Succulents for the Chakras
Over the last year or so, as I’ve started meditating and trying to be more mindful, I’ve been studying about chakras. Have you heard of chakras before? While I had heard about them in yoga classes I didn’t really know much about them aside from them corresponding with areas of your body and that they are associated with the colors of the rainbow.
According to ancient Ayurvedic and Yoga philosophy, CHAKRAS are seven main energy vortexes within and surrounding specific areas in the body, from the base of your tailbone to the top of your head. These vortexes move the flow of life force energy (prana) through the body - essentially these are the junctions where your physical form (body) meets with your spiritual form (consciousness). Each chakra vibrates at a different frequency and responds to colors that vibrate at similar frequencies. When flowing freely, you feel in good health and spirits. Yet when your chakras are blocked, energy stagnates within areas of your body, leading to physical and emotional ailments.
Our chakras respond to vibrations of energy - because when it comes down to it, it is all about energy - and there are lots of energetic tools you can use to help align and rebalance your flow of prana/energy. Examples include color therapy, sound therapy, massage, crystal therapy, and of course deep emotional work.
Flower Chakra Illustration by Oleksiy Maksymenko
Photo Credit: Corey Villicana
Flowers - especially the lotus (which is most often associated with the crown chakra) - are frequently used as a tool to open up our chakras and get more positive energy flowing again. Many don’t even realize it, but just think how drawn we are to flowers - how they make us happy and lift our spirits and the energy in our homes. The flowers vibrate at an energy level that we respond to energetically as well, often with joy, pleasure and an overall feeling of relaxation.
I began pondering how working with the varying shades and characteristics of all the different succulents out there can also help us balance our chakras. Succulents come in all the colors of the rainbow and they each have so much “personality” (for lack of better word). After spending years working and playing with them, I began to consider the succulents that I felt best aligned with our chakras, based on their colors, characteristics and the energy vibrations I get working with them. So read on to learn a bit more about the 7 chakras and my favorite choices for their corresponding succulents.
1. ROOT (muladhara)
Color: Red (& black)
Location: Base of spine
Emotions: Physical identity, stability, security and ambition
Have you ever seen the roots of an Aloe vera plant? They are deep (especially for a succulent) thick, and strong. Aloe vera are also amazing medicinal plants - providing stable and secure remedies for human ailments for centuries. Aloe vera will also turn bright red on their tips, and even a dark maroon when in stress, aligning them even more with the root chakra.
2. SACRAL (svadhishthana)
Color: Orange
Location: Lower abdomen below the belly button
Emotions: Influences emotional identity, creativity, pleasure, abundance, sensuality, fertility
The bright orange color of these adorable rosette shaped succulents in full sun, is enough to make this comparison. These sun loving succulents are also amazing propagators - reproducing themselves quickly both through fallen leaves and pups. They are also a great plant to take clippings from to use for creative projects like wreaths and living frames. These traits remind me of the sacral chakra which is all about creativity, abundance and fertility.
3. SOLAR PLEXUS (manipura)
Color: Yellow
Location: The stomach
Emotions: Influences self-love, self-confidence, emotional regulation, ego and some intuition as well.
It’s right there in the name isn’t it? Sunburst and Solar plexus! It just takes one look at these stunning striped yellow, green, redish/pink plants to feel a sense of confidence and joy. They also grow a pretty tall stem (as far as succulents go) reminding me of a person with a strong spine and great deal of confidence. This plant was the first succulent that popped into my mind when thinking about the Solar Plexus chakra.
4. HEART (anahata)
Color: Green (and Pink as well)
Location: The chest
Emotions: Influences trust, love, acceptance, compassion and empathy
I had a hard time choosing between these two lovely rosette succulents. The agavoides has a beautiful deep green color, often with red or pink hued tips. The Tippy is a more minty green with stunning pink tips. Their flower like shape reminds me of the way flowers connect to our hearts. I also find those two succulents to be the most trustworthy echeveria for low light and indoor use - further aligning them with the heart chakra.
5. THROAT (vishuddha)
Color: Blue
Location: The throat
Emotions: Influences communication, creativity, truthfulness & your truth
It is the beautiful blue hue of this succulent, along with the sweet song of the bird, that reminds me of the THROAT CHAKRA. Blue is often a rare color to find in blooms yet there are some succulents that are tinged with bluish shades. Like the Echeveria blue prince and peacockii and Sedeveria blue mist!
6. THIRD EYE (ajna)
Color: Indigo
Location: The forehead right in between the eyes.
Emotions: Influences inspiration, imagination, self-realization and intuition
The vibrant purple hue of this rosette succulent brings it to mind for the THIRD EYE CHAKRA, along with the unique way it blooms - sending a long and strong stem straight from the center - look a periscope wanting to see more!
7. CROWN (sahasrara)
Color: Indigo
Location: The top of the head.
Emotions: Influences spirituality and faith, connection with the Divine and all creation, Universal Consciousness.
The shape of the Lola - its beautifully tipped leaves and the spiraling and tight pattern it creates as it grows - often reminds me of the Lotus flower which is most often aligned with the crown chakra. There is just something about this plant that always inspires, always reminds me of connection to all life - and that is what the crown chakra is all about.
crystals and chakras:
Science has taught us that atoms are in constant motion, ceaselessly vibrating and spinning around everything in creation. The atoms spinning around crystals are unique in that they follow the most symmetrical pattern possible, which is called a “crystal lattice”. This symmetry is what makes crystals incredibly powerful keepers and broadcasters of energy and vibrations. As humans, we can use crystals as tools to help us harmonize our own atomic and energetic vibrations - which tend to be a lot messier what with being human and all!
Want to learn more about specific energy vibrations of crystals? Check out my CRYSTAL SUCCULENTS COLLECTION, which provide a powerful combination of crystals and plant pairings (these can be shipped all over the US).
“if you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”
- nikola tesla
thanks for reading,
Crystals: The Modern Guide to Crystal Healing - by Yulia Van Doren
Idiots Guide to Ayurveda - Sahara Rose Ketabi