate blood vessels.


Oat straw’s unique antioxidants have also been shown to reduce inflammation. When we decrease inflammation in the body, we decrease the risk of contracting many illnesses caused by chronic inflammation, like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and even some cancers.


Traditionally, oat straw has been used to relieve, stress, anxiety and depression while promoting more relaxed and restorative sleep. More research is needed but oat straw is thought to improve our brain health while reducing stress and poor sleep.

Source: Healthline



Hawthorne Berries (Crataegus)

Hawthorne Berries have been used for thousands of years (especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine) as a remedy for digestive problems, heart failure and high blood pressure.


Hawthorne berries contain high levels of antioxidants which can lower risk of: some cancers, type 2 diabetes, asthma, some infections and heart problems.


Scientific studies have found that patients with heart failure who are taking Hawthorne berry extracts have less fatigue, shortness of breath and heart palpitations. There is some evidence that Hawthorne berries can reduce blood pressure by causing constricted blood vessels to relax. And some think they may also decrease the amount of bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood, but further research is needed.


They may contain anti-inflammatory properties. Studies of mice have found that Hawthorne berries can reduce inflammation yet more studies are needed on people.


Hawthorne berries have been used for centuries to treat indigestion and stomach pain. They contain fiber which reduces constipation and acts as a prebiotic for optimal gut health.

HAIR HEALTH·        

These berries may prevent hair loss and increase hair health and are actually common ingredients used in hair growth products.


May help reduce anxiety due to the mildly sedating effect it can have.

Source: Healthline


 Linden (derived from Tilia species of trees)

Used in folk medicine for hundreds of years. linden was a common folk remedy for high blood pressure, and for soothing indigestion and anxiety.


Linden possesses numerous antioxidants that act to consume free radicals in the body that can otherwise lead to chronic inflammation.


During a fever, linden tea can help promote sweating which cools down the body. It also as been used to help promote a productive cough during minor colds


Linden promotes relaxation due to an extract within it that mimics the brain chemical GABA. GABA (gaba-aminobutyric acid) decreases brain excitably which promotes feeling of more relaxation in the mind. It also has a sedating quality that helps with sleep.

 Source: Healthline








with love,
